Final Fantasy Episode 3

in gaming •  8 years ago 

Today just felt like an hour long grind session. I’m not sure where to go next but I know I gotta wake up an elven prince. I’m hoping that the cave I found will lead to something but I hope I didn’t forget anything. I encounter status ailments that I couldn’t remedy when I faced some of the dungeon dwellers so I have to stock up on supplies and spells.

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I recently bought and played FFVII on my phone. It was sweet. Been meaning to reach back and play another- Probably FFVI.

Those two games are responsible for getting kids outside of Japan into turn based RPGs. And to think that FFVII needed 3 discs on Playstation but now can fit on a phone.

i remember being hooked on this on the PS`1 20 odd years ago with my hippy girlfriend and alot of dope , now and again i get flash backs and hear that bloody music that was on it , i never finished the game ???????????

Never finished it myself. I was so used to games like Zelda that didn't involve grinding. I'm focused now and don't have to worry about homework.