Robo Recall VR - Best experience with virtual reality so far.

in gaming •  8 years ago 

When I first started using the Oculus Rift, the experience was relatively underwhelming. The immersion was very cool, and the graphics were pretty well represented through the headset, but there was just something to be yearned from the entire experience. As an avid gamer, I've always said that gameplay and story makes a good game, not graphics. There's only so many times I can pet a cat, feed an alien, or observe majestic scenery before I get, well, bored.

This school of thought can be proven by phenomenal games like Hotline Miami , Starbound, and FTL: Faster than Light. The graphics are taken down to 16-bit graphics, but the atmosphere, music, gameplay and story raise the game up to top-10-worthy levels. Inversely, you can look at games like early Destiny and No Man's Sky, which have beautiful graphics, but not much else. Having a game with phenomenal graphics but lacking in story and game mechanics is like having a BMW i8 that breaks down every other day; it looks great at first, but once the aesthetic novelty wears off you realize that a polished turd is still a turd.

With that said, recently I started playing Robo Recall, a sequel to the Bullet Train VR demo, by Epic Games. I gotta say, this game is fun. This is the type of gameplay I was looking forward to within the VR universe, and to top it all off, it's free with the Oculus.

Here we have an arcade-style shooter, where androids who normally live among us have gone haywire. It's our job to 'recall' them (through means of obliteration). Not only are the levels and mechanics fantastic, there are also an array of weapons, mods, and upgrades to choose from.


As much as I would love to go into detail with my experience, I would love to do a continuation of this post with some video content. If you have an Oculus, definitely check this game out. I'll be doing some Let's Play's for this game in the near future for you folks.

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That looks pretty nice - but I still think AR will be more impactful then VR.

Can you imagine LARPing with a bunch of friends using AR glasses?

lol seriously. The next decade is gonna be nuts for gaming.