After yesterday we will fight the big boss in chapter 04 which is where our journey is very far to be able to meet the boss and we must use the aircraft of the bulma to be able to go to where the big boss is to be completed in this mission after yesterday the krillin spoke with goku and this is the connection of the conversation of kriilin with goku, and krillin immediately casually answered the talk of the goku with him saying "an opponent with no energy ... hey, do you think maybe cell's fighting 16 ?! " It was also a very happy goku with his face was very happy he said also "wait .. I've got it. He's an android ?! You can not sense the energy of an android! "After they talked right then and there like they were from seeing their facial expressions as they were, they were very angry and wanted to be able to kill or kill the enemy boss right then and again krillin speak again" we may be able to find a clue or two. I say we check it out! "And the moment after they talked together and right away I almost reached the smallest island in the middle of the sea which at that time the island is very beautiful and the scenery was very beautiful when viewed from the plane. Upon arriving at an island the goku and krillin went down and approached the island as they descended on the island their facial expressions were both like going to eat people hehe, as enraged as the enemy bosses as they arrived on the island bulma with his plane left they are both on the island and when they need the bulim they will bully again to arrive again when they need the bulim ready to return to the island. And after arriving at the island goku and krillin had met with the enemy boss turned out when they descend earlier when their facial expression was turned out they both have been waiting by the enemy boss and at that moment krillin directly say something to goku by saying " I knew it! Cell! And his opponent is ... down ... and 18 ?! "And at that moment there was something I did not know who their name was and they immediately spoke" oh no .. please! Spare her! I'll do anything that you say! "And when they see they want to be killed by the enemy boss goku directly talk to the enemy boss" um ... excuse me .. what's going on here? " And when the goku talk to the enemy boss it looks krillin very angry because it is his wife krillin who want to be killed by the enemy boss and right then krillin talk to the enemy boss by saying "what have you done to my wife ?! "And yet at the start of the game krillin immediately took out his stance by issuing fire power, the power is like a saiya that can spin around and he instantly hempaskan towards the enemy and the enemy boss can still avoid the attack of krillin. And the enemy boss immediately avoids the attack of krillin and he flies up and as he avoids the krillin attack the enemy boss straight back down again and it turns out the enemy boss is named the cell, and after returning to the bottom of the cell directly talk to them both by saying "Well if it is not goku and his annoying, nose less sidekick .." after cell talk goku casually reply to the talk of cell he says "cell ... holy crap! You are back. That's awesome ... to tell the truth, I always did want another got at you " When after the goku who talked to the cell, the cell laughed as he goku spoke earlier and he immediately said again "heh heh, glad to hear it. Because when the cell speaks he says he is very excited and happy to fight because this is in the waiting - awaiting by the cell when you want to fight with goku and then also goku accept the battle before fighting against goku cell want to talk a little he immediately said "krillin! Let me take care of the cell, right now .. you need to make sure 18's okay !!! "And goku tells krillin to first save the 18 to get carried away far away from where they want to fight in a moment. When Goku asks for the krillin to save the 18, goku immediately changes and pulls out his super saiya to show his anger to the cell, and krillin directly toward the 18 to be taken away from the place and when it is next to the 18 and krillin immediately hugged the 18 by talking "18 !! It's no good, she's out cold "and her friend the 18 who does not know her name she immediately said to krillin" oh my, do you know her? Is she okay? I'm so sorry .. she sacrificed herself to save me ... " After what I did not know his name was his friend the 18, after his friend was talking with krillin, the krillin is still sad to see his lover faint and helpless krillin immediately said to his friend the 18 he said "you monster! Cell, you 'll pay for this! "And the kriilin looked directly at the cell and at that moment the cell looked toward the krillin by saying" hmph ... look at this spectacle she's putting on so be it, we'll just have to defeat them all right here, right now ..! !! well, I gotta say I am happy that I'm getting a chane to fight goku so soon " After the cell speaks to the krillin and krillin directly talks to the cell saying "sorry, stranger but I'm gonna need you to look after 18 for me, cause I'm gonna kick cell's but !! "And suddenly krillin immediately put back his lover down and krillin immediately stood up when the krillin standing cell immediately showed his anger again by saying" do not make me laugh, defeat me? As it recalls, your power does not even compare to that of your half 18. "At that time krillin goes directly to the cell like his anger krillin and patience krillin is exhausted when the cell spoke earlier and when krillin walk towards the cell , goku lansgung talking "back down, krillin !! This is not the kind of guy you want tangle with! " And when the goku blocking the krillin to fight with the cell, krillin still do not want to hear what is said by goku and immediately issue krillin krillin mainstay he pulled out his super saiya when he took out his super saiya he immediately said "what is a husband if he can ' t protect his wife ?! "And when after krillin angry and lansgung forward towards the cell, the cell immediately spoke" oohh, someone's confident "and right then krillin immediately reply to the talk of the cell he says" damn right! Do not care how strong you are! You touch my wifi, you're going down! " And I immediately fought with the cell where it had been arguing with the cell and talk to him and krillin was impatient to fight the cell in the moment before against the cell that was level 6 and very far and very strong, which where he is only his own and we are with the goku team in which the goku team consists of "Goku (super saiyan), Krillin, and Yamcha" and I just fight the cell and here we still use the main character of this game is goku and then goku directly against the cell where when I fight the cell is very difficult and difficult to fight with him because his level is bigger and stronger but with my strong patience end can fight and beat their big boss that is "cell" As already already in the previous article where I can see and read a description of info "result" that is: 1. Earned Zeni: 100 2. Fight EXP: 1140 3. Victory EXP: 4500 4. Total EXP: 5740
[IND] Setelah kemarin kita akan melawan bos besar di chapter 04 ini yang di mana perjalanan kita sangat jauh untuk bisa berjumpa dengan bos tersebut dan kita harus menggunakan pesawat si bulma untuk bisa pergi ke tempat bos besar tersebut untuk kita selesaikan di mission ini setelah kemarin si krillin berbicara dengan goku dan ini adalah sambungan pembicaraan dari kriilin dengan goku , dan krillin langsung dengan santai menjawab pembicaraan dari goku tersebut dengan dia berkata “ an opponent with no energy… hey , do you think maybe cell’s fighting 16?! “ Saat itu juga goku yang sangat bergembira dengan wajah nya itu sangat senang dia berkata juga “ wait.. I’ve got it. He’s an android?! You can’t sense the energy of an android! “ setelah mereka berbicara saat itu juga seperti nya dari lihat ekpresi wajah mereka berdua seperti nya mereka sangat marah dan ingin langsung bisa membunuh atau mematikan bos musuh tersebut dan saat itu juga krillin berbicara lagi “ we might be able to find a clue or two. I say we check it out! “ dan saat setelah mereka berbicara berdua dan saat itu juga saya hampir sampai di sebuah pulau terkecil di tengah laut yang saat itu pulau tersebut sangat indah dan pemandangan nya pun sangat indah saat di lihat dari atas pesawat. Setelah sampai di sebuah pulau tersebut goku dan krillin langsung turun dan menghampiri pulau tersebut di saat mereka turun di pulau tersebut ekpresi wajah mereka berdua seperti mau memakan orang hehe , seperti marah besar sama bos musuh tersebut sesampai mereka di pulau tersebut bulma bersama pesawat nya langsung meninggalkan mereka berdua di pulau tersebut dan di saat mereka membutuhkan pesawat si bulma mereka akan kabarin si bulma lagi untuk datang jemput mereka lagi di saat mereka butuh pesawat bulma siap kembali lagi ke pulau tersebut. Dan sesudah sampai di pulau tersebut goku dan krillin sudah langsung berjumpa dengan bos musuh tersebut ternyata saat mereka turun tadi saat ekpresi wajah mereka tadi ternyata mereka berdua sudah di tunggu oleh bos musuh tersebut dan di saat itu juga krillin langsung mengatakan sesuatu kepada goku dengan mengatakan “ I knew it! Cell! And his opponent is… down… and 18?! “ dan saat itu juga ada yang belum saya ketahui siapa nama mereka dan mereka langsung berbicara “ oh no.. please! Spare her! I’ll do anything that you say! “ dan saat melihat mereka ingin di bunuh oleh bos musuh tersebut goku langsung berbicara dengan bos musuh tersebut “ um… excuse me.. what’s going on here? “ Dan saat goku berbicara dengan bos musuh tersebut terlihat krillin sangat marah karena itu adalah istri nya krillin yang ingin di bunuh oleh bos musuh tersebut dan saat itu juga krillin berbicara dengan bos musuh dengan mengatakan “ what have you done to my wife?! “ dan belum di mulai pertandingan tersebut krillin langsung mengeluarkan jurus dia dengan mengeluarkan tenaga api , tenaga api tersebut mirip seperti saiya yang bisa berputar – putar dan langsung dia hempaskan ke arah musuh tersebut dan bos musuh tersebut masih bisa terhindar dari serangan krillin. Dan bos musuh tersebut langsung menghindar dari serangan krillin dan dia terbang ke atas dan saat dia menghindar dari serang krillin bos musuh tersebut langsung kembali ke bawah lagi dan ternyata bos musuh tersebut bernama cell , dan setelah kembali ke bawah cell langsung berbicara dengan mereka berdua dengan mengatakan “ well if it isn’t goku and his annoying , nose less sidekick.. “ setelah cell berbicara goku dengan santai membalas pembicaraan dari cell dia mengatakan “ cell… holy crap! You are back. That’s awesome… to tell the truth, I always did want another got at you “ Saat setelah goku yang berbicara dengan cell , si cell langsung ketawa saat goku berbicara tadi dan dia langsung berkata lagi “ heh heh , glad to hear it. Because I’m back from the dead and ready to bury you and your wretched offspring “ di saat cell berbicara dia mengatakan dia sangat bersemangat dan senang jika bertarung karena ini yang di tunggu – tunggu oleh cell saat ingin bertarung dengan goku dan saat itu juga goku menerima pertarungan tersebut sebelum bertarung melawan cell goku ingin berbicara sedikit dia langsung mengatakan “ krillin! Let me take care of cell, right now.. you need to make sure 18’s okay!!! “ dan goku menyuruh krillin untuk terlebih dahulu menyelamatkan si 18 untuk bisa di bawa pergi jauh dari tempat mereka ingin bertarung sebentar lagi. Di saat goku menyuruh krillin untuk menyelamatkan si 18 itu , goku langsung berubah dan mengeluarkan super saiya nya untuk memperlihatkan ke marahan nya kepada cell , dan krillin langsung ke arah si 18 untuk di bawa pergi nya dari tempat tersebut dan saat sudah di samping si 18 itu dan krillin langsung memeluk si 18 dengan sambil berbicara “ 18!! It’s no good , she’s out cold “ dan teman nya si 18 yang belum tau siapa namanya dia langsung berkata kepada krillin “ oh my , do you know her? Is she okay? I’m so sorry.. she sacrificed herself to save me… “ Setelah yang belum saya ketahui nama nya tersebut dia adalah teman nya si 18 , setelah teman nya itu berbicara dengan krillin , si krillin masih bersedih melihat kekasih nya pingsang dan tidak berdaya krillin langsung berkata kepada teman nya si 18 dia mengatakan “ you monster! Cell , you’ll pay for this! “ dan kriilin langsung melihat ke arah cell dan saat itu juga cell melihat ke arah krillin dengan mengatakan “ hmph… look at this spectacle she’s putting on so be it , we’ll just have to defeat them all right here , right now..!!! well , I gotta say I am happy that I’m getting a chane to fight goku so soon “ Setelah cell berbicara kepada krillin dan krillin langsung berbicara kepada cell dengan mengatakan “ sorry , stranger but I’m gonna need you to look after 18 for me , cause I’m gonna kick cell’s but!! “ dan tiba – tiba krillin langsung menaruh kembali kekasih nya di bawah dan krillin langsung berdiri saat krillin berdiri cell langsung menunjukan kemarahan nya lagi dengan mengatakan “ don’t make me laugh , defeat me? As I recall , your power doesn’t even compare to that of your better half 18. “ di saat itu krillin langsung berjalan ke arah cell seperti nya kemarahan krillin dan kesabaran krillin sudah habis saat cell berbicara tadi dan saat krillin berjalan menuju ke arah cell , goku lansgung berbicara “ back down , krillin!! This isn’t the kind of guy you wanna tangle with! “ Dan saat goku menghalangi krillin untuk bertarung dengan cell , krillin tetap tidak mau mendengar apa yang di katakan oleh goku dan langsung mengeluarkan jurus andalan krillin dia mengeluarkan super saiya nya saat dia mengeluarkan super saiya nya dia langsung mengatakan “ what is a husband if he can’t protect his wife?! “ dan saat setelah krillin marah dan lansgung maju ke arah cell , si cell langsung berbicara “ oohh, someone’s confident “ dan saat itu juga krillin langsung membalas pembicaraan dari cell dia mengatakan “ damn right! Don’t care how strong you are! You touch my wifi , you’re going down! “ Dan saya langsung bertarung dengan cell yang di mana tadi sudah berdebat dengan cell dan adu bicara dengan dia dan krillin sudah tidak sabar langsung melawan cell di saat sebelum melawan cell yang sudah level 6 dan sangat jauh dan sangat kuat , yang di mana dia hanya sendiri dan kita bersama team goku yang di mana team goku terdiri dari “ Goku ( super saiyan ) , Krillin , dan Yamcha “ dan langsung saja saya melawan cell dan di sini kita masih menggunakan karakter utama dari games ini yaitu goku dan saat itu goku langsung melawan cell yang di mana saat saya melawan cell sangat kesusahan dan kesulitan untuk bertarung dengan nya karena level dia lebih besar dan lebih kuat tetapi dengan kesabaran yang kuat saya akhir nya bisa melawan dan mengalahkan bos besar mereka yaitu “ cell “ Seperti yang sudah sudah di artikel sebelumnya yang di mana saya bisa melihat dan membaca sebuah keterangan info “ result “ yaitu : 1.Zeni Earned : 100 2.Fight EXP : 1140 3.Victory EXP : 4500 4.Total EXP : 5740 For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :