Chain Clash introduces provably unique in-game names!

in gaming •  5 years ago 

When it comes to blockchain in games, there’s a ton of hype around it. And that’s what mostly draws players in, not how this technology betters games compared to traditional ones.

With Chain Clash, we don’t just want to show how blockchain can be used in gaming — we want to highlight its benefits. We do this with a game that is specifically targeted at blockchain enthusiasts by essentially making a game about blockchains, not only using the DLT.

One of the ways we utilize the power of blockchain really well is our avatar name system. Avatar names are supposed to be unique, but how can one check that they actually are and we’re not just claiming that? To encourage more transparency, we designed the following features.

Name tags and names

All avatars are minted with a default name. We don’t know how many avatars will be out there later in the future, so we cannot come up with an infinite number of cool-sounding default names. Plus, we want names to be unique, so how do we guarantee that a name which we want to use as default isn’t already taken? And how can you make your avatars more exclusive?

We start off with Name Tags. These are consumables that work as vouchers for claiming and reserving a name for one of your avatars. Name tags are fungible, so without names associated with them, they’re all the same. Think of them as blank army dog tags with no imprint:


The claiming process is fairly simple. You basically send a name tag to our game smart contract together with a name you want to claim. Our system automatically checks whether this name is already claimed, and if not, adds it there with your EOS account name as the owner. This way, any name is provably unique and can be directly assigned to your account.

For the more technical folks out there, there’s a catch 22:
Checking a large list of names for whether an element is in there or not is pretty expensive to do on a blockchain. Therefore, we have offloaded this task to an off-chain component until we find a more efficient way of conducting this on the blockchain. However, your names are still stored on-chain!

Assigning names

Once a name is yours, you can assign it to an avatar. This assignment will be made on-chain, so it’s clear that a name now belongs to this specific fighter. Once assigned, a name cannot be taken away from an avatar again (that would be weird, wouldn’t it). Assuming that some avatars might become very popular only because of their names, we expect names to make a fair share of avatars’ value.

You can and are absolutely encouraged to play around with the naming mechanic — just keep in mind that avatars will always go with their last assigned name. Once you change an avatar’s name, the previous one will become available for someone else to claim.

Restricted names

We have a list of restricted names on Chain Clash. Don’t take it as a censorship measure though — we simply want to enable various influencers representing our clans to get them their own, real names.

However, we reserve the right to block names should they violate the common hate speech or anti-discrimination rules.

Trading names

Aside from claiming, you will also be able to trade the names themselves on a marketplace through a simple offer system. However, only unassigned names can be exchanged; after all, you don’t want to split ownership of your avatar between the avatar itself and its name, do you?

Benefits for participating in the presale

Anyone who purchases name tags as part of a Chain Clash presale bundle or anyone who has received any bundles from one of our pre-launch promotions will be able to claim their favorite names before the game even launches. The Name Claim feature goes live on March 26th, so you will have an entire week to claim your names before the game launches.

As we want to limit the number of claimable names to roughly the amount of avatars we’ll have at launch, name tags currently are only available as part of the presale bundles. After launch, name tags will be available as standalone items in the store. Make sure to have enough tags to claim all the funny avatar names you already have in mind because they might become precious over time!

About Chain Clash:
Chain Clash is a new, blockchain-based collectible and fighting game. It basically lets you take the arguments you have on Crypto Twitter into a game by representing blockchains and crypto projects through so-called avatars, some of which are humans. Think Pokemon x Crypto Kitties x Celebrity Deathmatch for Crypto Twitter. Sounds easy? Check out more details on our website or join our Discord.

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