Is Gaming healthy for you? Here is what the experiments reveal

in gaming •  3 years ago 

Whenever we perform a task as a beginner, our brain formulates a procedure, consisting of steps, to complete that task. If the task is performed repetitively, our brain becomes familiar with the task and we can perform it with ease. Sensorimotor skills are specifically those skills that require hand and eye coordination. Examples include playing the guitar, driving, riding a bicycle or typing on a keyboard. Learning a skill requires coordination between the visual and motor systems of the brain. Once the coordination pattern is developed, a person can perform that task easily and even subconsciously.

As odd it may sound, research has shown that playing competitive action games, which require concentration and attention, increases the ability of the player to develop the coordination pattern required to learn new skills. It is not only helpful in playing video games but also in performing real-life tasks with high efficiency. Sensorimotor skills require that particular action be performed repetitively to familiarise the brain with that skill.


An experiment was conducted between two groups of people, gamers and non-gamers, by a team of scientists from the University of Toronto, Canada. The experiment required both groups of people to coordinate their hand movement with a dot on the screen of a computer. On the computer screen, a dot was moving in an intricate but repetitive manner. Both groups of people had to move their hands in sync with the dot on the screen. Initially, both groups executed the task equally well but after some time, the gamers adapted to the task and outperformed the non-gamers. The experiment showed how playing games train the mind to perform intricate tasks that require synchronised eye and body movements. (1)

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Didn't need to do a study to know that this is true. It is pretty easy to see.