Heya !
For once, I wanted to make an off post. I have a lot of other hobbies and one of my main is probably video games. To be honnest, I hope one day to be able to work on a video game.
Today, let's speak about one of my favorite video : Animal Crossing ! The E3 just ended and I was hoping some news of the new title coming on switch. The release date is delayed but I think that's a good thing : if nintendo thinks they can't make a good game in 2019, that's better for them to delay the game. And it's better for the people working on this game, they would crunch less (a crunch is when you try to finish something very quickly because the due date is near).
Before talking about the trailer that Nintendo released this tuesday, let me explain you what is Animal Crossing for those who don't know anything about this licence.
Animal Crossing is a serie of games where you are a human that goes on a new village. You haven't any particular goal, you just have to live your life with your animal neighbors. In Europe, the first game released was on gamecube in 2002. Since that year, all Animal Crossing games released in Japan came to Europe. The last game released is Animal Crossing New Leaf on 3DS in 2013. In this last game, you came to your new village and became the mayor. You can customize the village thanks to public project.
Animal Crossing New Horizon trailer
Now that everyone knows a bit more about Animal Crossing, let's talk about the upcomming game. Animal Crossing New Horizon is going to be released on switch on 20th march 2020. On the trailer, you can see that you start your adventure on a plane that leaves you on a deserted island. You have to build everything from scratch and that's probably the main feature of this new game. Days after days, we see that the deserted island became more and more alive. At the end of the trailer, we can see 8 characters that are on one island. And of course, Tom Nook is here to take his money !
**What I tought **
My opinion will be a bit biased as I'm a huge fan of the licence : I've buy every game since the DS one in 2006, I got 2 copy of the 3DS one to get multiple town, my 3DS and my switch were bought only for the next game release ! And I'll make one more step on the Animal Crossing hell as I want to buy the limited switch edition of the new Animal Crossing.
I really was waiting for some news about the game since december as they revealed that they were working on a new opus. This trailer hyped me soooooo much ! I love the fact that we can create our own object and finally drop the outdoor furniture outside (this is probably one of the thing I was expecting the most). The island seems big, maybe as big as a classic village. As everyone, I've watched it multiple times, pointing out things that weren't in the previous game.
The only thing that breaks my heart is that wouldn't be able to make multiple island that I can connect to internet as the games saves are connected with our Nintendo account. And the nintendo online subscription too. That's sad but maybe, we'll find a way !
Things I found on the trailer that weren't on ACNL
I take the ACNL (Animal Crossing New Leaf) game as the last game released as Pocket Camp on smartphones is a game that doesn't count on the main licence (Nintendo says it itself). First : the bags. Backpack and pannier are available (on the first image i've post you can see them). This feature is from pocket camp, they released it in april with the classroom fishing tourney. I was hoping them to go on the new game so that's pretty cool. I fell in love with the pannier *-*
Then the rocks on the beach, they are really beautiful and add something to the beach. I wont speak a lot about the crafting system as the trailer says it all but as I've said before, I love that too. The Bell Distributor is now on the Nook tent. And on the tent, we can see that Tommy and Timmy will be part of the game (we see one of them so maybe the other one isn't that far).
As a lot of people, I've noticed that trees and flowers don't grow instantly. For the trees, it was already true (they took 3 days in ACNL to grow up) but this is totally new for the flowers ! That's more realistic, this isn't good or bad because it seems that we could take multiple flowers from one plant as the stem stay in the ground after the character take the flowers.
When it's autmun, it seems that there's wheat so maybe we can take it and cook something with it ? I'd love to and hope they won't break this dream ! We can take a tree with a shovel to get it in our pocket. The question here is : do this tree still be a tree or just a seed ?
On Fuschia house, we can see a brand new floor that is really cute along with a new type of dress. Before that, Luppa and the black sheep (I got her name in french but not in english unfortunately) wear shirt with sleeve. This is a new feature as normally a sheep wear only a scarf. There's a new tool that allow us to create path without pattern and that's cool ! And the intresting fact for me is here : we can make a wifi party with 7 friends (plus the host so 8) ! That's really cool compared to the 3 of before.
And that's everything I've noticed. I've read some leaks too about the game. And one that is very intresting for me is that 2 people on the same switch can play at the same time. If this leak is true, this would be awesome as I play a lot with my older sister and we were sometimes arguing about who would play.
This game seems very intresting for me. I can't wait to play it but I have to be patient ! I hope that I wont get too much spoilers, I really want to discover the game mostly on my own. That's it, that was the post to share my hype with you.
Is there someone here waiting for that game to be released too ? :)
Note : when writing this post, I still haven't seen the gameplay demo so maybe, some other things are missing.