After you download it and immediately I open the game "dragonball fighter Z" is and when it is in this game I just press the "press to start" button to get into the games and see what the contents in this game and menu - any menu contained in this game and when I press the menu and go directly into the games and get a notice that is "Super Warrior Arc Chapter 1 | wait a minute! Are you stronger than me ?! "And we are first shown the story of this game first to find out the mission of this game. And by that time we were listening to the bulm talks he was talking "Oh good, you're coming around I did not expect you to conk out like that. Scared me half to death "after the moment the bulma speaks we are given directions to answer questions from the bulma and I am given a 2 reply that is: 1. Where am i? 2. Who are you? And after I listen and read from the word bulma and I immediately replied by saying "Who are you talking to? " And when I answered from the words bulma and bulma immediately showed a very cleansing facial expression and he immediately said: Bulma: Why, you're goku of course. And this charade is gone on long enough! Here the evidence, look in the mirror "and after the bulma speaks and the bulma immediately takes out a glass and directly in the direction of the goku and goku is shocked to see his own face. And when after that the goku is still heren and still see his face and his own hands and when i see him, the goku still not realize where he is and his facial expression is still confused and when after goku finish look around him and bulma directly invite goku speak and bulma says: Bulma: "hm. Judging from your reaction ... you're not really him, are you? But you're goku on the outside, that's for sure did you .. get amnesia? Oh, I give it up, you chose a great time to clock out, goku " And when the bulma talks to the goku and the bulma still does not believe the amnesia goku, and he's still unsure of his remarks when the amnesia goku, while talking to goku comes someone who is not in the know and he talks "There you are" and the bulma immediately says " Now what ?! Who is it? Wait, you're .. but how in the? Android 16? Is that you? Cell..destroyed you .. how are you operational? Wait .. did the dragon balls bring you back? Hm. What in the world can all this mean? I'm going to need some answers !! Well? This is the part where you give me the answers !! Ugh. Remember when cell smacked you around and I so graciously repaired you? And after the bulma talk and android 16 immediately say "it was not me you repaired, but another 16" and bulma answered and said "what?" And after the bulma talk and android 16 directly connect the conversation by saying "you who are linked to goku, come there is much to be done, should you decide to resist I will force you to comply", and after android 16 speak bulma directly say "Uh, goku? I dunno what's going on, but you better kick this imposter's bionic butt !!! Hold the phone you know how to fight ... right? ... wrong, this is turning out to be a bad, bad day "and after that bulma move directly and goku go straight ahead face to face with android 16 to fight with her And after that android 16 talk with goku by saying" Well, that body is goku's it boumd to be just as hardy? Do not worry, I will utilize less thant lethal force, your termination would be disadvantageous "and all of a sudden bulma says" watch out! " And android 16 immediately issued his jutsu and directly hit goku and it was attacked the stance of the android 16 directly on hold by goku and goku directly expressed a very angry facial expression and maybe this instantly became the first fight goku with android 16 and goku also immediately issued super moment saiya and like his goku angry same android 16 and his goku intent to fight and fight him. And when goku issued a super saiya android 16 instantly said to goku "well then your strength is congruent with my data ... and I need not hold back" and this is the beginning of this battle. And just before the game I got a notice in the game "dragonball fighter z" ie "tutorial battle | training begins | Let's go over some basic controls, master these and defeat the enmy standing in your way! "And immediately I fought with android 16 and when it was in the fight I get another notification that I've read before and its notice is" your first battle | you're about to begin your first fight! But before you do, let's go over the various icons and gauges you'll need to know how battles work "and by that time I got 2 choices: 1. Next 2. Skip explanation And just "next" and when it presses the "next" menu I get another new notification and its notification content is "health gauge | the health gauge shows how much your gauge depletes a little when you hit your opponent's attack. If your fighter loses all of their health, so be sure to keep your opponent on the defensive and deplete all of their health first !!! "And I immediately hit" next "and after that get another notice" The main event | enough words it's time to let your first do the talking !! Follow the on screen advice and take hold of your fighter !! "Again to directly fight with android 16. And the direct battle at the start and just go ahead and hit android 16 when it hit android 16 just for a while I hit android 16, and when it's forward again to the front and want to hit android 16, the android 16 immediately dodge and immediately fly up to avoiding the blows from goku and when the android has gone down from the top and right then I also hit by using super saiya stance and pulled out kamekameha to hit android 16 and when i hit android 16 i get 16 hits from my stance. When I had pulled out the moment and I went straight back to hit the android 16 and when I hit him he did not fight and did not hit me back, I was wondering why android 16 did not hit me back just sit in the place and just hold the punch from the goku, and without seeing it again and without looking at him I was langsun hitting him again and his end he immediately lost and in this fight and battle completed !!!. And after finishing with the android 16 when finished fight I can see "results battle" that I get after the fight: 1. Earned: 50 2. Fight EXP: 200 3. Victory EXP: 800 4. Acquired! : KO Bonus "Earned EXP Bonus Lv. 4 " 5. Player team: Goku (supers saiya) Lv.1 [IND] Setelah kalian mendownload nya dan langsung saya membuka games “ dragonball fighter Z “ ini dan saat sudah berapa di dalam games ini langsung saja saya menekan tombol “ press to start “ untuk masuk ke dalam games tersebut dan melihat apa saja isi dalam games ini dan menu – menu apa saja yang terdapat pada games ini dan saat sudah saya menekan menu tersebut dan langsung masuk ke dalam games tersebut dan mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan yaitu “ Super Warrior Arc Chapter 1 | wait a minute! Are you stronger than me?! “ dan kita di perlihatkan terlebih dahulu cerita dari games ini terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui mission dari games ini. Dan saat itu kita mendengarkan pembicaraan bulma dia berbicara “ Oh good , you’re coming around I didn’t expect you to conk out like that. Scared me half to death “ setelah saat bulma berbicara kita di berikan arahan untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari bulma dan saya di berikan sebuah 2 jawab yaitu : 1.Where am i? 2.Who are you? Dan saya harus bisa memilih jawaban yang tepat untuk bisa menjawabnya dan harus teliti saat bulma berbicara dan saat bulma memberikan pertanyaan dan saya langsung menjawab dengan perkataan “ Where am i? “ dan bulma langsung membalas dengan berbicara. Bulma : “ about… that… we are at my place – in the yard? Don’t you remember? Keep it together would you? Oh. Gosh you’re not kidding are you? … goku, please be kidding. Did you hit your head? Catch a cold? Tell me you at least know who you are.” Dan setelah itu bulma selesai berbicara saya langsung mendapatkan 2 pilihan jawaban lagi dari perkataan bulma yaitu : 1.Who is goku? 2.Who are you talking to? Dan setelah saya mendengarkan dan membaca dari perkataan bulma dan saya langsung menjawab dengan mengatakan “ Who are you talking to? “ Dan saat sudah saya menjawab dari perkataan bulma dan bulma langsung menunjukan ekpresi wajah yang sangat mengerihkan dan dia langsung mengatakan : Bulma : Why , you’re goku of course. And this charade’s gone on long enough! Here the evidence , look in the mirror “ dan setelah bulma berbicara dan si bulma langsung mengeluarkan sebuah kaca dan langsung di hadapkan ke arah goku dan goku langsung kaget saat melihat wajah nya sendiri. Dan saat setelah itu goku masih heren dan masih melihat wajah nya dan tangan sendiri dan saat saya melihat dia , si goku masih belum sadar dimanakah dia berada dan ekpresi wajah nya masih bingung dan saat setelah goku selesai melihat sekeliling dia dan bulma langsung mengajak goku berbicara dan bulma mengatakan : Bulma : “ hm. Judging from your reaction… you’re not really him, are you? But you’re goku on the outside , that’s for sure did you.. get amnesia? Oh, I give up, you chose a great time to clock out, goku “ Dan saat bulma berbicara dengan goku dan bulma masih tidak percaya kalau goku amnesia , dan dia masih ragu dengan pernyataan nya kalau goku amnesia , saat sedang berbicara dengan goku datang seseorang yang tidak di kenal dan dia berbicara “ There you are “ dan bulma langsung mengatakan “ Now what?! Who is it? Wait, you’re.. but how in the? Android 16? Is that you? Cell..destroyed you.. how are you operational? Wait.. did the dragon balls bring you back? Hm. What in the world could all this mean? I’m going to need some answers!! Well? This is the part where you give me the answers!! Ugh. Remember when cell smacked you around and I so graciously repaired you? Dan setelah bulma berbicara dan android 16 langsung mengatakan “ it was not me you repaired , but another 16 “ dan bulma menjawab dan mengatakan “ what?” Dan setelah bulma berbicara dan android 16 langsung menyambung pembicaraan tersebut dengan mengatakan “ you who are linked to goku , come there is much to be done , should you decide to resist I will force you to comply “ , dan setelah android 16 berbicara bulma langsung mengatakan “ uh , goku? I dunno what’s going on , but you better kick this imposter’s bionic butt!!! Hold the phone you know how to fight… right? … wrong , this is turning out to be a bad , bad day “ Dan setelah itu bulma langsung berpindah tempat dan goku langsung maju ke depan berhadapan dengan android 16 untuk bertarung dengan nya dan setelah itu android 16 berbicara dengan goku dengan mengatakan “ Well , that body is goku’s it’s boumd to be just as hardy? Do not worry , I will utilize less thant lethal force , your termination would be disadvantageous “ dan tiba –tiba bulma langsung mengatakan “ watch out! “ Dan android 16 langsung mengeluarkan jurus nya dan langsung terkena goku dan ternyata serangan jurus dari android 16 langsung di tahan oleh goku dan goku langsung memperlihat ekpresi wajah yang sangat marah dan mungkin ini langsung menjadi pertarungan pertama goku dengan android 16 dan goku juga langsung mengeluarkan jurus super saiya dan seperti nya goku marah besar sama android 16 dan niat goku untuk bertarung dan melawan nya. Dan saat goku mengeluarkan jurus super saiya android 16 langsung mengatakan kepada goku “ well then your strength is congruent with my data… and I need not hold back “ dan baru lah pertarungan ini di mulai. Dan saat sebelum pertandingan saya mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan di games “ dragonball fighter z “ yaitu “ tutorial battle | training begins | Let’s go over some basic controls , master these and defeat the enmy standing in your way! “ dan langsung saja saya bertarung dengan android 16 dan saat sudah berada di dalam pertarungan saya mendapatkan lagi pemberitahuan yang sudah saya baca sebelumnya dan pemberitahuan nya adalah “ your first battle | you’re about to begin your first fight! But before you do , let’s go over the various icons and gauges you’ll need to know to understand how battles work “ dan saat itu saya mendapatkan 2 pilihan yaitu : 1.Next 2.Skip explanation Dan langsung saja “ next “ dan saat sudah menekan menu “ next “ saya mendapatkan lagi sebuah pemberitahuan baru dan isi pemberitahuan nya yaitu “ health gauge | the health gauge shows how much health your character currently has , the gauge depletes a little when ever you’re hit by your opponent’s attack. If your fighter loses all of their health, they’re out of the fight , so be sure to keep your opponent on the defensive and deplete all of their health first!!! “ dan saya langsung menekan “ next “ dan setelah itu mendapatkan lagi pemberitahuan “ The main event | enough words it’s time to let your first do the talking!! Follow the on screen advice and take hold of your fighter!! “ lagi untuk langsung bertarung dengan android 16. Dan pertarungan langsung di mulai dan langsung saja saya maju dan memukul android 16 saat sudah memukul android 16 baru sebentar saya memukul android 16 , dan saat sudah maju lagi ke depan dan ingin memukul android 16 , si android 16 langsung menghindar dan langsung terbang ke atas untuk menghindari dari pukulan dari goku dan saat sudah android 16 turun dari atas dan saat itu juga saya langsung memukul dengan menggunakan jurus super saiya dan mengeluarkan kamekameha nya untuk memukul android 16 dan saat saya memukul android 16 saya mendapatkan 16 hits dari jurus saya. Saat sudah mengeluarkan jurus tersebut dan saya langsung maju lagi memukul android 16 dan saat saya memukul nya dia tidak melawan dan tidak memukul kembali saya , saya pun heran kenapa android 16 tidak kembali memukul saya hanya berdiam saja di tempat dan Cuma menahan pukulan dari goku tersebut , dan tanpa melihat lagi dan tanpa memandang dia berdiam saya langsun memukul nya lagi dan akhir nya dia langsung kalah dan di pertarungan ini dan battle completed!!!. Dan setelah selesai bertarung dengan android 16 saat sudah selesai pertarungan saya bisa melihat “ results battle “ yang saya dapatkan setelah pertarungan : 1.Earned : 50 2.Fight EXP : 200 3.Victory EXP : 800 4.Acquired! : KO Bonus “ Earned EXP Bonus Lv. 4 “ 5.Player team : Goku ( supers saiya ) Lv.1 For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :
And I should be able to choose the right answer to be able to answer it and must be careful when the bulma spoke and when the bulma gave the question and I immediately replied with the words "Where am i? "And the bulma responded by speaking.
Bulma: "about ... that ... we are at my place - in the yard? Do not you remember? Keep it together would you? Oh. Gosh you're not kidding are you? ... goku, please be kidding. Did you hit your head? Catch a cold? Tell me you at least know who you are. "
And after that the bulma finished talking I immediately get 2 more choice of answer from the word bulma namely:
1. Who is goku?
2. Who are you talking to?
Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫
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thanks for the post. game presentation has been nice.
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thanks you bro , thanks for comment my article and nice to meet you bro ^_^
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You're welcome
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