It's no secret that Ubisoft's next entry to their Assassin's Creed franchise will centre around the era of the Ancient Greeks. With the Kassandra trailer released, there are talks about this particular reel.
This trailer had already sparked some reaction, not necessarily positive as the trailer was specifically named 'Kassandra Cinematic Trailer' yet the character sparsely appeared and did not do the voice over for the small video piece. Many commenters have pointed out this particular point, but besides that, the majority seemed to enjoy what Ubisoft had pulled out.
Source: Ubisoft
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey will feature two playable protagonists. One is Alexios and the other is Kassandra with pretty much the same backstory. They are both Spartan mercenaries who were the grandchildren of the great Spartan King Leonidas. Though we have yet to see what the huge overarching plot is, we could imagine that if any of the other games of the franchise were to go by, it would be through the themes of Freedom vs. Order.
Layla Hassan will return for the Modern Era segments, a recurring part of the franchise as she uncovers the truth of what Alexios or Kassandra goes through during their time in the game.
Source: Ubisoft
There was no actual gameplay shown in the trailer as it was a Cinematic one, but it did show some things we can expect in the game. Naval combat will make a return, similar to games like Assassin's Creed: Black Flag or Rogue. There will also be influences of Greece vs. Sparta war games as well.
As Kassandra or Alexios, you could choose which faction you fight for (Greece or Sparta) which may have major influences on how gameplay and plot will progress throughout the game. It also gives promise of a solid replayability for the game and may interest players to play through the game again after finishing it once. As with many RPGs, there will also be romance options, large maps to explore, a plethora of side quests and more.
Source: Ubisoft
With the game announced for release in the US on October 5th 2018, have you decided which faction you will fight for? Will you stay with your roots as a Spartan or will you side with Athens?