Hello friends steemit friends, hope you guys in good health, this nice day here I will review the game crisis action, I think this game is very interesting, why ?? because this game One of the special teen games android is the Game Crisis Action SEA which is wrong one FPS (First Person Shooter / first shot) game recently released on Google Play. Crisis Action SEA is almost the same as Point Blank games, Counter Strike, Battlefield, Call of Dutty and so forth which is also an FPS game.
Crisis Action android SEA game is developed by Hero Games and the main file when downloaded is 164 MB and when it is installed on the android device will be 215 MB. The graphics of this game are very good and have the right voice.If you want to play this game make sure first connect with the internet because Crisis Action SEA is an online game that will bring together players from around the world to display shrewdness in the shoot. When playing offline then we will only fight the bots that already exist in this game.In this review I will tell all about this game from the usage of the menu in the main page, how to play, game weight, and many more continue to follow my review, we know this game immediately wrote into this game and how to play this game.

The first time before you play this game you have to download it first through the play store on your phone android in this game has a capacity of 215 MB is also pretty draining hp storage and this game online game and can also offline mode in playing this game I use sony smart phone xpria z1 why i use this smart phone ?? because ram same capacities his memory is quite big and if game play is not jammed, maybe with 215MB game capacity to download you have to use wifi if using internet surely takes a lot of drain your internet package is very big so to save on wifi which of course its fast wifi speed of course if you do not have to wait long, after you download it you have to link account, I am here linking account with facebook why hrus linking account because in online mode we can play with friend in facebook us if they play also certainly call, there are some option that is by using facebook, gmail etc. In my account linking use my cancer27 account name because every time I play game I always use that name, cancer is my birthday star and 27 my birth date maybe if you want to play with me you can by searching my account, Once you link the account with cancer27 name you directly enter in room where this room to play game tutorial in android screen.

After we are given this tutorial you go directly to the main page on the main page many menus In this menu there are several other menu options which is also the main menu of this game, as for the menus contained in Main are:
• Notice
Is a menu that gives information to FPS game players good to provide bug messages and other activities to the players.
• Pack
This is a weapon pack with 4000 diamonds. There are 3 packages contained here are Dark Knight, Flash Knight and Death Knight, but we can buy it when it becomes a VIP member.
• Card
In this Card menu we can give the card for bonus, there are 2 choice of purchase that is weekly or monthly. For weekly card purchases you can buy them with Diamonds of 120 and we will get 100% exp, 100% gold, Supermalec Snake, Pasgt-IV, Warface Boots, Firefall Grenade, Oazling Grenade, and 100 honors for a week.
If we buy a monthly card then we will be charged $ 7.99 and will get 30% exp, 30% gold, Bost Privilage, Privilege, VIP Bonus Immunity, 3000 honor, diamonds and also energy.
• Diamonds
This menu will take us to buy diamonds by using dollar payment.
• Lottery
Giving bonuses and rewards can also be obtained here because we will get free attempts free 5 times a day. In the Crisis Action SEA Lottery game menu there are also 2 options: EP Pack Small and EP Pack Medium.
• Slot
In this Slot option we will play something to get very good stuff. If you want to play 1 time slot will be charged 15 diamonds and if you want to rotate 10 times directly will be charged 150 diamonds.
• Equip
Is a place to wear war equipment such as weapons, knives, ammo, helmets, armor, boots, greanade, flash bombs. We can replace the equipment we want by choosing one of the boxes and replacing it with better equipment.
• Rewards
This menu is the place to take rewards or rewards from the quest given by the system. There are 3 types of rewards that will be obtained from Daily Quest, Online Rewards, Exhort For Gift and each type of reward obtained is a variety such as exp, gold, honor and also diamonds.
• Talent
In this Talent menu we can improve the ability of the characters being played, usually the talent obtained is the result of several wars against the enemy. Improved capabilities are speed, HP increase, Reload Speed, Armor Improved and Speed Deployment.
We can also improve the performance of our weaponry by upgrading these weapons by paying for the increased costs.
• Rank
Menu rank is the menu where we will know our position in this game so will give a special gift if it is getting a good ranking.
• Role
We use equipment for the characters that are in this android game, using wear for the head, face, back and tail then the characters that we have will be more unique to play.
• Quick Battle
If you want to immediately start the battle, then it's good to directly choose this quick battle menu which will eventually give us the choice of war anywhere we want.

Viewed from the name of this menu is Battle then it can be known this menu is the menu to battle or compete. In this menu there are 3 options that we can play battle that is:
• Solo
In this Solo menu we will practice shooting properly, here also there are 2 options to play shooting exercises are: Training Missions and Training Ground
• Multiplayer
In Multiplayer there will be several locations that can be used for the war: Rockie, Veteran Route, Route 2, Route 3 to route 17. Each location has different player qualities in accordance with the rank it has.

How to play

After we discuss the menu functions on the main page and tutorials have been played then I will discuss how to play this game, maybe in the game world the story plot of this game is the same as the game point blank war just point blank version of pc and this game android version of course different way playing cuman from the same plot of the story by selecting the room and looking for friends play and you can directly play, in this game how to run this game that is like in the picture above with landscape android screen and in the hands of the screen to run where you will go and next to kana to shoot and choose what weapons you used before there are usually three weapons that are being played that is the caliber shoot, the gun and the knife of course you can wear it with the existing conditions, when you are far away from the enemy you can use the shooting of Kalibri and when your weapon Kalibri discharged then use the pistol in his stead and in d state stick with enemies You can use a knife to play, do teamwork with that you can plan how to attack the enemy and get the victory easily.

In this game I will give tips so you better understand how to play this game, there are 7 tips that I give, that is:
1. how to get lots of Gold in Crisis Action SEA
how to get Gold in Crisis Action SEA, here are some tips from me
• Claim Reward online for 30 minutes
• Complete the Task Ultimate Task (if wrong) which was told to finish 10 missions first because its pretty reward 5000 Gold
• Complete all Task wins while playing games will earn extra Gold and Exp.
2. How to get a lot of Exp in Crisis Action SEA
• Playing games continuously: v
• complete as many tasks as Tasks can
• Raise VIP makes it easy to earn EXP and Gold bonuses
3. how to earn Honor in Crisis Action SEA
• complete all missions in the fashion solo
• Kill as many enemies as you and take all honorariums when earning a bonus Honor.
• play the wheel in the mall, you can get Honor there
4. how to get Diamond in Crisis Action SEA
• buy diaomond: v
• claim sign in rewards
5. how to get ENH Points in Crisis Action SEA
• use ENH PTS Maker
• play PVE mode (must win if want to)
6. how to become a Sniper user PRO
in the use of snipers in crisis action is quite difficult if you are facing the front or see the enemy that is running and you want to shoot. I admit it is a bit difficult in playing sniper, but you can be a player that PRO in playing sniper with the following tips tips.
play with 3 finger control.
This is so that you can easily jump jump when there is an enemy, so the enemy is a bit hard to do aim to shoot you. But playing 3 fingers is not easy, I once played using 3 fingers in crisis action but it did not work because it was so fast that I was able to do the aim a little bit hard.
But this tentus alone can make you play better, all you have to do is practice continuously using 3 fingers in crisis action with deathmatch mode only as a training ground only.
play distance
by playing long distance aims so you can not get killed by the enemy and with you playing like this can increase your chances of increasing nge kill.
But if you already kill many enemies, you have to move places so the enemy does not know your location when firing.
use a good sniper
for sniper I suggest is to use sniper that has high accuracy and also has a high demage as well, because at least funny if you shoot do not get hit and although hit but the enemy is dying and not dead. It often happens when I play crisis action, therefore I give these tips to you.
7. how to easily win in Ranking
I just give these tips to make it easier for you, whether you win or not to depend how you play. Ok, surely you guys prefer to play the rankings rather than playing the usual fashion? you can try some tips from me when you want to win easily when playing ranking.
Do not rush to the headquarters of your opponent
the first thing you do is do not rush to go straight to the opponent's headquarters, because things like increase your chances of death XD wkwkwkwkwk. I often play and go straight to the opponent's headquarters, but the fact is only 60% I managed to attack wkwkwkwkwkwk, later tip tip I also die XD.
play safe
what does that mean by playing safe? yep, play it safe as you should be careful when you play and shrink your percentage of death and more concerned with your kill. There are several ways to play very well when the ranking in crisis action, including:
• go ahead with friends
• forward - hide - forward - hide
• listen to the opposite step (must use earphone / headset)
• use weapons that have high accuracy and demage
• jump jump when facing 1 against 1 with enemy
if you are a beginner but do not have a good weapon or a knight-like weapon, you can use max upgrade ak47 because I think this weapon is quite a pain for beginners.
In the tips that I give you may be able to understand first because it is important to understand the game that I love.

Additional info
• updated November 4, 2015
• 164 Mb size
• version 1.9
• need android version 3.0 and higher content rating 18+ extreme hardness
ok till here my review of crisis action game and tutorial how to play this game from my observation may be able to add information about this game and want to try it and useful.
Wait for my latest update about the upcoming game review of course exciting and exciting game games of course, and do not forget to follow me @dwiki96 to get my latest update.
Source Reference 1 and 2