Retro Review - Dino Crisis

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)


Have you imagined a mix between dinosaurs with the survival horror of Resident Evil? Many already know, was a fairly popular game in its time, I'm talking about the classic Dino Crisis, a game that is like the bloody and terrifying version of Jurassic Park.

Today a new retro review of a survival horror that in its time was unconventional, because instead of using ghosts or the classic zombies, they chose to implement dinosaurs: Dino Crisis.


Dino Crisis has a fairly simple story, but at the same time it is a story that was taken in a good way.

Everything starts on an island that is far from everything, on that island Doctor Kirk has dedicated himself to perform secret experiments, experiments that sow terror to our protagonists, but the mystery of the doctor is even greater, because it was believed that he had died a few years ago and now it turns out that he always found himself alive.

Therefore to that island is sent a group of agents integrated by: Regina, Cooper, Gail and Rick, in this island we will discover all the mystery that surrounds the investigation of Dr. Kirk, an investigation, that as I said before, would be a mixture between Jurassic Park with a horror movie, because we will be in contact with dinosaurs that will want to devour and kill us in the worst possible ways, therefore we must solve this mystery and escape from that island.



Graphically Dino Crisis, it was not spectacular but it was not bad, the developers of this game knew how to create an environment of total terror, because of course, we must remember that we are facing a survival horror game, therefore they must present us with an environment that is in accordance with what the genre as such means.



The scenarios do not have pre-loaded backgrounds, as was so characteristic of Playstation 1, but these presented completely 3D designs, that did not look so bad, but for the time it was not a perfected aspect, in the same way I think that currently, it does not look so bad compared to other games.


The characters and the dinosaurs also present completely 3D models, in these if you notice a better detail both in drawing and in color of them, , although it is something normal, it was always about highlighting the characters compared to the environment in which they moved, in the same way that the animation of these is achieved very well, both the movement and the effect of blood that we can see when they attack us, this game has a little gore, something quite logical because we fight against the dinosaurs.




The music is varied, although it is not an aspect to highlight in this game, Dino Crisis has melodies that transmit moments of tranquility and relaxed, while other melodies transmit tension, action and terror. The strong point of this game with regard to this aspect are in the sound effects, since they must transmit both tension and fear at different moments of the game, sound effects like steps, firearms loading and firing or the very sound of dinosaurs roar is an aspect that is given to highlight in Dino Crisis.

Video Author
The Music Forge


If they have played resident evil before, they will realize that the gameplay is similar (not to say it is the same), this is because Dino Crisis as Resident Evil are games created by the same developer, Capcom, therefore this company opted to create a game, importing much of the gameplay that was seen in Resident Evil in Dino Crisis, with the difference that in this game, we do not face zombies.



Its playability is simple, in case you have played previously Resident Evil it will not be difficult for you to play Dino Crisis, because the movement of character and camera is presented in the same way, but if they have never played a Resident Evil, both 1 and 2, it is possible that at the time of playing Dino Crisis it costs a bit to adapt.



In Dino Crisis we must be alert of everything that moves, since it is possible that some false move will cost us our lives, so we must use all the weapons that are available to us well and in the same way, act with caution before certain moments where it is required, all this to not be detected by some of these dinosaurs that want to devour us when going through scenarios such as laboratories and outdoor areas, is where we must use our best skills to escape from that island alive.


Dino Crisis, is a game that in my childhood when I had my Playstation 1, it was a game that I liked a lot and had good times playing it, fleeing from dinosaurs and eliminating them to so many it made me possible.


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I've been thinking about this game a lot lately, I've never played it. Been playing a lot of resident evil 2, thinking about picking this up on psn. I remembered it having prerendered backgrounds and was disappointing when I looked it up a couple days ago to see that they were 3d environments. I might still give it a try though. It looks pretty cool and this was the best era of survival horror.

It is like a resident evil but with dinosaurs, but at the same time maintains its own personality.

para mi uno de los 5 mejores juegos de la PSone @freddbrito, buena publicación amigo.

Es un juegazo, no para cagones xD