Game Recommendation

in gaming •  7 years ago 

-Game Recommendation
Hi friends’ steemit users, we hope they are well! On this occasion, we want to recommend a world famous game, a very fun and strategic game.

League of Legends



It is played in teams; its purpose is to work with your team to destroy the nexus located at the center of the enemy base before they destroy yours. Begin by choosing one of more than a hundred champions, I personally recommend starting with a shooter (racket) called Ashe, since it is very basic and good at the same time. All champions have unique personalities and abilities; some are shooters, which shoot from a safe distance, like Ashe, others are aggressive fighters fans of attacking their opponents face to face, like Garen, we also find sorcerers that trap and attack their enemies with powerful spells. It does not matter how you prefer to achieve your goal, there is a champion for each style.

• Objective #1: The advantage is in the levels, since through them you can attack stronger or resist more to the attacks of the opponent, the secret is in farmear. What is it farmear? It’s killing the people of the allies. Whenever you kill the allies you will receive some experience, which will serve you to raise the powers of ability depending on the champion you use. There are four skills, you activate them with the buttons (Q), (W), (E) and (R), and one is unlocked at each level. To unlock the strongest power or the most useful against the opponent, you will have to reach level six.



• Objective #2: You have to make yourself strong by buying the objects. The objects are bought in the store of your base using the gold you get by killing your enemies. When you buy it, the object goes directly to your inventory and in it you will see its benefits and its power. If you don’t know what to buy check the recommended tab that appears there in the store.



• Objective #3: In League of Legends, when you are already in a game there are three lines; BOT, MID and JUNGLE. In Jungle there are monsters they can kill you if you're not ready, if you kill those creatures you will receive gold, experience and great benefits. In Bot (like bottom line) must go two champions; an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) he must be the champion who gets more damage in the game, together with the help of a SUPPORT, the Support is responsible for defending the Carry to be able to reach greater strength than his opponent. In Mid they are mostly used killers and with enough skills. In TOP they are mostly used champions who have enough armor (TANK) because they are the ones that resist the strongest attacks. In the game, you are free to choose the line you want.



• Objective #4: This objective is one of the most important and we must take into account; each lane is a path between the bases protected by a set of powerful turrets. You must destroy each one of the turrets to be able to reach its nexus. The turrets are very dangerous, even the strongest champion will die if one of them attacks him. To knock them down without dying you must stay behind your people, your people are units controlled by the computer that march throughout the line without rest attacking every enemy on their way. Your opponents also have people, so you must kill them too. You'll get experience, but if it's you who kills them you'll get a little gold.

All this is the basics you need to know to start playing League of Legends A combination of skill, speed and intelligence will take you to the nexus of the opponent and to victory.

Earn money.

Buy objects.

Wipe out your opponent's base.

Well friends, that are all we have for today, we hope you like the game. You can search and register, it's so good and free.
We will be very grateful with your vote, you thanks for reading

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