Elite: Dangerous it is.

in gaming •  7 years ago 

I jumped onto Elite: Dangerous for a quick bit of fun in a Combat Zone, and it all went wrong:

After taking out an NPC some other players dropped in aligned to an enemy faction, my sheilds already partially depleted and an NPC faction also taking shots at me, I had to run for my life! Boosting away and using a sheild cell bank generates alot of heat and I start to get malfunctions, but managed to escape with my sheilds as vapour.

Moments after I stopped recording, three players pulled me back down and rinsed me out of existence and back to a rebuy screen... it aint called dangerous for nothing. Always jump to another system Commanders, always.

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This in VR.....

Oh yeah I wish, from what I hear its awesome in VR. Im wating for the VR tech to mature a bit before I try it.

You inspired me to take a look at VR setup again, still too much to justify unfortunately, £500 for a Rift plus a new GPU, ouch!

Remember that investing in a good GPU will also allow you to mine various cryptocurrencies ;)

True, but as I mine #gridcoin a powerful GPU is optional, I get more profit from my CPU. I can also game while I'm mining Gridcoin.

Well, there's other coins out there brother :)

Sure I wasnt being sniffy with you, I just find Gridcoin is good for me as I dont need to keep up with the expense of GPU release cycles as CPUs progress slower

Nice game

Yep I was playing the original version on my ZX Spectrum way back in 1985, I used to die alot then too :)

Nice anaconda!

Thanks, let's hope I don't lose it to the Thargoids tomorrow!