Game Review | PAYDAY : The Heist PC | [ENG]

in gaming •  7 years ago 

hello all her back again with me @muhammad23 that will explain war game that I like best, is PAYDAY The Heist !! this game includes the game that I like most because this game can make us most who play as chased as a criminal who will break the bank as in the first chapter I have ever played, and we just see what kind of details.


Heists figure into some of the most legendary plots in movie history, and now with Payday: The Heist, this cinematic trope becomes an interesting shooter concept. Overkill Software has done a great job with this innovative idea, which throws up to four players into robberies modeled along the lines of those depicted in flicks like Ocean's Eleven and Heat. The PC/PlayStation 3 game is geared for multiplayer, although the artificial intelligence is good enough that you can play solo without missing out on too much of the crazed intensity offered up by robbing banks and shooting it out with the cops who invariably want to stop you from making off with any ill-gotten gains.

Payday looks, sounds, and plays much like a standard first-person shooter, although the goals are different. Here, instead of killing all comers, you and three comrades pull off a heist while dressed in suits and freak-show masks. You pick from the assault, sharpshooter, and support classes and then head into the fray with the objective of stealing valuables that will put your gang on easy street for life. Experience points are earned in each scenario, which lead to leveling up and unlocking extra equipment. Six maps are featured with locales ranging from a typical urban bank and a diamond repository to a slaughterhouse and a downtown street where a shooting spree ensues after your getaway driver leaves you behind. Everything is strongly objective focused. An ally gives you orders over a headset and pushes you from one goal to another. So you are always looking for a bank manager with a key card, wiping data from a security system, placing explosives, rigging up drills to get into bank vaults, setting up saws to cut into a panic room loaded with drug-dealer cash, and so forth.

Heists generally start off with you sneaking around but end in a blizzard of bullets.

Maps are exquisitely designed. Although there are just six included, they are so dynamic and loaded with routes to objectives that they rarely play out the same way twice. Every mission is captivating, mixing up enough stealth, bloody carnage, and sheer nail-biting tension to fill a dozen heist movies. One moment, you're being betrayed by a buddy; the next, you're raiding a meth lab loaded with cash; and the next, you're racing down the streets of a metropolis leaving corpses strewn in your wake. Cops also get bigger and tougher as levels play out. They start off as rather nondescript boys in blue, but they soon morph into more challenging foes with tasers and shields. FBI agents eventually get into the act, as do heavily armored coppers called "bulldozers." As a result, their assault waves get progressively harder to withstand.

Perhaps best of all, Payday is enjoyable both in multiplayer and as a solo game with three bot allies. The best way to play the game is by going online to round up a trio of human gangsters, but the reasonably good AI makes the game more than playable in single-player. You have to knock the difficulty down to easy whenever possible to offset a lack of serious teamwork because the bots trail you around watching your back, but this doesn't kill too much of the fun. Your pals are smart enough to stay with you, provide covering fire, and even appear on the spot with a hand up whenever you get shot if you're in danger of dying. Still, multiplayer is the way to go if at all possible. Working as part of a real team is by far the best way to tackle some of the assignments, particularly the grueling slaughterhouse and diamond heist, which can only be played on the hard difficulty setting.

Cops like to cover their attacks with smoke grenades.

Some aspects of Payday are awfully stylish. The musical soundtrack has been dressed up with audio tinsel in the form of techno tunes that accelerate every time bullets begin to fly. These tunes pump your already soaring heartbeat through the roof whenever cop assault waves kick into high gear. Levels have a real lived-in look, from the run-down building that houses the meth lab to busy downtown streets. Masks worn by the robbers are spectacularly creepy, with sinister clown smiles. Like the Joker's gang from the opening scenes of The Dark Knight, they're disturbingly unforgettable. There are some minor graphical issues with each of the game's platforms, though. The visuals appear to have been designed for the PS3 and then ported to the PC untouched. This makes the PC version look dated with flat textures, robotic animations, and rough-looking effects, like the smoke grenades that cops launch during assaults. The PS3 version has its own visual blemishes, however. Even the biggest high-def TV is unclear enough that you can easily lose sight of cops in the distance of some levels. The prisoner break-out map, for instance, is annoying on the PS3 because it is really tough to spot the law amidst all of the stopped cars on the bridge.

Payday: The Heist hits the spot. It's a fun shooter that works both solo and in multiplayer, packing an incredible amount of excitement and tension into what is really a simple concept. You might go into this $20 downloadable game not expecting that much but emerge on the other side of a few heists considering a less-than-legal career change.

There are only two endings you can find in Payday: The Heist; get rich or go to jail! That's what you can expect from this latest action action game from Sony. You and your three colleagues will play and work together for a variety of high-risk crimes, such as breaking into a bank, stealing money from a mob, and rescuing a prisoner from a police escort. When you feel Left4Dead boring, then Payday certainly you make you re-excited. Imagine what happens when all the zombies in Left4Dead can carry a machine gun and shoot you! Well, that's the situation that will accompany you along the Payday game!


The main purpose of Payday is to conduct a variety of crimes and survived the siege of the police. Therefore, a compact teamwork is absolutely necessary in this game. The theme of cooperation that is carried in this game is a very precise feature, because the police attack you will receive is so brutal and you can not possibly survive the fight alone. Therefore, if you can not find friends to play with, this game also offers computer-aided player (AI) help options. Do not fight alone!

You can choose one of the characters provided in this game. Unfortunately, your choice is not very influential in combat. This option exists only to distinguish the character shape and mask only. The most important thing in combat and differentiating the players in it lies in the selection of roles. A deeper explanation of the role will be described later.

Team Role

The characters you can choose do not have any features at all when compared to other characters. However, you can choose specific roles for them to run. The role in Payday is divided into three, namely Assault, Sharpshooter, and Support. You can select the role by pressing the Tab key and the number (1 to 3) when selecting the weapon used. Each role will get a special upgrade and in accordance with its role.

Assault is a role that serves as the front line and the attention of enemy attack. They have upgrades to strengthen the body's resistance, thickening armor, and powerful weapons at close range. Sharpshooter can be said to support the attack from a distance. The upgraded roles are mostly improvements in accuracy and sniper weapons. While Support provides a variety of aid in combat, such as treatment and weapons with a large amount of ammo. All of these roles will work well if players can work together and cover each other's weaknesses.


Payday gives new nuance to action cooperation game which is merely decorated with zombie theme. You can feel the thrill of surviving under the rain of bullets with your companion. The concept of character development using upgrades and reputation is also a very high plus. Discover new challenges with your friends in Payday! Find more screenshots in the Payday preview!


  • Can choose role for character
  • A variety of exciting upgrades
  • The enemy attacks aggressively
  • The Assault phase tests teamwork


  • AI peers low level of intelligence
  • Can not take enemy weapons (ammo only)
  • Can not play offline LAN (must go online Steam)
Suitable For Gamers : Loves cooperation, loves to play with friends, and can take orders.

Not Suitable For Gamers : Feeling himself Rambo, has moral limits for not doing evil in the game, and does not like clown masks.


  • Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment
  • Developer: Overkill Software
  • Type: Action
  • Age Limit: Adult (age 18+)

Computer Specifications

  • Windows 7 / Vista / XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon II X2
  • 2GB System RAM
  • 2GB HDD space
  • GeForce GT 240 or Radeon HD 4670 512MB
  • DirectX 9.0c

The Official Website

so many can review for my favorite games in this war, and for more info you can play it by downloading this game pc / laptop version yes guys!!

Source Reference : 1 and 2 3 4 5 

Follow : @muhammad23

ORIGINAL WRITING BY ME : @muhammad23   


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