@i-am-wade is also DaVinci_Dude on PSN
Shared via My YouTube Account
The First of Many Victories Ahead!
Today is the day the Destiny 2 Beta became available to play at 1:00pm. Like many of you I have been excited to see what the new game would look like. After months of nothing more than some funny side-handed remarks from Cayde-6, we finally get a chance to see what is in store for us later this year in September.
Here's a quick look at the strike made available today, titled "The Inverted Spire" and a round of Control in a 4v4 format. With full-auto scout rifles, the introduction of sub-machine guns, and even grenade launchers are but just a few of the updates you'll notice. There have also been some changes to the UI of the new skill trees associated with weapons, armors, and sub-classes of which there seems to be only 2 available to choose from at the moment. I am currently playing as a hunter my personal favorite guardian type to play with however tomorrow I will start another class to vlog the entire game much more thoroughly from the very beginning. This was also an experiment on using YouTube for my live streams as I've only streamed games on Twitch prior to this. Hope you enjoy the game play!