After yesterday the goku team, krillin and yamcha have met with the heaviest enemy boss named "cell" and they succeeded in defeating the cell and when the goku had defeated the cell and krillin like its not yet satisfied to be able to hit her and after the fight the finished cell directly holds a very painful hand in his fight with goku and he loses against goku and at that moment the cell speaks and says "urgghhh ... all these damn waves ... they're responsible for hindering my true power. " And when the cell speaks suddenly krillin pulls out his kamekameha to kill the cell and right then krillin while talking "cell !!!! You're through! "And before krillin releases his kamekameha and the cell a little look towards the krillin lover who is still unconscious and unconscious after looking in that direction the cell immediately tells krillin" soon you idiot's will learn the error of your ways, ohh, you will learn . Then ... no amount of regret will save you! "And when the cell only provokes the anger of the krillin and krillin is a bit angry in his cell when provoking his emotions. After krillin hooked emotion and he was very angry, krillin immediately said "what's he babbling about? "And after the krillin speaks the cell immediately takes out his moment, his mainstay moves his second hand is holding onto his head and pulled out a light and while pulling out his cellular moment move directly talk" solar flare! "After the cell pulls out its mainstay and the solar flare light is so bright it makes goku and krillin hard to see the objects around them and ruins their view at that time krillin speaks by saying" o - oh crap !! " Finished the cell pulled out his cell phone's mainstay move disappeared and nothing on the island again after he pulled out the "solar flare" krillin and goku immediately confused look around them cell was gone and escaped and krillin spoke to goku he said "dammit. The bug ran off "and the goku instantly calms the krillin because krillin is still emotional and angry because his lover is unconscious and not yet conscious because the action of cell and goku told krillin" can not feel his power either he's gone, he got away "and after goku talking to krillin and krillin the end can be calm and not carried away emotion again when already in calm by goku. And after the krillin is calm and he either flies off or walks towards his unconscious lover and when he gets to his lover's place and krillin immediately sits down next to his lover and he immediately speaks "18, are you okay ?! "And the krillin lover's friend instantly replied to the words of krillin by telling krillin" it's okay, do not worry she's just unconscious. But when her lover friend talks with krillin she tells krillin that her lover does not make any mistake and she will be okay and her lover friend is say to krillin, krillin you calm him he just fainted and tired. And after her lover's friend has finished saying to krillin, and now krillin who turns to talk to her lover friend by saying "yeah, I guess so .. hey thanks so much, for standing up for 18" and lover friend from krillin direct make krillin not panic and make krillin become relax and then that her lover friend directly told to krillin "no, it's me who should be thanking you, you're pretty strong, the both you really .. especially considering you managed to withstand the effects of the waves "and krillin was instantly confused as his lover's friend spoke in which krillin spoke directly" waves? " And the goku that was still far away with them and he was very relaxed walking is not too hasty at the time krillin very hurry who approached his lover and as they talk together and goku just arrived and listen to the conversation they both talk the krillin and friend his lover is krillin, and goku directly talks to them both by saying "do you know what's goinh on? "And when the goku spoke briefly with them at that moment also the lover's friend krillin talk" oh, uh ... "and krillin directly standing beside goku with standing krillin directly speak" what happened to 18? Please, I need to know what happened! I clearly instructed her to stay indoors, if she'd only listened .. " And krillin just ask his friend his lover, krillin just say what happened actually and you have to tell the truth and what happened to her lover and krillin continually ask to her lover friend and her lover friend directly speak to krillin "very well .. I was a researcher ... a once proud employee of the red ribbon army, unfortunately after those waves disable 18, the army abducted her, as to why she was abducted, I honestly do not know "and when krillin ask why lover it can happen like this and why he can not realize himself and krillin ask also who his lover friend is. And after the length of the krillin talk process and the end of his lover's friend immediately spoke to krillin and he was the "red ribbon army" where he was the safety doctor of a war company who ordered to trace an island for their research and then immediately saw a battle between the krillin lover to the cell and the "red ribbon army" is only able to surrender and watch the battle from a distance and when his lover lost and slammed away from the new cell is the "red ribbon army" is coming directly to the lover of the krillin and brought her to the rocky edge to save her lover from the dead. And after the "red ribbon army" explains all to his lover it's unconscious and krillin unconscious instantly says something to the "red ribbon army" by talking "yeah, but what about the clones? And cell coming back? Hey is the army "and because the" red ribbon army "is a research expert from medicine and krillin wants to know about the clones and then the red ribbon army immediately finds out about the clones and he immediately explains to krillin by saying" yes, the army is behind everything I was researching tech that could suppress a fighter's power allowing us to plant the spirit of another inside. The technical term is called linking and it was perfected not days ago shamefully .. when I learned the army planned to use it for total cosmic domination, I became afraid and deserted. While on the run, I met android 18, we decided to flee together then we ... we ran into cell. 18 sacrificed herself to save me ... " And when the red ribbon army explains very long about the clones in Tanya by krillin and when red ribbon army has explained very long and goku directly talk " up to their dirty old ways again. And whe you tried to quit .. they turned on you, tried to hunt you down, does that sound about right? "And after the goku talk and red ribbon army apologize directly to goku because when he explained all his about the clones there are making offense to goku and then red ribbon army directly speak" yes, please you must stop the army! " And after the red ribbon army apologize to goku and at that time krillin straight back excited and not sad anymore because he already know all his incident what has happened and already know to his lover it fainted and when goku and red ribbon army has finished talking and krillin immediately spoke by saying "damn straight, we will !! Why, we'll tear 'em to .. to .. to .. ribbons !! So you know where their base is right? We will be very grateful if you show us the way "and when the red ribbon army asks permission to goku and krillin to bring android 18 to their headquarters to be healed and it turns out that then krillin ask to come also to headquarters red ribbon army and when krillin ask to come along and red ribbon army directly speak to krillin "I'm sory but I would not be able to retrace my steps .." [IND] Setelah kemarin team goku , krillin dan yamcha sudah bertemu dengan bos musuh terberat tersebut yang bernama “ cell “ dan mereka berhasil mengalahkan si cell tersebut dan di saat goku sudah berhasil mengalahkan si cell tersebut dan krillin seperti nya belum puas untuk bisa memukul nya dan setelah pertarungan tersebut selesai cell langsung memegang sebuah tangan nya yang sangat kesakitan di saat bertarung dengan goku dan dia kalah melawan goku dan saat itu juga cell berbicara dan berkata “ urgghhh… all these damn waves… they’re responsible for hindering my true power. “ Dan di saat cell berbicara tiba – tiba krillin mengeluarkan kamekameha nya untuk membunuh cell dan saat itu juga krillin sambil berbicara “ cell!!!! You’re through! “ dan sebelum krillin melepaskan kamekameha nya dan cell sedikit melihat ke arah kekasih si krillin yang masih pingsan dan belum sadarkan diri setelah melihat ke arah tersebut cell langsung mengatakan kepada krillin “ soon you idiot’s will learn the error of your ways , ohh , you will learn. Then… no amount of regret will save you! “ dan saat cell hanya memancing kemarahan si krillin dan krillin pun sedikit terpancing kemarahan nya di saat cell memancing emosi nya. Setelah krillin terpancing emosi dan dia sangat marah , krillin langsung berkata “ what’s he babbling about? “ dan setelah krillin berbicara cell langsung mengeluarkan jurus nya , jurus andalan nya yang kedua tangan nya tersebut memegang ke atas kepala nya dan mengeluarkan sebuah cahaya dan sambil mengeluarkan jurus andalan nya cell langsung berbicara “ solar flare! “ setelah cell mengeluarkan jurus andalan nya dan cahaya solar flare tersebut sangat terang membuat goku dan krillin susah melihat benda yang ada di sekitar mereka dan merusak pandangan mereka di saat itu krillin berbicara dengan mengatakan “ o – oh crap!! “ Selesai cell mengeluarkan jurus andalan dia cell langsung menghilang dan tidak ada di pulau tersebut lagi setelah dia mengeluarkan jurus “ solar flare “ tersebut krillin dan goku langsung bingung melihat di sekitar mereka cell sudah pergi dan melarikan diri dan krillin berbicara kepada goku dia mengatakan “ dammit. The bug ran off “ dan goku langsung menenangkan krillin karena krillin masih emosi dan marah karena kekasih nya pingsan dan belum sadar karena perbuatan cell dan goku mengatakan kepada krillin “ can’t feel his power either he’s gone, he got away “ dan setelah goku berbicara kepada krillin dan krillin akhir nya bisa tenang dan tidak terbawa emosi lagi saat sudah di tenangkan oleh goku. Dan setelah krillin sudah tenang dan dia langsung terbang atau berjalan ke arah kekasih nya yang belum sadarkan diri dan saat sudah sampai di tempat kekasih nya dan krillin langsung duduk di sebelah kekasih nya dan dia langsung berbicara “ 18 , are you okay?! “ dan teman kekasih si krillin langsung membalas perkataan dari krillin dengan mengatakan kepada krillin “ it’s okay , don’t worry she’s just unconscious. But we’d better get her looked at just to be on the safe side “ dan saat teman kekasih nya berbicara dengan krillin dia bilang kepada krillin bahwa kekasih nya itu tidak terjadi kesalahan apa pun dan dia akan baik – baik saja dan teman kekasih nya tersebut bilang kepada krillin , krillin kamu tenang saja dia hanya pingsan saja dan kelelahan. Dan setelah teman kekasih nya tersebut sudah selesai berkata kepada krillin , dan sekarang krillin yang berbalik bicara kepada teman kekasih nya tersebut dengan mengatakan “ yeah, I guess so.. hey thanks so much, for standing up for 18 “ dan teman kekasih dari krillin langsung membuat krillin tidak panic dan membuat krillin menjadi santai dan saat itu teman kekasih nya langsung bilang kepada krillin “ no , it’s me who should be thanking you, you’re quite strong , the both you really.. especially considering you managed to withstand the effects of the waves “ dan krillin langsung bingung di saat teman kekasih nya tersebut berbicra yang di mana krillin langsung berbicara “ waves? “ Dan goku yang tadi nya masih jauh dengan mereka dan dia sangat santai berjalan tidak terlalu berburu – buru di saat krillin sangat terburu – buru yang menghampiri kekasih nya dan saat mereka berbicara berdua dan goku baru saja sampai dan mendengarkan percakapan mereka berdua berbicara si krillin dan teman kekasih nya krillin , dan goku langsung berbicara dengan mereka berdua dengan mengatakan “ do you know what’s goinh on? “ dan saat goku berbicara singkat dengan mereka di saat itu juga teman kekasih si krillin berbicar “ oh , uh… “ dan krillin langsung berdiri di samping goku dengan saat berdiri krillin langsung berbicara “ what happened to 18? Please, I need to know what happened! I clearly instructed her to stay indoors, if she’d only listened.. “ Dan krillin langsung bertanya kepada teman kekasih nya , krillin hanya bilang apa yang terjadi sebenarnya dan kau harus menceritakan sebenernya dan apa yang terjadi kepada kekasih nya tersebut dan krillin terus menerus bertanya kepada teman kekasih nya tersebut dan teman kekasih nya tersebut langsung berbicara kepada krillin “ very well.. I was researcher… a once proud employee of the red ribbon army , unfortunately after those waves disable 18 ,the army abducted her , as to why she was abducted , I honestly don’t know “ dan saat krillin bertanya terus kenapa kekasih nya bisa terjadi seperti ini dan kenapa dia bisa tidak sadar kan diri dan krillin menanyakan juga siapa teman kekasih nya tersebut. Dan setelah panjang proses pembicaraan krillin dan akhir nya teman kekasih nya tersebut langsung berbicara kepada krillin dan dia adalah “ red ribbon army “ yang di mana dia adalah dokter keselamatan dari sebuah perusahaan perang yang di perintahkan untuk menelusuri sebuah pulau tersebut untuk penelitian mereka dan saat itu langsung melihat sebuah pertempuran antara kekasih krillin terhadap cell dan si “ red ribbon army “ tersebut hanya bisa pasrah dan menyaksikan pertempuran tersebut dari jarak jauh dan saat kekasih nya kalah dan terhempas jauh dari cell baru lah si “ red ribbon army “ tersebut langsung datang menghampiri si kekasih krillin tersebut dan membawa nya ke pinggir berbatuan untuk menyelamatkan kekasih nya dari kematian. Dan setelah si “ red ribbon army “ menjelaskan semua nya kepada kekasih nya itu pingsa dan tidak sadarkan diri si krillin langsung mengatakan sesuatu kepada “ red ribbon army “ dengan berbicara “ yeah , but what about the clones? And cell coming back? Hey is the army “ dan karena si “ red ribbon army “ tersebut adalah ahli penelitian dari kedokteran dan krillin ingin mengetahui tentang clones dan saat itu si red ribbon army langsung mengetahui nya tentang clones tersebut dan dia langsung menjelaskan kepada krillin dengan mengatakan “ yes , the army is behind everything I was researching tech that could suppress a fighter’s power allowing us to plant the spirit of another inside. The technical term is called linking and it was perfected not days ago shamefully.. when I learned the army planned to use it for total cosmic domination , I became afraid and deserted. While on the run , I met android 18 , we decided to flee together then we… we ran into cell. 18 sacrificed herself to save me… “ Dan di saat red ribbon army menjelaskan sangat panjang tentang clones yang di Tanya oleh krillin dan saat red ribbon army sudah menjelaskan sangat panjang dan goku langsung berbicara “ so , I guess what you’re trying to say.. is that the red ribbon army is up to their dirty old ways again. And whe you tried to quit.. they turned on you, tried to hunt you down , does that sound about right? “ dan setelah goku berbicara dan red ribbon army langsung meminta maaf kepada goku karena saat dia menjelaskan semua nya tentang clones tersebut ada yang membuat tersinggung terhadap goku dan saat itu red ribbon army langsung berbicara “ yes , please you must stop the army! “ Dan setelah red ribbon army meminta maaf kepada goku dan saat itu krillin langsung kembali bersemangat dan tidak sedih lagi karena dia sudah mengetahui semua nya kejadian apa yang sudah terjadi dan sudah mengetahui kepada kekasih nya itu pingsan dan saat goku dan red ribbon army sudah selesai berbicara dan krillin langsung berbicara dengan mengatakan “ damn straight , we will!! Why , we’ll tear ‘em to.. to.. to.. ribbons!! So you know where their base is right? We would be very grateful if you showed us the way “ dan di saat red ribbon army meminta izin kepada goku dan krillin untuk membawa android 18 ke markas mereka untuk di sembuhkan dan ternyata saat itu krillin meminta ikut juga ke markas red ribbon army dan saat krillin meminta ikut dan red ribbon army langsung berbicara kepada krillin “ I’m sory but I wouldn’t be able to retrace my steps.. I was so caught in getting away.. “ For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : This is the article of games "DragonBalls Fighter Z " : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :
This is a great story my friend i remember when see only dragon ball when krilin are great enemy of goku.
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