South Park: The Fractured but Whole - An Outrageous RPG Adventure [Game Preview]

in gaming •  8 years ago 



I never thought that i would as a small cartoon child, would experience the feeling of giving a dirty old man a fart filled lap-dance on the local stripclub The Peppermint Hippo, this is just one of the unique experiences that the South Park-creators and Ubisoft delivers in their upcoming game The fractured but Whole.

The roleplaying game South Park: The Fractured but Whole has been under development for a long time now and it's been delayed again and again- but thanks to those delays the game is also looking really awesome, if i can base my opinion after the E3 demo at least. The mentioned demo had an great script offering constant laughter from beginning to end.


You'll often fight in teams against teams, but also solo.

There are large areas to explore and many things to experience along the 15 minute long demo path. Interact with characters by starting conversations with them or let a fart go their way, explore important (or less important) objects by punching stuff or blowing them up with firecrackers and a well aimed fart - the possibilities are (almost) endless in South Park: The Fractured but Whole.

The demo, in which the players takes the role of "the new kid" and his companion "Captain Diabetes", you had to trick a specific stripper to appear on stage for a confrontation. The mission was simple and the goal clear, but like other epic adventures it's the path towards the goal that is the experience.


Giving a dirty old drunk man a lap-dance as a small boy was not on the radar when waking up this morning.

The game is over-filled with references, jokes and the type of content you would expect from a South Park-episode. Not just that, but another aspect that South Park: The Fractured but Whole (and it's predecessor The Stick of Truth)* makes it stick out from the crowd. It's clear that they have put as much time and soul on the game as the beloved tv-series. When we talk to Jason Schroeder, senior producer, we get to know that the game includes almost as much content as two complete seasons of the tv-series and what we have so far seen of the script in action is looking very good.


South Park: The Fractured but Whole's fights has been displayed before but it's clear this time around much more depth and strategy is required. It demands more tactical decisions where you as a player move across a squared battlefield. The battles work much the same way as other turn-based strategy games does, in which you position yourself to hit the maximum amount of enemies and use different abilities to gain control of the battle-field.


The turn-based battles has gain a lot more depth and strategy this time around.

The turn-based format let's the characters and their humor & personality shine trough much clearer in the middle fight-sequences where dialogue often i heard between punches. There are dedicated buttons that in battle let's you maximize outgoing damage or minimize incoming damage. This means that the game, even if it's a turn-based one, won't let you rest when it's the opponents turn to dish out some punches. The progression - and character development mechanics have been revamped a bit to offer customization in the form of clothes that won't effect you abilities, giving you the appearance you want to have.


Visit iconic South Park locations as you traverse and explore the small town in Colorado.

I will not walk trough what cosmetic upgrades or skills there are for "the new kid" but there is a lot to explore in this aspect i promise you that. Fact is that your character, after you've put your own personal twist on him, will in the end look completely different than your friends character which makes the game's protagonist feel like a true living South Park-character. It feels like the playable character fits right in in the weird little town of Colorado.

If the demo is a good representation of the final quality (which i don't doubt) South Park: The Fractured but Whole will be a game worth to put our teeth in at launch. Keep your eyes on this one.


Towelie, the super-high living-towel wizard. The comedy aspect is as strong as ever.



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Great preview man! One of the games I'm looking forward the most this year!

Great post! Would you mind if I included it in today's "best of gaming"?

Of course dude, so fun you wanna do that! Same here, lol watching South Park and smoking weed as i write this, hehe, love it!

Thanks for reading bro, go in peace! If you ever want to include any of my work feel free to do so without asking in the future :)

well, the trail rules require me to ask everytime, so I'll just keep asking, but I'll assume you'll answer yes okay? :)

aha okay, haha yes i will :) Ask away then! Thanks for sharing my work!