Once a character reaches lvl 40, there's an evolution choice to make. Having a mage, the roads possible for her were Archmage or Priest. The Archmage is focused on magic power and acquires some more spells. Meanwhile, the Priest is focused on defensive stats and healing is her main characteristic.
In this game, healing is an important part of the battle, and it's rewarded with more point that grant better wewards at the end. I was strongly inclined to choose priest because of this, but I always love a good powerful mage as my character in this kind of games. Then my choice was to continue as an Archmage.
My stats got a great magic attack boost; defense increased moderately. Now I feel my character is more balanced since it lacked some strengh to continue progressing in the game.
Thanks to this choice, I was able to reach the fifth area in the world Map, the East Coast. I feel I'm getting back on track with this game. Soon I'll be able to play the snow peaks that was recently opened for players while I get ready to face the second Boss Raid with a Magma Dragon.
Wish me luck!
Screenshots taken from my game.