League of Legends - Thoughts on Urgod

in gaming •  8 years ago 

Before we start, what is League of Legends?

"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page here.

I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.

Before continuing on to the post itself I'd like to go ahead and state that if you guys have any further questions about League feel free to ask below, I'll make sure to reply as soon as possible. I'm here to help!

My thoughts on the new Urgod

I've never been happier when it's come to a champion rework. They couldn't have made a better Urgod. He now plays and feels like he's suppose to while also actually being a threat on the rift, not some sort of joke.

Before Urgod use to be a supposed ADC but in reality he just couldn't keep up with the others. It got so bad that players started taking him top and min lane playing him more as a bruiser tank then an actual marksman. And so Riot decided enough was enough, they'd put their foot down reworking Urgod. Now Urgod has been turned into the powerful half-man half-robot off tank bruiser that he was always meant to be.

His new abilities are honestly insane;

Q - Urgod fires a small bomb that after a second blows up dealing damage and slowing enemies. Great for harassing and catching up to fleeing foes! It's also tons of fun to play around with.

W - Urgod gains a shield, slows down and begins firing a mini-gun at the closest target dealing some nice damage. It also stacks really well with his new passive, which adds a shotgun reloading shotgun to each of his 6 legs which fires whenever auto attacked on.

E - Urgod charges forth doing damage, stunning enemies and tossing them over behind him!

R - A devastating and gruesome hook that latches onto targets dragging anyone below 25% health into a terrifying and certain death. Here's a quick look at it!

Another thing I'd like to note about Urgod's rework is his new look. Before he kind of just looked funny but now Urgod truly looks like a terrifying sight, exactly what he is suppose to be! It fits his lore really well too, which has generally stayed the same but has been re-written and improved (Standard soldier, died, brought back to life to fight). Here's a quick comparison between the old and new Urgod.



In Conclusion

I hope you all enjoyed the read and the new Urgod as much as I do. If you have anything to say feel free to leave a comment down below and as always have a wonderful day. Can't wait to see y'all doing battle on the Summoner's Rift.

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