Retro Review - Monkey Island 2: LeChuck´s Revenge

in gaming •  7 years ago 


Are they ready for more pirates, treasures, comedy and 3-headed monkeys?, because this time I bring a review of a game that for many surpassed its predecessor. Much is said that the second parts are never good, but in the case of video games there are many that are the exception and although this game has some of the most rare and controversial endings in the world of video games, is by far one of the best graphic adventures to date.

So today, a new retro review of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge.


The story begins with our charismatic and humorous protagonist GuyBrush, is in a rather strange situation, is tied to a rope and hang completely in the air, is a beginning of a rather comic and strange story, but they soon tell us everything that happened before GuyBrush came to such a situation.

It turns out that after beating LeChuck in the first game, our beloved GuyBrush as a good treasure hunter embarks on a new adventure in search of the treasure of Big Whoop, but there is a problem, the location of this blissful treasure is in an unknown location, o everything complicates the poor GuyBrush as they are presented with a number of situations both comical and unlucky (for him) for their eagerness to want to find that long-sought treasure.


But this is not the whole story, it turns out that an old pirate companion of LeChuck ,wants to revive it, so by means of the voodoo magic, bring back to life this enemy of the previous game, but with the detail that it is a zombie. Reviving LeChuck is what makes GuyBrush life more complicated, as LeChuck seeks revenge against our protagonist.

Without entering much in spoilers (not to ruin the history to those people who have not played it), Monkey Island 2 brings back that good humor and characteristic of the first game, but I dare to say that improved, with a new history, new locations to discover and also with an end that surprised many people, both for good and for bad.


Graphically it improves moderately before its successor, but always maintaining that style of drawing so characteristic of the saga, the quality of drawing that can be seen in their backgrounds is something to be admired, considering the amount of years that have passed since the departure of this game, continues to be in force today, something that many games of his time or even later games can not afford, I speak of those who failed in the challenge of staying through the years.


For many people who are accustomed to current games (especially very young people), to their eyes, the graphics of Monkey Island 2 will seem outdated and you will not be able to appreciate the art behind all those pixels, but the truth is that this game has some of the best pixel art in the history of video games.

Many times we find ourselves playing and there are parts when in the game we are going to tell a story, in that moment the game makes us believe that we are before an animated film, since the way they do to show the story is very similar to what they do in the cinema, it is a very remarkable aspect for above many other games. With respect to the animations I did not notice a great change with respect to the previous Monkey Island, I find that the developers wanted to repeat the same formula that suited them so well in their previous game play.


Without a doubt, Monkey Island 2 has some of the best designs in terms of the art of its stages, always highlighting the good tonality in its colors and full of details to observe, demonstrating that even today it is a game that did overcome the challenge of time as far as the graphic aspect is concerned and although years later they have released a version with better graphics, I still prefer the game of yesteryear.



Monkey Island 2 remains with the same quality in his soundtrack as in his previous game,, always with tropical melodies that remind us that in our adventure we are near the sea and in turn with melodies that represent in a certain way what was a pirate, albeit in the comic way. During the game we can also find a musical scene where the comedy in his main dish, but accompanied by a good music to dance (by the way, those who dance in that scene are skeletons).


Video Author
Stan's Previously Owned Soundtracks


We are before a graphic adventure and yes, Monkey Island 2 maintains the mode of clic and point, that represents the games of LucasArts and of the same way to the classic games of this type, as it is common in this game we must move through a lot of scenarios of which we must investigate little by little, in this case in Monkey Island 2, there are a lot of islands to go and secrets to reveal.


Something so characteristic of the graphic adventures of lucasarts are the large amount of puzzles found in their games, in Monkey Island 2 they have some level of difficulty higher compared to the previous monkey island (or so it seemed to me) where many times the most logical option is not the one that solves the riddle that we have in front and are many times where we solve some of these puzzles by mere luck, taking into account that we must be alert as to the scenarios, because some of the clues that give us to solve these puzzles are hidden between the graphic aspect of the game, so the graphic quality that presents in this game as pixels, can make it difficult to find such clues or solution.


Otherwise there are not many changes in Monkey Island 2, it still maintains its excellent humor that both made us laugh at many, where we will meet new characters each more charismatic than the previous and also return to see well-known characters from the previous game, in the same way the obtaining of information of the people that we find in the game, is key piece in some cases to be able to continue with the history.


Throughout the years Monkey Island 2 has remained as one of the best graphic adventures of LucasArts and also occupying high positions in the lists of the best graphic adventures in general, is a game that with its great humor and its so characteristic way of telling a story knew how to be favorite game of many people around the world.


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