Just got home from playing Gloomhaven tonight and I finally retired the first character of the campaign. After a very silly mission that involved us all getting split into separate areas and then just rushing past mobs no open treasure chest, I completed my personal quest and got to retire my mindhunter. It's been a long time coming trying to get a character retired but we finally did it.
I unlocked a brand new character called the plague herald which i will be playing next session and also got to open the record book from in town that will help us track our characters and progress moving forward. I also get to start my new character off at level two with an extra perk. That happens to be exactly how far I got on my old character so things kinda worked out for me in that department.
I think we will really start focusing on the campaign story now that we got our first character retired. Hopefully we will be able to keep playing on a regular basis now and start making real progress through Gloomhaven.