in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)

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SGame Pro is the world’s first decentralized platform which permits the users to earn real money and mine cryptocurrencies while playing favorite video games. This platform is designed to provide the users with the freedom of mining crypto coins without facing any difficulty while playing some of the finest video games introduced till the date. The founding company is doing partnership with Pewdiepie who is one of the most popular YouTube star and that is a big achievement and announcement for this company.

When it comes to finding a platform totally dedicated to video games, the Sgame Pro is the one you should choose. This platform is providing a comprehensive whitepaper that explains everything regarding its vision, mission, goals, and operations. You can use the Telegram app to connect with the team. This Eidoo and ICO Engine powered platform is going to change the cause of playing games for every video game enthusiast.

What SgamePro is offering to the players and publishers?


Both players and publishers need some better opportunities to leverage the benefits from the gaming industry. When it comes to the players, the lack of social interactions in single player games and reduce churn rates in the multiplayer games reduce the users’ gaming experience. In addition, constantly growing number of in-app advertisements are simply throwing many mobile game fans out of this industry. Only the publishers make profit from excessive ads and at the same time they also lose a lot of users. The lack of non-invasive promotional techniques, increasing cost of the in-app items, and asking players to pay for the goods only in fiat currency, these all issues are affecting gamers’ experience with the mobile games.

In order to resolve these issues, Sgame Pro is going to turn single player games into asynchronic multi player attractions. It will offer PvP options in which the players can play against 1 or against 100 different players at the same time. In addition, this platform will make in-game advertisements appealing for every gamer by providing a fraction of revenue generated from the in-app adds. All the gamers can use one-stop-shop to buy all the digital goods and they can use the SGM tokens to pay for the goods.


In order to meet publishers’ demands, SgamePro is going to aggregate players. It will provide increasing visibility, user acquisition for video game publishers, and effectively reduce churn. The publishers do not make as much profit as they expect by selling in-game items. It happens because ever gamer is not comfortable with spending fiat money. The SgamePro will permit them to spend SGM tokens in order to acquire more digital goods. The publishers can use these tokens for paying the services offered by this platform and they can also trade this token on digital exchanges.


Final thoughts:

SgamePro is going to make it possible for both gamers and video game publishers to leverage a lot more profit from video games than they do now. The players will get money along with entertainment and the publishers will gain a number of new gamers who would love to check new ads.

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Writer: Cryptoflintcode

Writer's Bitcointalk profile

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