Trying a Microsoft Mixed Reality headset

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Yesterday, we got to try out a VR headset and boy was it fun!

My boyfriend's cousin had ordered himself a Microsoft Mixed Reality headset which arrived on saturday. How lucky were we that we were coming over for dinner on sunday?

After dinner, we got to play around with it a bit and it was pretty awesome! Last time we were over there for dinner, he had the Holo lens for a while, which is an AR (Augmented Reality) headset. It basically placed extra virtual items and characters into the room. there was this game in which creepy aliens came crawling out of the walls and you had to shoot them. We also tried out a game that placed virtual characters into the room and send you on a mission to find hidden objects and puzzles in the room. It was pretty awesome to see!

This time, the headset was VR (Virtual Reality) and it completely blocked the room we were in. Instead, we were walking around in a cliff house, which was basically the starting area. From there, you could open up your own desktop, check out trailers, pictures, buy games, play games, etc.

The cliff house itself is pretty cool. You're able to decorate it and it looks pretty amazing. It's situated in a beautiful area with water, cliffs and mountains. I very much wanted to visit the far away mountains, but sadly, you're not able to wander out of your own house and garden.


The glowy things are your controllers! I checked out the cliff house, but stuck with that. I had had too much to eat and didn't want to try out the game he had. It seemed like too much movement for me at that particular time. My boyfriend, however, did try it out!


It is a space game where you have to shoot at everything that's coming at you. They'll shoot at you too, so you have to dodge!

After that, he checked out the cliff house some more and made some furniture adjustments. He also tried out the ingame cinema area and made himself comfortable.


It was lots of fun playing around with this a bit and I'm sure my boyfriend will get himself one of these things eventually. It's all still very new and I'm sure there will be many improvements and upgrades in the near future. I really like the idea of this and it'll bring a whole different feel to gaming. You can put your whole body to use!

I liked the idea of the Wii and the extra movement you got out of that. I also liked the Kinect and all of the extra movement you could get out of that. Now with VR, this trend is continuing and I think it's awesome that you can give yourself a workout while gaming! Besides that, you can do it in a pretty environment too!

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Looks like you had fun Im still yet to try VR in game and really want to try it, but Im going to hold on to my money until they bring out this.
Haha. Thank you for sharing, keep up the good work :D

Oh my gosh, that would be so awesome! Now I want this too :D

It will be awesome truing that VR. @playfulfoodie

This is the dream! We will get there in no time.

That is so cool! I would love to try one of those games. How much does one of those consoles cost?? I'll probably never get one... lol

I think the cheapest one is around 400 Euro's/Dollars, though I haven't checked myself. I'd love to own one one day :D

I see that they had a good time, I would also like to play with the VR some day, I have always wondered if this causes more fatigue in our eyes.

How i wish am there playing the game with you.

that like we play our imagination :D

My VR is never far from me. It's always nice visiting an alternate universe.

Yes, it definitely is :D

I did VR once and it made me so sick lol. 🤷‍♀️

Aww no, really? Maybe the technology will improve enough for you to not feel sick anymore! I was actually afraid of feeling sick after eating so much chocolate, so I didn't want to risk it with playing the game :D

I grt motion sickness easily

It is always good to make family dinners to enjoy moments like that, it is important to maintain contact with the family, that way we can enjoy their belongings (as you did hahaha).

I am a little envious of you, I have never had the opportunity to try virtual reality, I see that they enjoyed it a lot, I hope to have the opportunity to try virtual reality soon.

I have seen many funny videos of people making funny movements while they play, some even take everything seriously, even hit their companions without any intentions hahaha.

even hit their companions without any intentions

Oh no, really? Well that will be interesting in the future :D

Ah, I'm jealous of you! I've been dying to try out a VR headset for years now but haven't been able to find anyone who owns one. Well, besides my sisters boyfriend, who apparently doesn't trust anyone to touch it besides himself. Dick, lol.

Aww that's such a shame! I can understand it on some level, but I'm sure people would be careful to try out such toys!

Lucky You! I ordered mine from Samsung Website and they were late at shipping since they are getting back-ordered, I still have to wait another 10 days to get it, hello darkness my old friend....

Aww no! I hope the wait won't feel too long :D

I've always wanted to try out virtual reality! Seeing how you had a blast with it makes me want it even more lol.

I hope you get to try it soon! :D

Hey @playfulfoodie this VR looks great I haven't been able to try it yet but I have just bought an Oculus Rift which is great. Would you mind checking out my blog and most recent posts? I could really do with your support.

Hi there! Happy to hear you're enjoying your oculus rift! I have actually been supporting your blog for a while now :-)

Well that's incredibly embarrassing I do apologise :) I had been hoping you would follow me for a while and in my desperation hadn't noticed :) thank you soo much.