RE: Indie Game Spotlight: Insert Title Here

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Indie Game Spotlight: Insert Title Here

in gaming •  8 years ago 

This "weird thing" is certainly a weird thing.

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I love little experimental games like this. Bit of a mixed bag though if they'll be great or terrible. There's one art-puzzle game I've been waiting for a full release for a few years now... maybe that's the next one to spotlight.

What's the game called?

Insert Title Here. That's actually the name of the game :P

No, sorry I meant what's the name of the art-puzzle game that you might do next?

Ohhh! Lol, need to click that context button more, sorry. Let's see...

Beyond Perception. Unfortunately the devs haven't said anything in 3 years, so the demo may be all that'll be there. Just posted my look at it and you can get the game here: