Retro Review - EarthBound

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)


Few games have the specialty of being able to count on a history and original personages, in addition to presenting a style that would serve as inspiration to other later games, but not only that, not all games are able to stay through the years and even be a reference for a whole generation, there are few games that have managed to fulfill these aspects, but today let's talk about one in particular that if it did: EarthBound.

So for all those who have played, today a new retro review of this great game.



The story begins when Ness, our main character, a boy who is always seen with a cap, be equipped with a baseball bat and have psychic power, is visited by a neighbor, after tonight a meteorite falls near the place where they live, so the two decide to go investigate,

when arriving at the site of the impact they find a species of fly or wasp that tells Ness that he is the one chosen to save the world of a being that came from the meteorite and is known as the "cosmic destroyer" so our mission is to stop Giygas, and save the world.

During our journey we meet those who will be our three companions of adventures and who likewise are chosen to stop the evil of Giygas, What are they:

  • Paula, a blonde girl wearing a pink dress, able to use different skills like the use of fire.

  • Then we meet Jeff, he would be the most intelligent and the scientist of the group, he is equally blonde and wears glasses.

  • And finally we have Poo, another child who is always seen in his karateka suit and is also the Prince of Dalaam, a kingdom that exists in the world of EarthBound.


Well, EarthBound is about the typical story where we are a group of friends who must save the world from evil, but this game handles this story in a very different way to other games with the same theme, one of the earliest aspects of earthbound where it differs from other games, is the type of skills we can use, abilities that are totally different from other games in comparison, giving us a totally unique gaming experience.


As I said in previous reviews, these types of graphics are my favorites, where with the simplest scenarios can be created and situations of great visual impact, EarthBound has a good graphic quality for the entandares of the time, where a lot of details abound in the scenarios and also with a lot of colors, where the tone used in this game makes it look visually nice and something very little seen in this type of games.


The EarthBound scenarios remind us a lot of what could be a city and neighborhoods of the United States, the developers knew how to represent these places comically. Another point to highlight are the main characters that despite not having highly detailed sprites, can be differentiated with the rest of characters that we find throughout the game.



Earthbound has a very varied soundtrack, where each melody adapts to the situation and the place where we are, all this to allow the player to enter the world that presents this game and much of the music we can find on EarthBound is inspired by many pop culture bands and singers of that era.

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As for the gameplay of EarthBound, you could say that it is a mockery (but in a good way) towards other games of its style, that is to say the RPG, but with big differences, since something that we have become accustomed many RPG games, s to the abundance of magic, magicians, swords and shields, in this game are replaced by baseball bats and even yoyos.


Also in Earthboundwe do not have potions to regenerate the mana, life or heal us of some effect produced by the enemies, but for that we can use normal food, like hot dogs, pizzas and hamburgers.


Other than that it remains an RPG almost equal to the others, fighting in battles by turns, crossing infected dungeons of enemies that we must defeat, although this game is not relatively difficult, perhaps for many the first few hours of play if they seem so, taking into account that during these first hours of game we have only to Ness, so that could ruin the experience to those people who are accustomed to find the group companions quickly.


But if you manage to overcome that, you are facing some of the most original RPG ever made in the video game industry.

Not for nothing EarthBound is in the list of the best RPG games of many people, a game with great style (although simple for many) to tell a story, always showing its humorous side, a 100% recommended game.


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I've only played this game a little. Played more Mother 3, awesome series. Someday I want to finish them all.

I just played EarthBound (Mother 2), is Mother 3 good?

It's very good, great characters and story, with awesome music and rhythm based combat bonuses. I haven't finished it but I love what I've played.

I will put it on the list of future games to play