Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs Review

in gaming •  7 years ago 


Kobolds and Catacombs is a new expansion for Hearthstone, or as Blizzard likes to call it, a new cash cow expansion. We have a new set of 135 cards themed with Mines, Kobolds and treasures, as well as fun new singleplayer mode called Dungeon Runs. In Dungeon Runs you pick your class and try to beat 8 bosses, and with each new stage you get to pick new powerful effects and cards. There is a lot to explore there and dungeon runs will keep you busy for a while.



New cards are interesting and you can find some interesting new mechanics there, and you will be able to create some very cool decks. Card upgrade mechanic will upgrade your cards for each class when you complete a set of needed requisites. For example new Rogue card Onyx Spellstone with effects destroy 1 random enemy minion will upgrade to destroy three minions if you play 3 deathrattle cards. So there is an incentive to keep those cards for late game and use stronger effect on your opponent. There is also a set of new legendary weapons for each class and there is yet room to explore all the possibilities there and all the possible interactions with old and new cards.



It is good that Blizzard keeps producing these expansions to keep things interesting, but as always, if you want to own every card you will have to pay. I like to collect dust and craft interesting cards, so pay to win aspect never bothered me in this game. It is up to you if you want to buy those booster packs. Kobolds & Catacombs is a decent expansion and will keep you busy until the next one in 2018.

Score: 83/100

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I've played Hearthstone since the beginning and it's a great card game. But with every expansion I have my doubts. I like the PvE style of getting through story mode and now the new Dungeon mode. The dungeon is really a great new feature.

Some of the new card actions are crap though, I understand they need to keep innovating but classic was still the best!

Really an interesting game. I love it though it has some unusual things to be updated.

I've replaced my HS addiction with a steemit addiction, so I haven't even finished the dungeon run. :(

Dungeon run is fun until you beat it, then it is same old same old, return to your daily habits with arena and daily quests.

Most quests are like that, but this one has higher replay value than previous expansions, IMHO.

Yeah, it has that random factor, every run is different. Most fun I get from Hearthstone is by creating that combo situation with my decks, keeps me coming back with every new exp.

Gosh, I haven't made a new deck in forever. Still having fun with my zombeists.

A game that caught everyone's attention ...

a very nice game good job

Hmm I don't like such games so much, but that looks very interesting. My big son looks more like that. Thank you anyway for this post;)

Greetings from @fratheone