Zombie Adventure - Game 14 - Day 5 (Jan. 31, 2018)

in gaming •  7 years ago 

We have one person who is interested in taking over the character of any players who consistently miss moves. Player 10 has missed several days in a row. Perhaps it is time to let someone else play that character?

Objective: Find a cooking pot (X on the map) and bring it to the kitchen. Find rice and water and bring those to the kitchen so that a meal can be prepared and eaten by all team members. In other words, all members of the team must reach the kitchen AFTER the meal has been made. To be clear: The pot, rice and water are picked up as items (cost is 1 action). These items are then deposited in the kitchen as actions (like a trade). Once ALL items required (rice, water and pot) are present in the kitchen, one player will use an action to MAKE the meal. At that point, all players need to visit the kitchen and use a final action to eat the meal. We could end the game when everyone ate or wait until everyone gets off the board. If any player dies, the game is lost and the zombies win!

Players might be interested in entering this contest: https://steemit.com/freesteem/@cryptoeater/5n8tpt-250-follower-giveaway-100-dollars-worth-of-steem-100-upvote-around-4-5k-sp-for-minnow-only


Players turn from day before:

Please see the spreadsheet (linked below).

Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:

ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).

This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).

The Rules of this game can be found here:

ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).


The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.


Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:

All zombies pre-existing on the board move:

Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
bottom left rolls a 3 = Walker.
top left rolls a 5 = Runner.
top right rolls a 4 = Walker.


Original zombie image used in the button obtained from https://pixabay.com/en/zombie-death-dead-day-of-the-dead-1801470/ (CC0)

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Search the Car. Take any usable items and take care of any zombies found.
Hoping for the luck to be on my side ! :D

Player 12

  1. Search the car. Roll 3 (geee!) Roll 3 to find a Walker.
  2. Attack the found Walker. Roll 6 = success. Damage Walker by 0.5.
  3. Try again. Roll 6 again, killing the found Walker.

Hahahaha, definitely your MO Rayne! Love it.

Haha. I am being impatient here though !

Urgh ! Another failed search.
Glad I was able to kill the walker though !

Give the dice some positive energy! Think: 4,5 or 6! Wish it, believe it! MAKE it happen! I'll do the same!

Ok. Bring it on the next round :D

Search the red bus!

Player 2

  1. Search the bus. Roll 2 = fail. Roll 2 = find nothing! (Whew!)
  2. Stay?

Yes, I'll stay at the bus until I find a weapon... Water might not slow them down too much.

It sure seems like a long time finding weapons this game. Is it my imagination or are we just having bad luck this time around? At least the zombies are slow to approach, so there is no panic that way! And there are a few ranged weapons out now, so we have some protection. It just seems like we find more zombies than weapons!

Hahaha, I like that element of danger while searching... I had the benefit of coming into a game half-way with my player having ALLLLLLLLLLLL the equipment, so I can't comment. I was worried this game with this many people would be too easy. I was wrong.

I think we are having bad luck, in combination wiht many players to make equipment more spread out

Mind you, more players means more opportunities to search, so more chance of finding something. The number of players shouldn't really affect searches that much.

Ok, @pbock, let's keep these people safe!!

I suggest @pbock and me both move to the square west of us and position ourselves in between the unarmed people and zombies.

Then I suggest @pbock obliterates the Hulk with the ubergun (could even kill the runner too if actions left).
I will wait for the hulk to be slain by @pbock first. If the hulk somehow survives I empty my gun at the Hulk. If the hulk drops dead due to @pbocks attack, I will fire at the runner instead and take it out.

If @pbock does something else than my suggestions, I still do the same actions but won't wait for him to kill the hulk first and instead I will just shoot at the runner (and expect to kill the hulk with my axe next turn)

Then, any remaining actions I have... I spend on combining my axe and rifle into an axe-rifle. Like so:

This should boost my zombie-killing capacity by +5

Maybe players 5&6 with the crossbow and pistol may want to go and help those people by the red bus, as they are all unarmed and zombies are incoming there

There is only a Walker and Runner in range of you folks. I accidentally left a Hulk in the kitchen, but it should have been hidden as it is a spare to be used when a Hulk is needed. Hopefully I remember to hide it next update unless there is actually a need to show a Hulk on the board.

@pandorasbox, you wanna take out the Hulk with your axe ?
I can move into position to the west and attempt to murder the walker and runner on the approach.

Oh! I was mistaken, I thought a Hulk was approaching west instead of a Walker. Pffft.. no worries then, those are easy!
I thought we needed your big gun for a hulk, but these have just 1 health each so it really doesn't matter who kills which :)
Go ahead and unleash the fury! I intend to fire my rifle as well. Melee is a last resort (these are zombies after all!)

edit: On second thought, @pbock and me have planned our actions so well, that we both fire our weapons in perfect synchronisation (+2 damage on each hit)

edit 2; Actually, if after all this mayhem I have actions left, I move north to stand in front of the Kitchen Door

Player 1

Action 1: Move West.
Action 2: Shoot at the Runner. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 1 = fail. (I think you found defective weapons!)

Out of ammo, drats!!!
I will chop them down with my axe-gun if I have to!

Player 11
Search bus and take if anything found
Attack walker north with x-bow if Gail attack again, if success search walker

Player 11

  1. Search the bus. Roll 1 = fail. Roll 4 to find a Walker.
  2. Attack the found Walker bare-handed. Roll 2 = fail.
  3. Try again. Roll 6 = success. Put 0.5 damage on the found Walker.

Thanks for reminding me that you found a x-bow last turn. I just added it to your inventory. The range of a x-bow is only 1 space, so the Walker moving South is still too far away to reach with a x-bow.

Lol search again. I need a weapon! Too much rice, not enough fire power.

Wait a minute... we have a Hulk in there somewhere... May as well give him a punch or 2.
Action 2: Attack Hulk bare-handed. Roll 4 = success. The Hulk now has 1.5 damage.
Action 3: Attack again. Roll 3 = fail.

Player 4

  1. Search the car and pray for something useful. Roll 1 = fail. Roll 2 to find nothing. (ouch! I guess I didn't pray hard enough!)
  2. Skip actions.

try to kill walker and any action left then searching the car

Without a weapon, you can't kill the Walker (it is too far away).

Player 8

  1. Use the torch to search the car. Roll 3 = fail. Roll 6 to find a HULK! (HELP!!! We need an axe here!!!)
  2. Attack the Hulk bare-handed. Roll 4 = success. You damaged the Hulk by 0.5.
  3. Attack again. Roll 4 = success! The Hulk now has 1 damage point on it.

Things just got very very interesting...

I'm very likely to not notice if pandora's answered me before the deadline, so here's some conditionals:

@pandorasbox or anyone else takes care of Hulk --->
1.I move west,
2.shoot the runner till dead.

  1. if any remaining actions shoot the walker.

neither @pandorasbox or anyone else takes care of the Hulk before you evaluate my turn --->

  1. attempt to bat the Hulk with all my actions.
  2. if actions remain, shoot Walker till dead and stay put.

Player 9

Seems player 1 wants you to shoot first so she can stand by the door if all is dead, so here we go:
Action 1: Shoot the Walker in the spawn zone. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 2: Try again. Roll 2 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 4 = success. You shot and killed the Walker.

Player 9

GREAT way to state your choices. Thanks! I'll action these after others have played.

Yes @pbock is proving to be a pretty cool player!

Take a weapon and move N,W,S go to kitchen

Player 7

  1. Search the bus. Roll 6 = success. You found an axe! (Very nice!)
  2. Use the axe to attack the Walker found by player 11. Roll 2 = fail.
  3. Try again. Roll 6 to kill the found Walker.

Okay I'll Kill walker

Move E,N and wait for zombies to come.

Player 6

You may not run away from a zombie that is in your space, so you MUST stay and fight.
Action 1: Attack the injured Hulk. Roll 5 = success. You killed the injured Hulk.
Since the zombies will be within range next turn, you might want to look for a melee weapon.
Action 2: Search the car. Roll 4 = success. You found a baseball bat!
Action 3: Skip.

OH dear...

decisions decisions...

take out the hulk with a bat, shoot the walker, or move to the west and shoot the runner...

We need to make a proper defensive perimeter people !

also, possibly get the pot and cook a meal.
You're' ALL beginning to look like sandwiches to me... that includes the hulk.

Nom nom nom

I started on this a while ago, but never got commented back in so I assumed I died or something..

Haha, I just happened to randomly find this through @steempunknet and took over your spot as Player 2. It was so weird that out of all the 550,000 users on Steem that it was you that I took over from...

LOL.. at least I did not die.. I was commenting on the posts but getting nothing back from the creator so I thought it was a dead game.

search the car again and any zombie there so try to kill it.

Player 5

  1. Search the car. Roll 4 = success! You found a pistol.
    Since you already HAVE one, you might want to give one away to another player.
  2. Nothing to kill, so skip the rest of the actions.

I will try this game

You would be 2nd in line to jump in. Please keep an eye out to see if the number 10 position gets filled.

Still interested in taking over the #10 position?

search the dumpster!!!!

Right! Just fly in and search without a clue how the game works.

This game has so many more jet pilots than usual. We're in a warzone people!

hah hah hah !!! Zombie apocalypse !!!