Hearthstone: My Road to Legendary

in gaming •  8 years ago 

Hello Steemians!

As I have wrote about in two of my previous work. I made mentioned that the most time I spend on a game right now goes to Hearthstone. If you do not know, Hearthstone is Blizzard's very own Card Game that was derived from the heroes, monsters and maybe part of the lore on their MMO World of Warcraft.

I have been playing this game a few months after the launch in 2014. And I have to admit, at that time, I did not find it very appealing. Maybe because my time was spent on other things in life and having Hearthstone (No luck whatsoever on any legendary) is going to make things a little more difficult to juggle around. So I decided to just leave it there for now.

I only played the game again when I bought my very first flagship phone from LG, the V10(Deceased). I had to shorten my game time on the other games just to accommodate Hearthstone.

Hearthstone proved to be very slow. As an F2p player, getting destroyed by Dr. Boom is not a very wonderful experience. Seeing that card alone would cause me to concede a game more than I can remember. I know this will be a very long journey.

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As a Free to Play player, having powerful cards (Legendary Cards like Dr. Boom) does not come very fast. And you literally have to purchase/open packs to get them faster and at random. It is also not easy to make one as they would cost 1600 arcane dusts to craft. Bloodmage Thalnos was my very first legendary card. I got it a few months after I restarted my journey in hearthstone. I guess they do not just say Legendary for nothing.

After getting my first legendary, I was inspired. I wanted to get more into the game than ever but as F2P. Getting consistent Rank improvement month after month was my step goal, getting legendaries along the way is a plus. Ranking up is not easy with my own decks as I have a limited card pool, I lack experience. I have to follow what is hot and cheap at the same time. That was the only way for me to get to higher Ranks. (FaceHunter?)

Whispers of the Old Gods came along, April 2016. And change was everywhere. The introduction to "Standard", a format that is being used in Magic the Gathering, is to limit the number of expansions used for the current season. This also means the elimination of Dr.Boom from standard play(Yey!!). This is very good for players like me because I just cannot keep up with all the cards since way back. Every single expansion is dedicated into saving gold to buy the next Solo Adventure, and my that more than just a handful of games.


I may have forgotten to tell you that I am playing this casually but with Legendary as a goal. So basically every month, I am limited to maybe average <400 games played. Sometimes when I feel like I am on a roll, I squeeze in a few games while I am at work. For as long as I can multi-task (not a good idea), and luck is on my side (RNGods) then I go for it.

After standard play started, I have been able to hit past Rank 5 every single month. Topping Rank 1 from time to time, but after losing streaks, Rank 5 has been a constant ground for me. I have been getting lucky with legendary cards as well that enabled me to start building decks. Standard helped out since the wild cards can be disenchanted if I really needed the dust to create new cards.

The most recent Expansion, "The Journey to Un'Goro," was filled another addition to how ranked play is setup. They now apple Ranked Floors where you no longer Rank Down after hitting that certain Rank. This is made on Rank 15, 10, and 5. This made everything easier as I no longer get to worry about going below Rank 5. A whole lot of the competitive community would really highlight that the journey from Rank 5 to Legend takes more games played that from Rank 20 - 5 because of the lack of bonus stars, and eventually, getting to play with more "seasoned or experienced" players.


On the release month of "Journey to Un'Goro," April 29th, was the very first time I hit legend after spending a year ++ on the game as an F2P. It was 343 games recorded on my Main Computer (53% win rate), that is without the ton of games I played on my phone and on the laptop.

When I hit that legendary status, I literally screamed in both excitement and exhaustion. I never thought I would be able to hit legendary after having tried and failed for more than a year. Never have I thought that persistence would let me achieve a goal I have always wanted for myself. The reward is the satisfaction of achieving a goal, even if it is just a game.

Hearthstone Screenshot 04-29-17 10.23.13.png

I know this is quite a WALL, but Hearthstone has literally taken up a year or so in my life. This was an experience that proved to be lengthy yet satisfying and maybe an inspiration to other F2P players that would like to hit legend in the game as well. It is a tedious task, a whole lot of research and failures, literally a chore. But hitting legendary is a possibility. I started out with nothing about card games, strategies, win-rates, cards... NOTHING. So if I was able to do it, I am sure you can too.

If you liked this or you would like to share your experiences as well, please feel free to comment, upvote. And if you would like to share this as an inspiration other Hearthstone players please do hit resteem or maybe even follow me. Or maybe you would like to do practice games with me, or trade 80g, then maybe you would like to add me looterdevil #1579 im on NA.

Thanks alot! Till next time!

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I played this game from beta till last year. Highest rank I reaced was Rank 2. It is really funny and entertaining.

I am thinking about getting back into game! Can you recommend some good deck to for a Warlock/Hunter player?

Basing on the Meta Right now, Warlock seems kind of dead. Hunter, however, is very even. I have not used Hunter this season though since I have it golden already. I am using secret mage, aggro murloc paladin and miracle rogue.

If you are really interested in getting decks. The websites I use for decks are: hearthpwn.com and hearthstonetopdecks.com. Recently I have also looked into disguisedtoast.com his team is great with keeping up with high legend decks on different server every season.

Hope this helps.

Thank you! I will take a look. Wish me luck :D

how did you alligned text and images?

I am unsure how I did as well. I am fairly new to steemit so the pictures I have here are typically drag and drop. I may have used large files in the process where steemit compresses it to where it will fit centered.

Never played the game really. Looks like it would be fun. I currently only play Hots as of Blizzard games. Do you play Hots?

Unfortunately no. I wanted to try, but just like Dota and World of Warcraft which I left, I don't see myself playing it. Or maybe just for fun.

We'll see where the tide will take me with HoTS.

I ever play this game, but dota still better i think haha

Dota is a nice Game for Comp Gaming i love that and played around 4 years in Pro League in Germany and Russian.
We got 1999 a Sponsor for us and Play this game around the World on Gamescom,E3 and many other events.
This was a realy good time for me i miss it. :/

Wow, that many pro player in your country right ?
Surely dota still exist until today, TI7 Coming soon dude :D

Dota ate up a whole lot of my teens to early twenteens. It is so much a different playing field in the sense that Dota plays with a Team versus HS is just you. You are accountable for your own mistakes and no one gets the blame except you. In Dota however, it boils down to team work, camaraderie, chemistry, synchronization. Dota is an artform of a different level based on experience as well as watching competitive Dota.

Hearthstone is another thing (just like chess) where it is 1v1 but with RNG (Luck, a whole lot of luck) involved.

Hopefully you get to try this out casually. Doesn't have to be competitive HS, just a past time :) Thanks for reading bud.

Nice dude, have you try yugioh : duel link, its a good game i think, i still play it

I have heard of it before but I have never tried it. Maybe I would explore a bit as I enjoyed watching the anime before :)

You must try it, i'm very recommended it dude. Full of startegy game haha

Ill make sure to. Thanks for the suggestion.


Cool stuff bro! Good luck on the ladder this month.
I'm om my way to legend right now (Rank 4 atm).
It's good to see hearthstone content here in steemit, keep it up! Let's get this comunity growing :)

Soo cool!

Thanks alot!

Great story, as a F2P player with considerably less free time I had my greatest moment of joy reaching rank 15... However I was not aware of the change they included in the Un'goro expansion where the rank drops were removed at certain levels. Thanks for the inspiring post, I found some new motivation to start climbing the ladder again! As I have been drawn to arena a bit more lately I have not been very active on ranked play.


Mate, I take from the beta wanting to upload to legend, my maximum was rank 4, I think that raising the legend is a matter of perseverance as the losing streaks discourage me a lot. I recognize that most of the time I do not play enough, but reading your post gave me renewed strength for my climb, climbing legend is one of my things pending. Thanks

You are right. I feel with you on Perseverance and discouraging losing streaks. I am happy to have inspired you to climb legend. It is a great investment if you come to think of it. As you spend so much time grinding for it every single month. But though the results are poorly rewarded (monetarily), it does pay you back in personal achievement. Good luck man!

Hearthstone < League of Legends.
I think Hearthstone is total shit becouse if we want to be good we must spend real money.

If u want to be good in league of legends u need a reliable clan or whatever they call it. Heartstone is free to play but you need to play a lot to build a decent deck... So I don't play neither of these games anymore :D

I actually tried LoL. I failed. I am sorry guys. But the choice is really different for a whole lot of people. I was actually into local competitive Dota before Valve came along. And I would say Hearthstone has their own celebrations while LoL/Dota/HoTS has their own.

I may have liked Hearthstone because of my teeny weeny experience in MTG. :)

Thanks for reading bud.

amazing post @shote.said nice to meet you ^_^

Thanks for the read bud! Nice to meet you to :)

ur welcome @shote.said keep it up ^_^

Congrats! I'm more of an arena player but what kind of deck did you play for legend i'd love to see your creativity!

TBH, There wasn't really any creativity involved. It was pure net decking. I think for an average player like me, creativity at higher ranks wouldn't really work. It was revolving around Aggro/midrange Murloc Pally and Pirate warrior as I was running out of time then.

This was an interesting article to read! this is my first comment on steemit and im actually looking to launch a gaming channel on here. im a huge fan of hearthstone but im looking to be uploading content from league of legends and overwatch. I enjoy hearthstone but like you said it can sometimes be very tedious feeling. DOWN WITH PIrate WARRIOR

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy your stay here on steemit as I have. Welcome to the platform, wishing you success here! My posts here may revolve around the experiences on the games I have/had played so if you wish to stay tune, follow me :)

Will do!

I did love playing Hearthstone but now i just can be dealing with all the RnG and Randomness it just get's me down, all i would like to do in this game is hit Rank 10....nope never have and i have been playing for years now.

It just makes me sad....but i still play it

I used to play Hearthstone in the past and I have to admit, that this was an awesome game. I enjoyed it to play this game. The better I became the more fun I had. After all the updates the last 2 years, I realized more and more, that you will have a hard time without spending real money.

It is still possible to be a good ranked player yes, but the relationship of money to talent is a big difference. Thats why I stopped playing this game.
A game where you get a high advantage because of spending money is in my opinion not a good game.

I always thought about that when I played. We are unfairly matched against people with max legendaries. It makes the ladder more difficult to grind. But once you have a chunk of the cards and getting the most of the puzzle pieces for having a tier 1 meta deck, it all boils down to skill rather than the actual deck.

After the legendary attainment. I am playing very restrained as I have other things to do IRL. But still, if i get the chance, I'll finish a quest or two just to stay in check. But part of the habit is still reading the articles related to what is new in HS.

Yea I agree with you. I did the same like you with doing the quests for a while but after they added some hard quests a few month ago I completely stopped playing.
If I start play HS again, this will be only the arena. That game mode is just awesome. But right now, there is no motivation for it.

Hopefully you will get the spark to play again. Slowly but surely they say :)

Card game you say? GAH! My weakness! I might have to check this out. I used to play trading card games back in the day, and I'm feeling a tad nostalgic for a TCG experience.

You should try it!