Video Games vs Immersion

in gaming •  8 years ago  (edited)

Have you ever been so immersed in a game that you feel as though you are the character you are playing as? As in, you feel as though you are in the world you are exploring, and not just at a computer. Have you ever felt so invested in a game that as events unfold in the game, you have emotional, and/or physical responses, as if you are experiencing it directly?

Immersion is a powerful force and as I have matured as a gamer (and in life) it is a force that I have stumbled onto, and which has shifted the way I play through and enjoy games.

As I mentioned, this feeling of truly experiencing a video game and the ability to transport myself into the game I are playing is something I have developed. I have no recollection of this as a child, and I’m not entirely sure when it started. But suddenly playing games such as Pokémon, I really feel like I am on an adventure to learn and catch ‘em all (and have fun, that never changes), and not just in it to win the game as I used to be.

I have been inspired to write about this because I recently bought and played through The Witness. First of all, the game is brilliant. Everything about it is simple, but executed perfectly, cleverly, and creatively, and I love it. The reason it inspired me is that from the get go through to the end of the game, I felt fully immersed and in awe of the world around me.

You start alone, stranded on this beautiful island, and I felt like I was there. When I turned my head and looked around in the game, I felt as though I was physically doing that, and experiencing the world around me. I felt inclined to explore, and discover all the secrets and features hidden throughout. There is no dialogue or cut scenes, the whole game is witnessed (pun intended) through your eyes. In effect, the world tells the story, and it was up to me to interpret it.

I didn’t feel like I was playing a game, I felt like I was experiencing it.

This experience that is The Witness was far more rich and deep than anything I have played before it. As I moved from area to area, my mood and feeling changed with it. From the joy of being in an autumn forest one minute, to the curiosity of going through a dark cave the next. Exploring the world was immensely satisfying, and the puzzles were so inventive and smart I could spend hours doing either and it would be a joy. Plus who can’t appreciate no load times.

While this is a perfect example, it isn’t the only game where it feels more like an experience than a game (which is a good thing). Horror games such as Slender and Outcast put you in some of the scariest environments possible, and I scare easily, so that was more of a “pissing-myself-in-fear” experience rather than exhilarating as some of my friends find them. Also Half-life and Portal both do a great job at immersing you in the story and the world, and make experiences such as firefights and flying through portals that much more visceral and heart-racing. These are just a few example, there are many, many more but I won’t name them here.

Surely this is what a lot developers strive for in their games. All the time and imagination that goes into crafting a world for you, the gamer, to explore and play in is designed to immerse you, and make you feel for it. Without a doubt, some games achieve this better than others, and when it’s executed well as in The Witness, the result is magical.

But I am just one person, I would love to hear from you. What games do you really connect with? And how is the experience different from other games? Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and if you enjoyed this post, be sure to give it a like, resteem and follow me for more content like this! Until next time guys, stay beautiful 🙂

End note: Authored by Genesis & Locikll for Psilink Gaming & MediGamer Blogs, Redistributed, and edited for Steemit officially

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Oddly enough Forza Horizon 2 did it for me with driving through the landscape in freeroam. Destiny and Farcry 3 were other titles that offered immersion in recent years. But an older title that did it for me was Pokemon Snap on the Nintendo 64. I thinks it's awesome how you don't need crazy graphics to gain the sense of immersion. Great post.

Thanks mate! That's pretty awesome and yeah I definitely think that Farcry 3 was a pretty good game for immersion. Oh yeah definitely, give me some great game play and relate-able characters and I'll be pretty immersed in a game.

I'm right there with you. The Witness looks pretty cool, I like games that use the game itself to tell the story as opposed to cutscenes.

Oh yeah definitely man! The Witness is awesome, and if you like that, you'll probably like the Talos principle too! Both awesome games

My current immersive experience is Zelda Breath of the Wild. It is very easy to become fully involved in the game with all different aspects of gameplay that help you aim towards whatever your focus is. You can be goal oriented towards completion of the stoey or powering up your heart containers but there are so many things you can utilize to make that happen.
Its the second gane i have played where I have enjoyed cooking, the first being Monster Hunter, but I will say the variety of what and how you cook is much better in Zelda. And i have cooked in many a game, I usually dread it. Not in Zelda.
Great read and great post!

Awesome, I have yet to play it but I think I'll probably grab a copy soon! That's pretty awesome, any game that takes a task like cooking and makes it enjoyable is a game that I would want to play :D

It really is worth all the accolades it received upon release. Probably the best game I've bought in years.

That's great to hear! :) Time to purchase

I got that feeling while playing the Mass Effect series!

Mass Effect was a pretty awesome series, and the first of it's kind for decision based story telling!

Yeah, it almost made me cry at the end of part III :P

Plus i dont know if i wanna play Andromeda, because Shepard was fun, so they can only screw this up...


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Please don't advertise on people's posts, this is NOT what steemit is about! Especially since your comment was generic and unrelated to my post.


We love the post,
Steempower Angrybirds

As usually, awesome post! How do you do that!

Would you be okay with me putting it to the "best of gaming" for today? :)

Thank you very much man! I really appreciate all the stuff you do too, I've found many great articles reading your 'best' series. And definitely, I'm always okay with it being in "Best of Gaming" :P, No permission needed. Keep up the good work man, you will always be the Hub for community gaming content!

I'm glad you like my series as well :)
Sometimes it just sucks that I cannot include my own posts in there :D

Haha yeah you've got some pretty good posts too! I mean I don't see why you couldn't include it, I mean you could probably just make a footnote at the end of each one with a recent article that you've written or something?

I try to be as impartial in making them as I can and me making them seems... unfair? :D

Yeah that definitely makes sense man, well good on you! Well I for one will be sure to check out your posts :).

thanks ;) I appreciate it :) A new review is coming tomorrow :) I know that let'splay can be quite boring for many people

Nice, yeah I think you just need to get someone to play with to increase the energy a bit. Your reviews are definitely a solid awesome :D

Does clicking on this boost my pokemon go skills? I mean...i found a pikachu

Immersed in Call of Duty. Thats it.

That's pretty cool, What makes a game immersive for you?

It's not necessarily the game that does the immersing for me. The prospect of being better than everyone else is what gets me. I feel the need to play hard and focus and so I become immersed in the game.

That is very interesting man! By any chance have you played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Because of your competitive nature you might find that very immersive as well :).

No. This is the first I am hearing of it. I will look it up on youtube. Thanks. :).

No worries mate, I'm sure you will enjoy it :)

Congratulations @locikll
You took 92 place in my Top 100 of posts