Play Pokemon Go for your family

in gaming •  8 years ago 

So Pokemon spawn based on the average amount of cellphone users in an area. Areas that are good for average amount of cellphone users are typically areas in cities, universities, apartment buildings and believe it or not nursing homes. With the amount of visitors and workers and the elderly themselves there's a decent amount of cellphone users at nursing homes which leads to a very good amount of Pokemon that spawn at nursing homes.


Now as many of you know I'm an EMT. Taking people back to nursing homes from the hospital or from their dialysis appointments I tend to hear that a lot of people don't get visitors. If you're looking for a reason to visit your great-uncle or your grandma while they're in a nursing home I'm just throwing another reason in there. Now while visiting Grandma you can catch some Pokemon and get back in touch with your darling grandmother.


I frequent a lot of nursing homes due to my job and I can tell you that some nursing homes I have seen upwards of 10 to 14 spawns at a time. In the first two weeks of playing Pokemon go after the beta I caught a charmeleon at a nursing home. That's same nursing home almost always has a starter Pokemon waiting for me when I get there.


And if you don't have family in a nursing home you can always volunteer. Nursing homes are always looking for people to come in and talk to their elderly sing a few songs or just read a book. If you're looking for a reason to give back to a community and catching Pokemon at the same time you've got a good one right there.

I'm not attempting to guilt anyone into going to a nursing home I'm simply just trying to add a bonus for being there. For some reason it became normal to throw old people in a facility and just wait for them to expire. But these are lovely people with great history and experience that you can access. I have gotten first hand accounts of World War II, the Pearl Harbor attacks, the Korean War, and Vietnam. I'm an avid learner of military history and getting first hand accounts is like liquid gold. And believe it or not these first-hand accounts are going to expire with the same people. Right now is the only time for the rest of your life that you're going to be able to hear what World War II was like from a soldier's perspective. In 10 years there will probably be no war War 2 veterans left, there's barely any left as it is. So I recommend that if you're a fan of military history or American history in that time frame now would be your time to get first hand accounts. The clock is running and it's going to run out soon.

Well that's my talk for the day. Remember you can play Pokemon go anywhere and the more people you see the more chance of catching Pokemon. And go visit Grandma. As I do with all my Pokemon posts I wrote this using the esteem app which I recommend. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

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What a time to be alive. So amazing that we can use this to get more motivation to do things which matter most in life. Loving.

Every little bit counts.

I havent heard about Pokemon GO in a while.

It's still going, gyms got revamped, they introduced a new raid system, and generation 2 came out.
Niantic works heavily on making the game current and as fun as possible, while trying to reduce on things like spoofers. I think the game is more fun now than before, and I loved it before. Feel free to check out those posts and others I've written on Pokemon Go to see how the game has changed for the better over the last month.

I didin't knew that.

It's all based off of the previous game's (Ingress) concept of mind units, which were the points the two teams competed with world wide. Covering a section of a city was worth a lot more than covering an even larger stretch of the countryside. And super dense cities like New York or Tokyo were worth ridiculous points. The denser the population the better the mind units, or the pokemon spawns.

That's pretty nice, especialy conceidering the cuantity of people in the world.

And there's some big events on the horizon. In America there's going to be a new event July 22nd in Chicago and sometime later this year there's going to be an event in Japan. I've done a lot of events for the previous game Ingress and they are a lot of fun. I'm curious to see how they do a live event with Pokemon, it could be very interesting. I'll be posting a ton of pictures and commentary during the live event if I can, if not during then definitely after the event itself as I will be in Chicago.

Nice even thou i'm a pokemon fan i cant play go becouse i don't use smartphones.

Maybe one day. In the mean time you can live vicariously through me and my posts. And we'll go places man, I promise.

