And yesterday yesterday you changed to "krillin klone" which krillin clones will kill the original krillin because it is not strong anymore and direct goku directly singgap facing with krillin clone to goku turn off the "clone krillin" and the end of his goku can directly damage and winning it and goku immediately take home krillin with their capsule plane which is in kendarain by bulma and now krillin safe with goku and bulma, and they will take care and krillin will be healed to them when back in the country they will inject the krillin. And when it's almost up to itself it's suddenly cricket and he still wants his end he can still survive and will not die, he thinks he's dead and no one is dead and krillin also for goku and bulma when it's awake. And after he said thank you krillin directly talk "oh ... hey there, goku heh heh ..." when it goku direct spirit when saw krillin already aware and goku directly reply from krillin by saying "Krillin, you finally come! I think you're almost dead! " And at that very moment krillin said again "say, where are we? What is this bulma aircraft? The last thing I remember was to investigate the origin of the clones, but then I got dizzy .. let's see .. well, that's not good, I can not remember anything after that, so you saved me goku? Thanks, your goku never disappoints me "and goku immediately said" no need to thank me, it's nothing! Anyway, whenever I pinch, who's always there to throw me a senzu bean? "Krillin immediately said without any more silence he said" well, sometimes I think I'd rather be the one who eats it, though .. "and then suddenly there's krillin himself suddenly goku laughed himself because that's what he said earlier. When the goku laughed earlier krillin said again "so who did this to me? I can not remember anything "as the krillin was talking to goku, the bulma that was in the plane of the capsule and the bulma immediately said" a lot has gone on krillin and not much good, now where to start ..? I have said a lot happened "and krillin say again" yes, i never imagine, look i'm happy android 16 is alive, but i just hope he's not our enemy, anyway i've decided! I want to help, and I want to find out what I'm going to do, so I'll fight too! If it's okay with you goku " And after krillin has finished saying goku immediately said "definitely! Fine by me! "And the bulma did not want to lose him immediately said also" you forget something? Do not you, like lose your power? "And the goku immediately said again" oh yes, I guess it should be 'expelled my mind imagine a little more training to restore some of my strength, but I still will not have conditions to fight alone "and when the goku is right - Everyone from krillin instantly turns weird and krillin immediately says "huh ?! Wait a minute, so does this mean I can not fight? "And when the krillin spoke earlier and he immediately walked toward the bulma with a slightly strange and restless facial expression. When it comes and approaching the bulma with a very strange facial expression the bulma directly talks "hmm ... I may just have an idea, but we need souls in goku to agree. What do you say? Do you think you can move from goku to krillin? "And now there's another and more strange, that will make you better and better" What ?! So, whatever is inside goku will connect with me ?! "And when it's finished speaking the bulma directly directs the krillin because he does not want if goku have to go with him at this time he fought. And when the bulma scolds the krillin and the bulm immediately says "krillin! Both of you, close your eyes and take a deep breath .. ok now it's your turn! Try moving to krillin "and while the bulma is talking and the bulma instantly removes half the soul from the goku to get into the soul of krillin and half the soul of the goku directly moves into the krillin soul and when half the soul goku moves to the krillin and goku is immediately astonished to see bulma can move half the soul goku to the body krillin and after seeing it goku directly say "Whoa! So are you like ... out of my body now? " And when it's goku speak and krillin also a little surprised by raising his hand and when he raised his hand krillin directly speak "wahhh !! There's a stranger inside my body! "And bulma was instantly happy and excited when he managed to move half his soul goku to enter into the soul of krillin and at that moment the bulma spoke" it worked! You changed who you're linked with! Now everybody can fight! "And once they are ready to speak goku immediately say" so ... does that mean whean krillin's out there fighting, I have to just wait on the sidelines and not do anything? " When after goku talks with a very happy and happy expression the bulma immediately says "if only one link can exist at a time, then I guess so, but if we can get more people to join us, it'll relieve some of the strain on goku "and right then when looking at krillin, krillin is very excited to fight and krillin immediately said" well, we can not just rely on goku all the time, now can we? "And goku directly said from krillin by saying" hmm? I guess .. I do not mind, it's not like I was really doing the fighting myself anyway " And goku directly connect again said it earlier by saying "I'll just have to make do with some image training that is until I get the chance to flight again !! , and when goku is very excited and the bulm is also excited because goku and krillin are very excited about wanting to continue the fight again and bulma also talk "only you would think of that goku, anyway I guess we'll all have to work together from now on" and finally I have entered into the latest mission "chapter 04 map 04" which in this mission there is the latest information from mission "chapter 04 map 04" that is with the description is "you recover health after each battle won, characters who fought recover a lot of health if characters of health reaches zero, it's game over so make sure to ample chance to rest! By gaining more allies, you can also prevent your pool of fighters from running dry !! "And further information is" you saved krillin, add this character to your team via team edit, accessible from the map screen and pause menu " [IND] Dan sesaat kemarin sudah kita menyelesaikan pertarungan melawan “ clone krillin “ yang di mana clone krillin akan membunuh krillin yang asli karena sudah tidak kuat lagi dan goku langsung dengan singgap langsung berhadapan dengan clone krillin untuk goku matikan si “ clone krillin “ dan akhir nya goku langsung bisa menghancurkan dan memenangkan pertarungan tersebut dan goku langsung membawa pulang krillin dengan pesawat capsule mereka yang di kendarain oleh bulma dan sekarang krillin aman dengan goku dan bulma , dan mereka akan merawat dan krillin akan di sembuhkan sama mereka saat sudah kembali di daratan mereka akan menyembuhkan si krillin. Dan saat sudah hampir sampai di daratan tiba – tiba krillin bangun dan dia masih heran akhir nya dia masih bisa selamat dan tidak akan mati , dia mengira dia sudah mati dan ternyata belum mati dan krillin juga berterima kasih kepada goku dan bulma saat sudah sadar. Dan setelah dia mengucapkan terima kasih krillin langsung berbicara “ oh… hey there , goku heh heh… “ saat itu goku langsung bersemangat saat melihat krillin sudah sadar dan goku langsung kembali membalas pembicaraan dari krillin dengan mengatakan “ Krillin , you’ve finally come round! I thought you were a goner! “ Dan saat itu juga krillin mengatakan kembali “ say , where are we? Is this bulma’s airplane? The last thing I remember is investigating the origin of the clones, but then I got all dizzy.. let’s see.. nah , it’s no good , I can’t recall anything after that, so did you save me goku? Thanks , goku you never let me down “ dan goku langsung mengatakan “ no need to thanks me , it’s nothing! After all , whenever I’m in a pinch , who ‘s the guy who’s always there to throw me a senzu bean? “ krillin langsung berkata tanpa diam lagi dia berkata “ well, sometimes I think I’d rather be the one eating them , though.. “ dan tiba – tiba saat sudah krillin berbicara tiba – tiba goku ketawa sendiri karena yang dia bicara tadi. Saat goku ketawa tadi krillin langsung berkata lagi “ so who did this to me? I can’t remember a thing “ saat krillin sedang berbicara dengan goku , bulma yang sedang kendarain pesawat capsule tersebut dan bulma langsung mengatakan “ a lot’s gone on krillin and not much of it good , now where to begin..? I told you a lot happened “ dan krillin berkata lagi “ yeah , I never would’ve imagined , look I’m glad android 16 is alive , but I just wish he wasn’t our enemy , anyway I’ve decide! I wanna help out , and I kinda wanna find out what 16 is really up to so I’m gonna fight too! If that’s okay with you goku “ Dan setelah krillin sudah selesai berkata goku langsung berkata “ sure! Fine by me! “ dan bulma tidak mau kalah dia langsung berkata juga “ you forgetting something? Haven’t you guys , like lost your power? “ dan goku langsung mengatakan lagi “ oh yeah, I guess it must’be slipped my mind I imagine a little more training restore some of my power , but I would still be in no state to fight by myself “ dan saat goku berbicara tadi tiba- tiba wajah dari krillin langsung berubah aneh dan krillin langsung mengatakan “ huh?! Wait a minute , so does this mean I can’t fight either? “ dan saat krillin berbicara tadi dan dia langsung berjalan ke arah bulma dengan ekpresi wajah yang sedikit aneh dan gelisah. Saat sudah berjalan dan mendekati bulma dengan ekpresi wajah yang sangat aneh bulma langsung berbicara “ hmm… I might just have an idea, but we need that soul inside goku to agree. What do you say? Do you think you can move from goku over to krillin? “ dan saat bulma sudah berbicara dan yang aneh nya lagi krillin langsung mundur ke belakang dan saat dia mundur ke belakang krillin memperlihatkan ekpresi yang sangat ketakutan dan dia langsung berbicara “ what?! So whatever’s inside goku is gonna link with me?! “ dan saat sudah selesai berbicara bulma langsung memarahkan si krillin karena dia tidak mau kalau goku harus ikut dengan nya saat nanti dia bertarung. Dan saat bulma memarahi krillin dan bulma langsung berkata “ krillin! Both of you, close your eyes and take a deep breath.. ok now it’s your turn! Try moving to krillin “ dan saat sedang bulma berbicara dan bulma langsung mengeluarkan separuh jiwa dari goku untuk bisa masuk ke dalam jiwa krillin dan separuh jiwa goku langsung berpindah ke jiwa krillin dan saat sudah separuh jiwa goku berpindah ke krillin dan goku langsung heran bisa melihat bulma bisa memindahkan separuh jiwa goku ke badan krillin dan setelah melihat itu goku langsung mengatakan “ Whoa! So are you like… out of my body now? “ Dan saat sudah goku berbicara dan krillin juga sedikit heran dengan mengangkat tangan nya dan saat dia mengangkat tangan krillin langsung berbicara “ wahhh!! There’s a stranger inside my body! “ dan bulma langsung senang dan gembira saat dia berhasil memindahkan separuh jiwa goku untuk masuk ke dalam jiwa krillin dan saat itu juga bulma berbicara “ it worked! You changed who you’re linked with! Now everybody can fight! “ dan setelah siap mereka berbicara goku langsung mengatakan “ so… does that mean whean krillin’s out there fighting, I have to just wait on the sidelines and not do anything? “ Saat sesudah goku berbicara dengan ekpresi wajah yang sangat senang dan bergembira si bulma langsung mengatakan “ if only one link can exist at a time , then I guess so , but if we can get more people to join us , it’ll relieve some of the strain on goku “ dan saat itu juga saat melihat krillin , krillin sangat bersemangat untuk bertarung dan krillin langsung berkata “ well , we can’t just rely on goku all the time , now can we? “ dan goku langsung sambung berkata dari krillin dengan mengatakan “ hmm? I guess.. I don’t mind , it’s not like I was really doing the fighting myself anyway “ Dan goku langsung sambung lagi berkata nya tadi dengan mengatakan “ I’ll just have to make do with some image training that is until I get the chance to flight again!! , dan saat goku sangat bersemangat dan bulma juga ikut bersemangat karena goku dan krillin sangat bersemangat karena ingin lanjutkan pertarungan lagi dan bulma juga berbicara “ only you would think of that goku , anyway I guess we’ll all have to work together from now on “ dan akhir nya saya sudah masuk ke dalam mission yang terbaru yaitu “ chapter 04 map 04 “ yang di mana dalam mission ini terdapat keterangan terbaru dari mission “ chapter 04 map 04 “ yaitu dengan keterangan nya adalah “ you recover health after each battle won , characters who fought recover a little health while characters who rested recover a lot , if all of your characters health reaches zero , it’s game over so make sure to switch out fighters frequently to give everyone ample chance to rest! By gaining more allies , you can also prevent your pool of fighters from running dry!! “ dan keterangan selanjutnya yaitu “ you saved krillin , add this character to your team via edit team , accessible from the map screen and pause menu “ For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :