
in gaming •  6 years ago 

 Picked up >Observer_ the other day. Got a few hours into it. It's definitely an interesting gameplay mechanic. You move around a 3D environment, switching between two different investigation modes (biological and technological). You collect evidence, investigate computers and other technology lying around and interview witnesses.

The interesting part for me is that it does not appear that you are armed in any way. In fact, your character admits to an NPC at some point that they aren't allowed to carry guns anymore. Makes some of the cheap jump-scares so far almost painful to endure, as you have absolutely no recourse.

Lots of cyberpunk aesthetic to go around. Has a very Bladerunner-esque vibe, with a little Johnny Mnemonic thrown in. Also helps that Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty) does the protagonist's voice acting. 

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