Zombie Adventure - Game 11 - Day 8 (Nov. 30, 2017)

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Player 1 inspected the yellow car and discovered a crate jammbed below it (see image in yesterday's reply). How can the car be raised?

Objective: Find and recover the rocket launchers and use the 6 supplied rocket-bombs to wipe out some zombies. The launchers have a range of 3 spaces and cannot miss. EVERYTHING in the targeted square is killed. ENJOY!

Players turn from day before:

(6) safat [bat, rifle, Molotov] Kills a Runner, moves N., and kills the Walker.
(2) miniature-tiger [x-bow, x-bow] Searches and finds a x-bow. Moves E & N.
(5) rayne122 [axe] Searches and finds a Walker which is quickly chopped down and then moves N.
(3) justatouchfey [torch, gasoline, bat, x-bow] Move N & E. Shoot and miss the Hulk in the spawn zone.
(4) mr-karl [pistol, bat] Kills the Walker beside him. Shoots at the Walker in the spawn zone but misses and kills it with his last shot.
(1) vanquish [rifle] Move N and inspect the car. Locates a crate. Stays put.

Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory here:


Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:

All zombies pre-existing on the board move: The Hulk from the Northern spawn zone moves to player 3.
Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
left rolls a 3 = Walker.
top rolls a 3 = Walker.
right rolls a 6 = Hulk.


This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).

The Rules of this game can be found here:


NEW RULE made permanent:

  • Hulks CAN be hurt by damage less than 2 points and will die by cummulative damage.


The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.



Original zombie image used in the button obtained from https://pixabay.com/en/zombie-death-dead-day-of-the-dead-1801470/ (CC0)

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kill the zombie with rocket launchers...love your game..

Thanks! You should play next game. However, there likely will not be rocket launchers next time. I need to think up something new.

you should take up tanks

LOL... maybe that's over-kill?

West West smash the door.

Player 5

Move W.
Move W
Chop at door. Roll 2 = fail. The door holds up.

dealing with axe by bat

Deal korar jonno tomake ekta action noshto korte hobe and Same square e thakte hobe amar shathe.
Noile hobe na.
Ar ami axe ta niye gate vangbo next round. So, ekhon axe deoa possible na. :D
Tomar rifle 2 square er moddhe jekono zombie k attack korte pare, but shorto holo, je oi sqaure e kono teammate thaka jabena.. Noile teammate guli khabe.
Tomar rifle diye teammate der help koro :D

Translation in English for others to understand what I am talking about

To deal with me, you will have to be in the same square as me and you will have to spend 1 action of the three.
Or else, it won't work.
Morever, I will try to break the door near me on the next round. So, can't give you the axe right now..
You can use your rifle to shoot any zombie within two square, but there is a condition that there shouldn't be any of your teammate in the same square as the zombie. Otherwise, your teammate will get shot instead of the zombie. :D

hmm bujte parsi

move east try to kill hulk

Player 6

  1. Move E.
  2. Attack Hulk using the bat. Roll 2 = fail.
  3. Try again. Roll 2 = fail.
  1. Attack the Hulk!
  2. If missed, attack the Hulk again! If hit, attack the Walker to the N.
  3. If missed, attack Hulk again. Then attack the Walker. If both of those have been done, move E.

Player 3

  1. attack Hulk with bat. Roll 3 = fail.
  2. again, roll 6 = success, 1 dmg. to Hulk.
  3. again, roll 5 = success, Hulk killed.

Search room. Take weapons. Kill zombies. Move South.

Player 2

  1. Search, roll 1 = fail. Roll 1 = find nothing.
  2. move S.
  3. move W ???

Yes. Go West!


Hello again!

Sorry for being offline for the past couple of days. It was my brothers wedding so I have been off celebrating/recovering

What do I need to know so I can get caught up?

Action1 and 2 : shoot east at the hulk

Welcome back! I hope you had a good time at the wedding. I find wedding parties to be great! You didn't miss much. Just look at yesterday's game to get caught up. It has the only new information so far.

Player 4

  1. shoot at Hulk using the pistol. Roll 4 = 1 dmg.
  2. again, roll 6 = 2nd damage, Killing the Hulk.
  3. ??

I know this is unwise, but I am gonna search the car and hopefully your dice don't try to kill me

Search roll = 3 + 5... darn... you found a Runner!

Search the car and deal with anything found.

Player 1

  1. search roll = 5 for the CZ 550! (NICE FIND!)
  2. attack Runner found by player 4. Roll 1 = fail.
  3. try again, roll 4 = success. Runner has half point damage. (Bare-fisted fight.)


Player 1 has an extra rifle now and
Player 2 has an extra x-bow
Both above need a close-combat weapon and nobody has any extra of those.
Players 3 and 5 have a molotov or torch+gasoline.