Lucie , The Expelled Alchemist - Extensive Guide

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Good Morning , Evening fellow Gamers this week has been a great weak for me to see my gaming content is getting support and I can't say how grateful I am to get support for the thing I love to write. Lets start and we got another support champion in our Plate Lucie , The Expelled Alchemist.

Lucie is a diverse contender who knows which brew makes you choke, heal or flee in fear. The arena has become her new playground for wild experiments. As you can clearly understand from her title , she is an expelled alchemist and she never hesitate to use her skills as an alchemist in the battleground. He is a quite balanced champion , however I find her healing skill quite inefficient but eventhough it is bad , all the other things she own in her arsenal still make her a considerable pick.

Lucie , The Expelled Alchemist - Extended Guide

Lucie is a top tier support champion , but she must be one of the hardest champions in the game . She has a lot of crowd control and protection ability however she only got 1 escape ability and that one is consuming energy if you want to use it. So basicly you need to have energy and cooldown in order to escape also it is cooldown is around 8 seconds and it is quite high. However she balances this weakness with her strong crowd control abilities. This time you will have problem when you face with 2 meeles training you and if you miss one of your skill shots you will end up losing a lot of health , therefore if you are bad with proctiles you shouldn't pick her.

Skills & Battlerites

This is your main projectile attack it is pretty slow but you will find yourself using it a lot because it deals good damage as a support and inflicts an exploding toxin affect.

So this is slighlty different healing skill other than the champions , it is ratherly slow but its cooldown get lower when you have your teammates around you and it inflicts a healing buff to them so positioning is fairly important with this champion.

Barrier is your most affective defensive cooldown it absorbs 50 damage for 2.5 seconds and you need to use it efficiently to delete snare and other negative affects.

This is your main defensive ability for double meele compositions it knockbacks enemy according to where you throw it , this is a utility skill other than that it has 0 affect.

This is lucies most annoying skill it fears your opponent and make them run in to another direction it is an amazing weapon in sudden death match ups.

This is Lucies only escape ability I find this pretty weak because it doesn't make you untargatable or anything like that and it consumes energy and it has a quite high cooldown thats why when you are using this think twice because you won't have any other escape ability.

These are both amazing ex-abilities and you will find yourself using them a lot , deadly injection deals decent damage as a support for increasing damage output and the petrify is great for petrfying your enemies and reposition your team and recover some healt or do some orb objective.

Crippling Goo is quite strong AoE poison and the enemies inside it takes DpS according to how long they stayed inside the goo also it inflicts a small snare first when its landed.

These are the standart build for Lucie in order to amplify her already amazing skills , but sadly there arent any skill that will give her more mobility.

  • Weakening Toxin this is great ability if you want to increase your damage and healing output during the game because as you can read from the battlerite it increases it by 20 and 10 percentage.

  • Stimulant is a cool ability for your teammates because after you heal you give them a buff that will increase their damage output by 12 percent.

  • Alacrity gives a little mobility to champion but 33 percent speed won't save you in lots of situations.

  • Chaos is another great ability and after fear explodes it inflicts 6 AoE damage but it is quite hard to accurately deal damage with it.

  • Swift Roll is a great ability and it gives 33 movement speed but it is not the best part it reduces to cooldown of your only escape ability.

To be honest there are some tips and tricks I want to give and first one is awlays be aware of enemy stealth/buffs and enemy shield anything that gives a perk to your enemey because you can cleanse them with your clarity potion and if you clear a shield that gives your team to opportunity to push.

If you aren't doing anything and your heal is full , you can always throw M2 on an ally in order to give them Revitalize Buff which is a HpS and it will heal them after they lose potential energy.

However there is only one thing you absoloutely need to be carefull about in every game and it is Positioning. Positioning is a key as Lucie and you always have to be carefull about what is going around you and you can't go over agressive as a Lucie because of lack of ability in escaping skills , therefore you need to stay behind your team if not you will face with a strong pressure. Since you start with 0 energy you need to be extra caitous in the beggining because your escape ability needs 25 energy.

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista!

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quite impressive with great content that keep interest alive. thanks man

Is it action game!

Really Intetesting sir @steeminator3000 Amazing Games & Thankd for Guide

tebrikler :)

Asıl sana tebrikler şöhret oldun artizmmm

olamadım ya :/ şans işte . iki gün ssonra steemmler yerlere düştü:D
önerin falan var mı bana ? gerçekten ne yapacağımı şaşırdım :D

Bu sefer şöhret olduğundan emindim ya aynı hız devam !

ahhaha sen öyle diyorsan öyledir:D bak bu şöhretli arkadaşını desteksiz bırakma sonra üzülürsün dsgdjashdgja

@artizm sndbox'a üyelik alımları başlasın, reis bizi onlara önerse işte o zaman şöhret olabiliriz. Reis bize bu iyliği yaparsın değil mi ?

good post.i like this game.thanks for guide.

Awsome content as usual , Keep it up my brother !
devamini bekleriz cancagzim .

I've been thinking of giving Battlerite a try... this made it easier, i'm going to look at your other posts about champions, might learn a thing or two before actually getting in the game, any champs you advise using?

Well try ranged damagers it is quite fun to play them at the start it is a chill game I totally advice you

Will do, atm i'm dedicating my full time to steemit, but as soon as i need some steemit vacations ill play it, thanks :D

Happy to have so many gamers over this way!

Happy Winter-een-mas! ^___^v