I play League of Legends: Dat Troll Flash

in gaming •  8 years ago 

As some of you guys may know, I am an amazing wood player in League of Legends.

I play in EUW as Dreiek, currently B2 and trying to crawl out of this hell hole. If anybody wants to have shitty games with me, yes please! I am always up to play with people. I generally play Jungle or Top as a semi tankie champ.

Eventhough, I suck balls, I would still like to share something with you which even I was surprised about!

I was going a shitty lane against Malphite - early is fine, late not so much. Either way, this Lee Sin wanted to gank my lane. I saw it a bit too late and he caught me in his Q to jump me. And he did. I blind him and the pursue begins:

Like, I did not even expect them to react that way :') Seriously, NO idea why this worked haha! I for sure had a good laugh.

Also want one of these pretty footers? I do them for free! Check out this post for more information!

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DANG GURL!!! Nice flash =) that was pro, I want to play with you sometime, I'm SVAKANDA, and my little brother is chickin butt

Nice! Just add me and I will accept you. I am not that pro though, just extremely lucky sometimes :p What rank are you?

Also, thanks for hopping on my profile:D Nice to meet you ^^

hmmm, I think I play in USW though, I probably can't see you if you're in Euro servers. Can I just come over there? lol...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You can make an account on another server though. I think I have a NA account somewhere forgotten.

Where are you from?

Montana, US. You?

Originally from Amsterdam, the Netherlands but living in Berlin, Germany!

Nice to meet you too!

Hey, challenger 3v3 player here. Are here, on steemit some players interested in videos, or guides?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I don't know. I am definitely interested, haha.. I am seriously sick of silver/bronze and sick of my noobness. I need a tutor :c Teach me sensei.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That was funny ahahahha. Im p3 on EUNE

Damn. How ;; Just had promos to b1 hahahaha. I feel like a joke.

I do play since s4 but i dunno. Practicing a lot really.

Haha nice. Who do you main?

I main adc : Lucian & Ez besides then my favourite champion is GP i have to admit im skilled on him and Lucian. GP is like my side-main.

#adc2017 haha. How's it going for you? I never played gp actually. I generally play trundle or Warwick :) I like a bit more tankie Champs so I can make stupid mistakes without dying instantly.

Well i havent played in 3 weeks cause id prolly be in diamond, my laptop failed miserably its done for and i dontnhave any other pc's, i wonder when im going to get my new one, next year maybe...

Ah shit.. What happened to it :l

Just found you through @saramiller
You going to SteemFest this year?
Would love to see a photo of you in one of my SteemGear Designs! Let me know if you haven and where I may find it!

Also are you improving in LOL??? IT IS the most awesome game on earth!

Yeah! SteemFest all the way!

You mean the photo from @saramiller from last year? It's my Steemit DP :) Also, I do have the orange cap from last year, but it is in Amsterdam. I would be able to make a picture of that in 10 days when I go back.

I still suck at LOL, I am stuck in S5 :(

Great to hear your going again! Looking forward to meeting you.

So your silver 5? thats ranked, if ur playing ranked u can't be that bad....Its no diamond or anything but ur no noob obviously.

SteemOn to SteemFest!

No, thats pretty much noob. People keep ruining my games :( Wish I was at least Gold, lol. Which rank do/did you have?

You too man! Also let me know what exactly you need for the pics if the info I mentioned wasn't sufficient!

I would just like to have a pic of you rocking one of my SteemGear designs so I could put it in a post sometime!

As to LOL I never really played ranked to much, don't really have the time to play more than a game here or there with all the responsibilities, businesses and family I take care of every day hahaha