How has gaming helped individuals get a better job? Could Orionix promote this process and help gamers grow their financial welfare?

in gaming •  5 years ago 

There is no denial that as human beings we’re all driven by a desire to achieve more and more as we get through the stages of our life. We all try to set goals, accomplish them, set new goals and thus grow our character. Typically, the graduation from college and the transition to the working environment is one of the most critical passages of our journey. It’s the key point during which an individual is put at a crossroads and has to decide what career and what future dreams to pursue. Well, not a lot of graduates realize that their journey has actually began much before that and all the skills they have acquired up to that point would be able to guide them on the road forward. The sphere of gaming is an example that falls into this category.   

A recent article published by BBC News clearly outlines all the benefits gaming could bring to future employees by providing them with skills necessary to perform in certain work positions. The examples given include gameplays such as Overwatch, Civilization, Portal and Total War. Being a good player in Civilization, for instance in this case, could be linked to better managerial and leadership qualifications that could be beneficial for a job position of such sort.

Furthermore, the article emphasizes on the concept of conscious gaming and encouraging a transformation of “casual gamers” into “conscious gamers”.   

The full article can be found through the following link

In an interchangeable aspect, the entrance of Orionix and all its positive attributes into the gaming framework could foster foster trade, improve the market and thus encourage gamers to feed their passion and further develop their skills. Such a tendency could in result maximize gamers’ efficiency and creativity and thereby help them indirectly to get hired in a better position. On top of that, it is worthy to keep in mind that Orionix is much more than just a crypto coin with multiple purposes. It is also an investment of very specific nature. By buying Orionix tokens, investors would get the chance to have their wealth soar as they increase in value. Additionally, the effect this creates is that it enhances one’s open-mildness's by revealing new opportunities and boosting out of the box thinking. Having an exposure to an asset from the likes of Orionix is what portfolio diversification is all about and according to Warren Buffet’s 65+ years practice “diversification is protection against ignorance”. 

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