in gaming •  7 years ago 

Nintendo Labo for the Nintendo Switch was just revealed, and it might be the most insane thing we have seen in a long time. DIY cardboard accessories that can transform the Switch’s Joy-Con controllers into everything from a fishing rod to a piano to a full-on robot suit.

These accessories are then used to control a variety of mini-games, essentially turning the Switch tablet into a tiny arcade. The goal of Labo is to get kids involved in playing games on the Switch in a more hands-on, tactile way. Nintendo has made cardboard cool somehow with technology, and turns the Switch into a very interesting platform. What is Nintendo Labo? Let's talk!

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Haha! First time I heard about this I though it was madness! But they've actually made it look pretty cool! 50 quid also isn't that much... lol you can tell I'm convincing myself to buy it.

The entire time I was watching the trailer for the Labo my mouth was agape! But this thing looks like it has a lot of potential and I love the idea of experimenting with different designs.

Anything that promotes creativity, especially with having a young child, is a-ok in my book! :)