What Type Of Gamer Are YOU! - Gaming Top 5 - Part 55.

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Tastes in games is very subjective depending on who you are. But at some point you have to ask, ''What type of gamer are you?''.

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Back in the day, if you played games you were considered to be a geek, then came the 80's and everyone started to realise how awesome it is to game. There are still some gaming geeks out there, just like me, but for the most part, there is a huge variety of people who are also dedicated or part time gamers. Let us know in the comments what type of gamer you are.

Here are just 5 types of gamers you may encounter.

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5 – Casual.

They are everywhere and they are nowhere. They may only play games on there kids consoles, or perhaps they don't even own a console.
They are the ones who will tell there kids they will wear the graphics out on the PC for playing too much doom, but will sit there and play solitaire.
You see them in the streets, in the park and on the bus with there heads down looking at there phone as they get a new high score in candy crush saga, angry birds or temple run. They may even say they are a big gamer, but when you ask them about games like hitman or final fantasy, they would not have a clue, and reply with there personal sexual fantasy.
In short, the casual gamer are the ones who play games to pass the time while they wait for something or on there way to somewhere, and only have a limited knowledge of the games they like to play.
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4 – Uber Graphics.

These are the type of gamers that love to play games with the best graphics possible. They love the realism in modern games and will do anything to achieve this.
Console owners will have the latest PS4 pro or Xbox one X, they will have spent silly money on a 60”+ 4K TV with a high refresh rate just so they can play the latest titles at there full potential.
PC gamers go one further, making sure they have the latest and greatest hardware to drive the games they play, making sure that all the graphical settings are turned up to ultra and playing on maybe more than 1 monitor at an alarmingly high frame rate of upwards of 120 FPS. All in the effort to get the best possible graphical experience no matter the cost.
The games they play can be … questionable. Yes the graphics may look amazing but the narrative could be utter crap. But that doesn't really matter to these guys as long as it looks good.
These are the type of gamers that will play sports games or racing games because they have no real story but look good.
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3 – Story Time.

These gamers are the other side of the coin when compared to the graphics guys. They will play an old 70's video game on hardware just as old as long as the story is good.
They don't care about having the high end hardware or console to play games on, if the story is good, they will play it, regardless of how it looks.
Even though story driven triple A title games are more popular today than they have ever been, they still don't care. The small indie game that was developed buy a small handful of people will entice them just as much.
These gamers are more likely to play RPG style games, and will never, and I mean never skip a cut scene. Even if it is an older game, they will take the time to read all the text on screen, regardless of the time it will take them to do this. They see these games either like an interactive book or movie.
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2 – Indie.

Now we turn to the hipsters of the gaming world. Don't bother asking them what there favourite game is, because you would never of heard of it before.
Indie games are just like the games of old. You go down to the game store. Pick up a game based on its cover art, take it home and hope that it is a good game. They are very hit or miss, but among all those games, there are a few gems to find.
These people will play all the games before they became cool (cough Journey, cough) and then ditch it when it became cool.
They are the ones who actively look for the good games in the indie world. Often playing games most of us would never consider to play, just to find out if it has any merit.
They will find a game they like before anyone else likes it, but as soon as it gets attention, they move on to an obscure Japanese puzzle game that was developed by a team in germany or something. I don't know....
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1 – Hardcore.

Now we have the ones who have to have the best...... EVERYTHING.
Usually PC gamers, these people will stop at nothing to make sure they have the very best hardware, sometimes, fully custom hardware to show of there hardware to match there gaming prowess.
They will have 3 monitors, or an ultra wide monitor, or 3 ultra wider monitors for that perfect immersion experience that they are looking for. They are the guys that will play the most popular titles for hours upon hours on end. They are the ones who will attend eSports competitions to watch other hardcore gamers go head to head in a battle arena type game, wishing it was them up on stage.
They have a very extensive knowledge about the gaming industry and there Steam games library is very, very, and I mean Very extensive with hundreds of purchased games at there disposal.
They are the ones that will be playing the same game, or same battle for 2 days straight, they will have there own dedicated server for there favourite game. They will tell people that they don't game, they practice gaming so they can become better at gaming.
They are the ones who dedicate thousands of hours to MMORPG or MOBA games.
And finally, these type of gamers look down on Console peasants and class themselves as part of the PC master race.
Even women and family are secondary to gaming, that is how dedicated they are.
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There are obviously many more types of gamers out there. These are just some examples of the type of people you may come across. I for one consider myself to be an RTS and Story driven type of gamer with a touch of being a graphics and FPS whore with a dash of hardcore thrown in there for good measure.

But there are also the snobs, collectors, cheaters, wizards, competitors, trolls, retro, RTS, JRPG, Sci fi, Artsy, competitor, social..... there are so many, there is no way I could fit them all into one list.

So let us know in the comments what type of gamer you are.

Thanks for reading.

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Generally, I've been the Indie Gamer, most of the time or as I get older. In second place for me, I can be the Story First Gamer. I love Paper Mario. Third, the Hard Core Gamer. Fourth, the Uber Graphic Gamer. And lastly, fifth, a Casual Gamer.

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Nice article!
A few things about what you mentioned:

1."and will never, and I mean never skip a cutscene"
Skipping a cutscene is blasphemy! :D

2."they will take the time to read all the text on screen, regardless of the time it will take them to do this"
Planescape: Torment - Talking to Ravel for 30-45 minutes was a pretty memorable gaming experience. I think people who love to read books too, have no problem to read everything in a video game. I really like to read backstories, journal entries, to find references (to other games, movies) etc.

3.I love nice graphics too (1080p, high settings, 60 fps are enough for me, no need for ultra/über), but it really depends on the game, sometimes it just doesn't matter. However I think art style is the most important part of the graphics. Some of my favorites are indie games, but my attitude is pretty different from what you presented in the article. I mean I have no problem with a game's popularity for example.

4.The hardcore thing: I love to play games on the highest difficulty settings just to test my skills and my Steam library looks like just as you described it. (I already have no chance to play all of those games :D ) The other things "don't really fit my style".

So, I guess I'm a mix of the 1-4. gamer types, similar to you.

oh yeah. a story is what makes a good game. i just recently completed rise of the tomb raider. there is a boat load of cut scenes and even more scrolls, tapes, papers and other things you collect that all have there own little side story. according to steam, i played it for just shy of 50 hours. just on one campaign. and it was amazing. i'm so looking forward to a follow up game.

I did the same with the first (well, let's say reboot) episode. Sadly I couldn't 100% the whole game on Steam (only the single player part of it) because the multiplayer is dead nowadays. I still have to play RotR, when I find some time for it because Tomb Raider (2013) was a blast. :)
About the sequel: I hope we can see a trailer of the 3rd episode (Shadow of the Tomb Raider) during the E3 in June!

The last game I've finished, where reading everything was crucial in my opinion, is Quantum Break. It's one of the best time travel stories I've ever seen, but probably most people just ran/shoot through it without paying attention to the details. I think this partly explains the mixed reviews.

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I'm mainly story driven gamer and these two scentences define me!!

1."and will never, and I mean never skip a cutscene"

Unless I saw it before, if the credits have something too I won't skip them. But being credits I won't look at them either.

The small indie game that was developed buy a small handful of people will entice them just as much.

That's me!! One of the problems though my PC isn't strong enough to play AAA games on best framerate, and most of the NOT AAA games have unusual ideas compared to most games these days being clones of each other (even in story.)

But at the same time I can be any other type depending on the game, I play some games casually, I grind some games to max them out even though I don't like grinding usually.

There are different types of players and each of them behaves differently. this is a very interesting issue. I was recently looking for information on this subject, and I highly recommend this post: https://gamerseo.com/blog/the-different-types-of-gamer-persona/