The Legend Of Zelda : A Link To The Past Super Nintendo (The Golden Gems Of Gaming)

in gaming •  7 years ago 

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Welcome back to another review on The Golden Gems Of Gaming daily! Where we review golden gems that you might have missed!


The Legend Of Zelda : A Link To The Past

Not many games will receive a perfect vote from me. Not many games at all.
A link to the past throws in you into an action adventure game where you start off as Link. A small boy who lives in a tree town overlooking a castle. He is told to go to the castle and help the princess. As he stumbles into the rain with no weapon in hand, he heads through the ominous lands toward the castle. haha Pretty dramatic start, I know.
Lets jump into this analysis. Check out some gameplay footage from this gem:

The Good:

Where can I start with this game? The world itself is just amazing. You will find yourself exploring these worlds for hours at a time. The graphics feel like an old RPG game but the gameplay is action adventure oriented. The game sets you out into an open world, much like any other Zelda game, and you are to head to each temple to access an item from that temple. The item you obtain will help you further your quest. That aspect does not change in accordance to other Zelda games.

The sound track is the one we know and love! This is one of the best theme songs written in the history of gaming and mostly all Zelda players can appreciate these sounds and music. The games music always gives me a heartfelt nostalgia and always will. You also get a great chance to visit a ton of places, people, and things you might remember seeing in other future Zelda titles. Such as the witches and the Master Sword.

The enemies are ruthless and you are certainly put into some sketchy situation whens fighting these enemies. The bosses are amazing, as per any Zelda game, they feel huge and take some sort of strategy to beat. So dont think that this Zelda game differs. The puzzles are a bit more simple since we are working with a 2d platform, but just like any other zelda game, the puzzles are fun and will have you feeling like a badass once you solve them. Completion of this game doesnt take an incredible amount of time. It seems as though the game is paced perfectly. It might send you searching for what to do next a few times, but it is all worth it for the adventure and secrets you might find along the way. I always loved how Zelda games gave you the option to choose your adventure as you go. To experience these lands as if they are new lands needing to be explored. Just such a great series.


The Bad:

Nothing. Literally nothing at all. Unless you don't like amazing. I personally have nothing bad to say about this game. For the first time ever. It is only bad if you HAVE NOT played it. So if thats the case, stop reading and start playing.


The Ugly:

This game mirrors the Wii game Twilight Princess in the sense that you have 2 worlds to play in. A light world and a dark world. In A link to the past you enter the dark world as a rabbit.. this eliminates you as a threat to basically anything and degrades you to basically a weak animal that would literally easily be killed and cant kill a think in a world full of darkness and bad. This is pretty ugly. Luckily this is part of one of the puzzles in the game, so its well played. I like to call this game more of a puzzle game with the skin of an action adventure game. The puzzles are always very much so prevalent in The legend of Zelda Series!



You might disagree with me, but I believe this is one of the greatest games ever made. This lays the platform for a ton of greatness that came after. I rarely will give a score of 10/10 but I believe this game deserves it.
I can always go back in play this one even if I played it one month before. The beauty is that they have released this game on all sorts of mobile devices, so you can play it on the road. If you have not played this game, YOU NEED TO, especially if you are fan of the Zelda game series. Do not write this one off because it is old and looks outdated, it still holds up VERY well as a great game and a ton of fun! GO PLAY IT NOW! I hope you enjoyed this episode of the golden gems of gaming daily, if you enjoyed it please upvote! I will see you all tomorrow! Stay awesome!

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