How To Become A Pro/better player In Bullet Force

in gaming •  7 years ago 


Hello guys, I decided to write on this because I've found that Lotta people die a lot on bullet force. I'm sure most people have come in contact with people who have up to 50+ kills in a match and deaths less that 20. This post will cover the tips you need to know to leave the noob/nab level.

BF will be used as an acronym for bulletforce throughout this guide.

Tip 1 - Know the guns

First, you'll need to which guns you can handle, their advantages and demerits.
BF has a lot in its gun inventory which includes

  • SMG (Sub machine guns)
  • Assault rifles
  • Snipers
  • Secondary weapons(includes mini launchers) and Launchers.

SMGs are known for their lightness and they allow easy strafing. They are the best when in close up combat and closed maps Eg office and the new map meltdown(this is because it's a very tight map). Some of best SMG in my opinion include

  • UMP
  • Mpx
  • Vector


Assault rifles are good for medium and closed range combat and can be easily used on all maps. They are averagely good for strafing with the exception of MG4 and M60. Powerful assault weapons include the

  • AK47
  • Scar-H
  • Famas


Snipers are one shot kill beasts u when you get the target right. These guns are best used by campers except some quick scoping pros. It includes the

  • CsLR4
  • M200
  • M40A5

Now we've learnt a few things about guns let's now move ahead to something important.

Tip 2 - Perks

Perks are like added abilities to make gun handling and game play better. To get more from our gameplay, we should know the perk to use for the right weapon. For example, when using a sniper the best perk combination will be,

  • Fast reload perk
  • Trigger finger(to enable your secondary weapons shoot automatically)
  • Scope in faster
  • And swift hands

For assault, you can use the strafe

  • Faster steafing perk
  • FMJ(for better penetration)


These are just some examples. In-game, there are variety of perks to choose from, so experiment with them.

Tip 2 - Know spawn points

When a player dies, he is deployed to a position or area and his teammates are also deployed there. It's better you know this so you aren't in their spawn area and get hit from behind. Knowing their spawn area also helps you plan your tactical movements better and know where the enemy would most likely come out from.
The best way to know spawn points is by playing Conquest matches.

Tip 3 - Always scope in if possible

The best way to make sure your bullets hits the opponent is by using your scope. Free aiming far opponents is useless most times because you'll just keep on distributing your bullets in the air. Scope in and hit accurately.


Tip 4 - Headshots

Headshots are the easiest way to get a kill in BF. Powerful guns like Ak47, SCAR-H, Mk11 kill with a single head shot tree others kill with two or three at long range. This is why tip 3 is important, it'll not be easy to get a headshots kill if you don't scope in!

Tip 5 - Camping/Don't rush in

Don't always rush to enemy spawn points, stay in areas where they'll like come out from and attack. Snipers are good camping weapons, look for area where you'll not be easily seen and snipe.

Tip 6 - Fixing your hit mark indicator properly when approaching corners

When entering a curve, corner or doorway, fix your cursor in the entrance and move in slowly incase an enemy pops out. It helps you catch him unaware fast.


Tip 7 - Reloading

After a kill or two and your cartridge is running low, reload and take cover when doing so. One tip that also helps, when you see an enemy coming and you need to reload run back and reload while doing so, then wait and fix your cursor where he'll most Iikely attack from and kill. You can also jump if he's very close and knife your opponent.

Tip 8 - White sniper light

Yep, white light. When you see a white light, know it's a sniper so don't run directly towards him or try to stand and shoot. Run in a different direction and take a more tactical approach.
These are some few tips you can apply when playing bulletforce. Questions, suggestions are encouraged throughout the comment section.

Tip 9 - Throwables

There are a variety of throwables available ranging from grenades, flash bang, smokes and shurikens(don't go for this, it's for noobs).
Flash bangs are effective to blind the enemy for a limited time and you can take him out during that period.

Tip 10 - Gun extras

Is your gun recoil giving you much of a problem? Get the muzzle break! Do you Iike having kills without drawing attention? Get the silencer! Note that the silencer reduces firepower or accuracy on some weapons.

Lastly, don't forget to call shuriken/throwing knives spammers Noobs. Lol! Have a wonderful bulletforce experience.

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Bullet force, I've been meaning to re download this game. The last time I did, network frustrated me out. These tips are just gonna help my integration when I finally download

Thanks. I'm sure network would be snapoy this time around.

Hmm, This Tips will help newbees become pro rapidly
Nice post

I have not played this game.. And I believe I'm missing a lot... I would do so asap