THQ Nordic has announced Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered, which will be making its way to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
THQ Nordic announced the remaster today and detailed some of the visual upgrades that will make the destruction on mars look absolutely beautiful. The visual upgrades include: reworked textures and graphic features, improved shadow rendering, improved lighting, shader and post processing rework, and native 4K support.
Alongside the visual upgrade, Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered will also contain all of the original games DLC. If you already own the game on PC, you will be able to upgrade your boring, old version to the Red Faction Re-Mars-tered edition for free. There is no definitive release date for the remaster, but THQ Nordic stated that it will be coming out in Q2 2018.
Originally released in 2009, Red Faction: Guerrilla was the franchises first foray into the open-world genre and it did so with a bang. Set 50 years after the original game, a new regime has occupied Mars and a newly formed Red Faction is attempting to take Mars back and liberate the oppressed population.
The game ran on the Geo-Mod 2.0 engine, which allowed for buildings, cover, and pretty much anything to be completely destroyed. Geo-Mod 2.0 completely changed what a Red Faction game could be. The environment changed from a place the player simply explored to a toy box that could be manipulated and destroyed. Buildings could be systematically dismantled with a massive hammer, or completely obliterated with a wide array of explosives, weapons, and vehicles. This lead to one of the most dynamic and spontaneous gaming experiences of the last generation.
For those who missed out on one of the best games from the last generation, Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered is the perfect opportunity to explore Mars, liberate some people, and blow lots of stuff up.