After yesterday we finished fighting with team cell where their team level 3 and this time after we fight with them at level 3 and now we have continued our battle against those who have level 5 wow, the harder we fight those who are directly level 5 and we are still level 2 where we now fight the clone cell team in a very arid desert and do not have a petition embedded in this desert area so it's like we are fighting 2 teams that are not seen by anyone because in this desert there are no people around this desert. And for the first time fighting is a goku where goku fight clone cell first to fight against them, and without fear and have a very strong thought would be able to defeat the clone cell and goku directly dealing with the cell in which the cell body more a bit big from goku and goku directly fight with him goku immediately remove his super saiyan to fill a force to strengthen his self to be able to defeat the clone cell and when the fight started goku already issued kamekameha and immediately did a beating in the body cell and last goku immediately issued his mainstay moment in which his kamekameha is very big and the clone cell instantly lost against goku. And after each 1 battle against the clone team from the cell we get a result that later if the team goku all his win will be combined and the result itself for goku namely: 1. Earned Zeni: 125 2. Fight EXP: 450 3. Victory EXP: 320 4. Total EXP: 893 And after the goku had defeated the clone cell and suddenly from the top of the clone captain ginyu the big and muscular body jumped straight and plunged into the goku with his anger in which clone captain ginyu is very annoyed because his friend has lost and goku with searched her and saw a grim captain flying from above and instantly smashed the punch from a ginyu captain clone where he wanted to hit the goku from the top of where he flew earlier and here because of his hero goku and he had to be turned off by the team from the clone the. And against the clone captain ginyu when I wanted to directly fight him I get a notice of this game before against him that is "defend yourself in a pinchi | repel your opponent's attack with a Z reflect! Time (left on analog) + (X button on analog) with the opponent's attack "and the first first attack of goku instantly destroys a thought of captain ginyu and he immediately panics because the first attack of goku is very much parse blood from the clone captain ginyu itself and the damage that resulted by goku is also very sick when he hit clone captain ginyu and there hits that produced 30 hits and blood from clone captain ginyu live little and he immediately avoid the goku attacks again and he immediately lost fight goku as goku gets stronger and anger goku increasingly heats up. After finishing against clone capttai ginyu we again get another result games which later will be joined at the end of the fight against the last enemy and the result of his games are: 1. Earned Zeni: 146 2. Fight EXP: 330 3. Victory EXP: 350 4. Total EXP: 826 And after goku has defeated 2 enemy clones from cell, and goku still looks strong and still save a lot of energy and when goku is defeating clone captain ginyu and come his last friend is Clone nappa which is where he is very bald and valiant also with very strong hands and his strength like his very strong from the clone friend who was and he immediately came very quickly he ran from behind and went straight to goku very quickly he immediately hit the goku in when he hit goku, goku was already know his arrival and goku instantly smothered the punch from the nappa clone. And when the goku hold the punch nappa and goku directly slammed into the back of the powers of power From nappa is very strong and goku a bit of trouble to hold it and when goku slammed backwards at that time also goku directly recharge her power by removing her super saiyan to recharge her a little and by that time my goku was very angry and emotions saw the power of the clapps nappa and goku immediately flew up and pulled out his kamekameha and aimed at the clone nappa and after that goku ran straight to clone nappa and hit him very quickly and it was an attack counter from goku and increasingly angry goku he took out his kamekameha stance with while removing his super saiyan stance and quickly clone nappa directly defeated by goku and team goku again won this fight with little goku live. And this is the real result that will be combined all of them with the first fight until this third fight and the result of his last games are: 1. Zeni Earned: 271 2. Fight EXP: 780 3. Victory EXP: 670 4. Total EXP: 1721 And after the goku team had defeated all the clone team from the cell and suddenly the original cell came and he was very upset because his clone team which he considered strong and tough directly lost to the team from goku and then the cell spoke to them "blast it all! How is this possible? Why are not they as diminished as mine are! This is not fair! How can I, the perfect being be DEFEATED! "And the cell is very angry and he just like his did not accept that defeat and when he talked suddenly there was a reply to the cell talk he said" ha ha ha! A sorry sight you were cell " And it turns out that the reply to the conversation of the cell is a frieza where he is his old friend the cell and then the cell directly talk back to the frieza by saying "frieza ..." and tenyata cell just call frieza, and then frieza directly talk again with cell by speaking "hope you did not mind me .. observing this delightful spectale from afar ... remember .. we had a deal, a deal you chose to ignore just so you could run off on your own and fail miserably. Tell me, how was your showdown with that fithy primate? " And after frieza speaks to the cell, and the cell immediately replies the conversation of the frieza by saying "hmphh .. I do not have to tell you anything" and when the cell is talking with a reminder back when the cell had a promise to the frieza and the cell already remember it he has an appointment with frieza, and after the cell recalls it, frieza immediately talks to the cell by saying "ha ha ha ha! So that's how it is? Well, maybe we can not strike a deal, my subordinates have acquired information ... that might be of some small interest to you .. "and the cell instantly knows what the frieza wants by directly speaking" by subordinates, I assume you mean that over choreographed cirus troupe .. what an embarrassment they are to your cause, i'm sure you're very proud .. "and the cell instantly receives what is said by cell and frieza directly reply to her" ahh .. but yes. they are called the ginyu force "and after the frieza speaks he immediately goes and leaves the cell. [IND] Setelah yang kemarin kita sudah selesai bertarung dengan team cell yang di mana team mereka yang level 3 dan kali ini setelah kita bertarung dengan mereka di level 3 dan sekarang kita sudah melanjutkan terus pertarungan kita melawan mereka yang sudah level 5 wow , makin susah aja kita melawan mereka yang di mana langsung sudah level 5 dan kita masih level 2 yang di mana sekarang kita melawan team clone cell di sebuah gurun yang sangat gersang dan tidak mempunyai perpohonan yang tertanam di daerah gurun ini jadi seperti kita bertarung 2 team yang tidak terlihat siapa pun karena di gurun ini tidak terdapat orang di sekitaran gurun ini. Dan untuk yang pertama kali bertarung adalah goku yang di mana goku melawan clone cell terlebih dahulu untuk bertarung melawan mereka , dan tanpa rasa takut dan memilki pemikiran yang sangat kuat pasti bisa mengalahkan clone cell tersebut dan goku langsung berhadapan dengan cell yang di mana badan cell lebih sedikit besar dari goku dan goku langsung bertarungan dengannya goku langsung mengeluarkan super saiyan nya untuk mengisi sebuah tenaga untuk memperkuatkan diri nya untuk bisa mengalahkan clone cell dan saat pertarungan di mulai goku sudah mengeluarkan kamekameha nya dan langsung melakukan pemukulan di badan cell dan terakhir goku langsung mengeluarkan jurus andalan nya yang di mana kamekameha nya sangat besar dan clone cell langsung kalah melawan goku. Dan setiap selesai 1 pertarungan melawan clone team dari cell kita mendapatkan sebuah result yang nanti nya jika team goku semua nya menang bakalan di gabung kan dan result sendiri untuk goku yaitu : 1.Zeni Earned : 125 2.Fight EXP : 450 3.Victory EXP : 320 4.Total EXP : 893 Dan setelah goku sudah mengalahkan clone cell dan tiba – tiba dari arah atas si clone captain ginyu yang badan besar dan kekar langsung lompat dan terjun ke arah goku dengan kemarahan nya yang di mana clone captain ginyu yang sangat kesal karena kawan nya sudah kalah dan goku dengan singgap nya dan melihat captain ginyu yang terbang dari atas dan langsung menahan pukulan dari clone captain ginyu yang di mana dia ingin memukul goku dari arah atas tempat dia terbang tadi dan di sini karena goku pahlawan nya dan dia saja yang harus di matikan oleh team dari clone tersebut. Dan saat melawan clone captain ginyu tersebut saat ingin langsung melawan dia saya mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan dari games ini sebelum melawan dia yaitu “ defend yourself in a pinchi | repel your opponent’s attack with a Z reflect! Time ( arah kiri pada analog ) + ( Tombol X pada analog ) with the opponent’s attack “ dan saat first attack pertama dari goku langsung menghancurkan sebuah pemikiran dari captain ginyu dan dia langsung panik karena first attack dari goku sangat banyak mengurai darah dari si clone captain ginyu itu sendiri dan damage yang di hasil kan oleh goku juga sangat sakit saat dia memukul clone captain ginyu dan di situ hits nya yang di hasilkan 30 hits dan darah dari clone captain ginyu langsung tinggal sedikit dan dia langsung menghindari serangan goku lagi dan dia langsung kalah melawan goku karena goku semakin kuat dan amarah goku semakin memanas. Setelah selesai melawan clone capttai ginyu kita lagi – lagi mendapatkan sebuah result games yang nanti nya akan di gabung kan di akhir pertarungan melawan musuh yang terakhir dan result games nya yaitu : 1.Zeni Earned : 146 2.Fight EXP : 330 3.Victory EXP : 350 4.Total EXP : 826 Dan setelah goku sudah mengalahkan 2 musuh clone dari cell , dan goku masih terlihat kuat dan masih menyimpan banyak tenaga dan saat goku sedang mengalahkan clone captain ginyu dan datang lah teman nya yang terakhir yaitu Clone nappa yang di mana dia sangat botak dan gagah besar juga dengan tangan yang sangat kekar dan kekuatan nya seperti nya sangat kuat dari teman clone yang tadi dan dia langsung datang dengan sangat cepat dia berlari dari belakang dan langsung menghampiri goku dengan sangat cepat dia langsung memukul goku di saat dia memukul goku , goku ternyata sudah mengetahui kedatangan nya dan goku langsung menahan pukulan dari clone nappa. Dan saat goku menahan pukulan nappa dan goku langsung terhempas ke belakang tenyata kekuatan Dari nappa sangat kuat dan goku sedikit kesusahan menahan nya dan saat goku terhempas ke belakang di saat itu juga goku langsung mengisi tenaga nya dengan mengeluarkan lagi super saiyan nya untuk mengisi tenaga nya sedikit dan saat itu goku sudah sangat marah dan emosi melihat kekuatan dari clone nappa dan goku langsung terbang ke atas dan mengeluarkan kamekameha nya dan mengarahkan ke arah clone nappa dan setelah itu goku langsung berlari ke arah clone nappa dan memukul nya dengan sangat cepat dan itu adalah serangan counter dari goku dan semakin marah goku dia mengeluarkan jurus kamekameha nya dengan sambil mengeluarkan jurus super saiyan nya dan dengan cepat clone nappa langsung kalah dengan goku dan team goku kembali memenangkan pertarungan ini dengan darah goku tinggal sedikit. Dan ini adalah result yang sebenernya yang akan di gabungkan semua nya dengan pertarungan yang pertama sampai pertarungan ketiga ini dan result games nya yang terakhir adalah : 1.Zeni Earned : 271 2.Fight EXP : 780 3.Victory EXP : 670 4.Total EXP : 1721 Dan setelah team goku sudah mengalahkan semua team clone dari cell dan tiba – tiba cell yang asli datang dan dia sangat kesal karena team clone dia yang dia anggap kuat dan tangguh langsung kalah dengan team dari goku dan saat itu juga cell berbicara kepada mereka “ blast it all! How is this possible? Why aren’t their powers as diminished as mine are! This isn’t fair! How can I , the perfect being be DEFEATED! “ dan cell sangat marah dan dia seperti nya tidak menerima kekalahan itu dan di saat dia berbicara tiba – tiba ada yang membalas pembicaraan cell dia mengatakan “ ha ha ha! A sorry sight you were cell “ Dan ternyata yang membalas pembicaraan dari cell adalah frieza yang di mana dia adalah teman lama nya si cell dan saat itu cell langsung berbicara kembali kepada frieza dengan mengatakan “ frieza… “ dan tenyata cell hanya memanggil frieza , dan saat itu frieza langsung berbicara lagi dengan cell dengan berbicara “ hope you didn’t mind me.. observing this delightful spectale from afar… remember.. we had a deal, a deal you chose to ignore just so you could run off on your own and fail miserably. Tell me , how was your showdown with that fithy primate? “ Dan setelah frieza berbicara kepada cell , dan cell langsung balas pembicaraan dari frieza dengan berkata “ hmphh.. I don’t have to tell you anything “ dan saat cell sudah berbicara dengan mengingatkan kembali saat cell punya janji kepada frieza dan cell sudah mengingat nya disaat dia punya janji dengan frieza , dan setelah cell sudah mengingatnya kembali , frieza langsung berbicara berhadapan dengan cell dengan mengatakan “ ha ha ha ha! So that’s how it is? Well , perhaps we can’t strike a deal , my subordinates have acquired information… that might be of some small interest to you.. “ dan cell langsung mengetahui apa yang di inginkan oleh frieza dengan langsung berbicara “ by subordinates , I assume you mean that over choreographed cirus troupe.. what an embarrassment they are to your cause , I’m sure you’re very proud.. “ dan cell langsung menerima apa yang di katakana oleh cell dan frieza langsung membalas nya “ ahh.. but yes.. they are called the ginyu force “ dan setelah frieza berbicara dia langsung pergi dan meninggalkan cell. For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : This is the article of games "DragonBalls Fighter Z " : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :