And previously krillin already saved by goku and bulma and brought the same goku back into their capsule plane and wanted to be healed by bulma and goku, the end of his krillin back healed and regained consciousness and after that I went straight out of the game and I save as his games and when I open we will be in the direction of going back to get into the menu and on the main menu is a menu: 1. Super Warrior Arc (Are Gallery) 2. Are Data 3. Character Info And I just went into the story menu menu that "Super warrior arc" and when it pressed the menu in this menu there are some more menus in "super warrior arc" that is 1. New Game 2. Continue 3. Map Select And if I press the continue menu I immediately continue the latest mission is "Chapter 04 Map 04 | Evil Exposed! The red ribbon army's Plot | Krillin looks at the fallen form of android 18 and flies into a rage. He vows to help goku defeat cell "and I just hit the continue menu to continue my mission and I want to finish this mission games to complete. <center And before that I immediately see first the contents in the map menu select and in the "map select" menu there is a mission we have passed or the mission that I have completed and the mission I have completed is: 1. Chapter 1 Map 01 2. Chapter 2 Map 02 3. Chapter 3 Map 03 4. Chapter 04 Map 04 And I just went into the mission menu "Chapter 04 map 04 | Evil Exposed! The red ribbon army's Plot "which is where the mission has not been completed and I can continue to open to the next mission so must be completed first mission before it can go on to continue the latest mission, and after I press the mission directly into the menu "edit player team" which where we can edit our team player's own and on the menu "edit player team" is only a few that I know the menu that is in this is: 1. Edit team 2. Player Skills 3. Player team 4. Alies 5. Goku 6. Krillin 7. Active Skills 8. Available Skill 9. Attack Power Up Lv.1 After I give directions to the menus that exist in this game and after that I go straight into the folder and after already in the folder we can see a description that exists "Chapter 04 Map 04 | Evil Exposed! The red ribbon army's Plot "while in the folder in this mission we can see and read a notification or info on games in this mission is" it's not just goku the other fighters who have levels; enemies have them too, but the silver lining is that defeating these powered - up enemies nets you more exp, and depending on the map you're on, a fearsome foe may emerge from the shadows .. " Soon I search for the next mission and when I'm looking for an easy mission first I finish it and the latest and easy mission is krillin melawna or meet with krillin clone, where krillin is very angry and revenge against krillin clone in because that where goku already told him that he almost killed by krillin clone so krillin did not believe that there is a krillin clone and the krillin went straight back to the desert to see firsthand whether it is true or wrong that is told by goku when in the capsule aircraft. After krillin off the plane and krillin clone still waiting in the desert and want to meet also with the original krillin and when it has met krillin directly show the face who do not believe why there is clon krillin and, krillin was immediately talk "yep, this is what I was expecting from my clone, it's seriously like looking into a mirror? ... if other people saw this thong and did not know any better they'd definitely think it was me, that makes me wonder ... you think maybe 18 can tell the difference between me and my clone ... I think I'd be really upset if she could not, uh she probably could .. heh, I think ... what am I talking about? This is not the time for stuff like that! If I lose sight of this guy now, I'm in real trouble !!! My days a police officer would be if it committed any crimes looking like me, which means I want to get rid of this guys before bad things start happening! " And krillin immediately invites his clone krillin fight against him and krillin want to take revenge against him because who already goku katakana earlier he wanted to kill and fight the krillin clone and just krillin original to do the fight against clon krillin and when we want to fight we are still in temanin by our team is "Goku (Super saiyan)" and the enemy is also chaperoned by "Clone Trunks" and the first one we will fight is "Clone krillin" just because if we can no longer and no power we can exchange player and his player which should be with our team can not with another team player. And no longer wait krillin can not wait to fight with krillin clone and, krillin directly forward and dealing with krillin clone and it turns out right then before the fight on start goku blocking the krillin to fight because clone krillin not dare to fight krillin so, krillin clone only "clone trunks" to fight it and here it is goku immediately take over let goku who want to fight with "clone trunks" does not take long time direct gonna fight clone trunks and the clone trunks very weak and he can not fight goku because greatness very strong goku and the end of the team from clone krillin and clone trunks directly lost in this fight and team goku and krillin who won this battle. At the end of the game against the team from clon krillin and clone trunks we can see the "result" we get that is: 1. Zeni earned: 210 2. Fight EXP: 960 3. Victory EXP: 3850 4. Total EXP: 5020 [IND] Dan yang sebelumnya krillin sudah di selamatkan oleh goku dan bulma dan di bawa sama goku kembali ke dalam pesawat capsule mereka dan ingin di sembuhkan oleh bulma dan goku , akhir nya krillin kembali sembuh dan sadar kembali dan setelah itu saya langsung keluar dari games dan saya save as games nya dan saat sudah saya buka kita akan di arah kan kembali untuk masuk ke dalam menu tersebut dan pada menu utama ini terdapat menu : 1.Super Warrior Arc ( Are Gallery ) 2.Are Data 3.Character Info Dan saya langsung saja masuk ke dalam menu story mode yang “ Super warrior arc “ dan saat sudah menekan menu tersebut di dalam menu ini terdapat lagi beberapa menu di dalam “ super warrior arc “ yaitu 1.New Game 2.Continue 3.Map Select Dan jika saya menekan menu continue saya langsung melanjutkan mission terbaru yaitu “ Chapter 04 Map 04 | Evil Exposed! The red ribbon army’s Plot |Krillin looks at the fallen form of android 18 and flies into a rage. He vows to help goku defeat cell “ dan saya langsung saja menekan menu continue untuk melanjutkan mission saya dan saya ingin menyelesaikan mission games ini sampai tamat. Dan sebelum itu saya langsung melihat terlebih dahulu isi dalam menu map select dan dalam menu “ map select “ ini terdapat mission yang sudah kita lewatin atau mission yang sudah saya selesaikan dan mission yang sudah saya selesaikan adalah : 1.Chapter 1 Map 01 2.Chapter 2 Map 02 3.Chapter 3 Map 03 4.Chapter 04 Map 04 Dan saya langsung saja masuk ke dalam menu mission “ Chapter 04 map 04 | Evil Exposed! The red ribbon army’s Plot “ yang di mana mission tersebut belum saya selesaikan dan masih bisa saya lanjutkan untuk bisa terbuka ke mission selanjutnya jadi harus bisa selesaikan dulu mission sebelum nya untuk bisa masuk melanjutkan mission terbaru , dan setelah saya menekan mission tersebut langsung masuk ke dalam menu “ edit player team “ yang di mana kita bisa mengedit sendiri player team kita dan pada menu “ edit player team “ ini hanya sedikit yang saya tau menu yang ada di dalam ini yaitu : 1.Edit team 2.Player Skills 3.Player team 4.Alies 5.Goku 6.Krillin 7.Active Skills 8.Available Skill 9.Attack Power Up Lv.1 Setelah saya memberikan arahan menu – menu yang ada pada games ini dan setelah itu saya langsung masuk ke dalam map dan setelah sudah berada di dalam map tersebut kita bisa melihat sebuah keterangan yang ada “ Chapter 04 Map 04 | Evil Exposed! The red ribbon army’s Plot “di saat berada di dalam map tersebut di mission ini kita bisa melihat dan membaca sebuah pemberitahuan atau info pada games di mission ini adalah “ it’s not just goku the other fighters who have levels ; enemies have them too , and their link levels also increase after each turn , but the silver lining is that defeating these powered – up enemies nets you more exp, and depending on the map you’re on , a fearsome foe may emerge from the shadows.. “ Untuk tidak lama lagi saya langsung mencari dan mission selanjutnya dan saat sudah mencari mission yang gampang terlebih dahulu saya menyelesaikan nya dan mission terbaru dan gampang adalah krillin melawna atau berjumpa dengan krillin clone , yang di mana krillin sangat marah dan dendam terhadap krillin clone di karenakan yang di mana goku sudah menceritakan bahwa dia hampir saja mati terbunuh oleh krillin clone jadi krillin tidak percaya bahwa ada krillin clone tersebut dan krillin pun langsung kembali ke gurun tersebut untuk melihat langsung apakah benar atau salah yang di ceritakan oleh goku saat di dalam pesawat capsule tersebut. Setelah krillin turun dari pesawat dan krillin clone masih menunggu di gurun tersebut dan ingin berjumpa juga dengan krillin yang asli dan saat tersebut sudah berjumpa krillin langsung memperlihatkan wajah yang tidak percaya kenapa ada clone krillin dan , krillin pun langsung berbicara “ yep , this is what I was expecting from my clone , it’s seriously like looking into a mirror?... if other people saw this thong and didn’t know any better they’d definitely think it was me , that makes me wonder… you think maybe 18 can tell the difference between me and my clone… I think I’d be really upset if she couldn’t , eh she probably could.. heh, I think… what am I talking about? This isn’t the time for stuff like that! If I lose sight of this guy now , I’m in real trouble!!! My days a police officer would be over if it committed any crimes looking like me , which means I’d better get rid of this guys before bad things start happening! “ Dan krillin langsung mengajak nya clone krillin bertarung melawan nya dan krillin ingin membalas dendam terhadap dia karena yang sudah goku katakana tadi dia ingin membunuh dan melawan clone krillin dan langsung saja krillin asli melakukan pertarungan tersebut melawan clone krillin dan saat ingin bertarung kita masih di temanin oleh team kita yaitu “ Goku ( Super saiyan ) “ dan musuh juga di temanin oleh “ Clone Trunks “ dan yang pertama yang akan kita lawan yaitu “ Clone krillin “ saja karena jika kita tidak sanggup lagi dan tidak ada daya kita bisa bertukaran player dan player nya yang harus dengan team kita tidak bisa dengan team player lain. Dan tidak menunggu lama lagi krillin sudah tidak sabar melawan dengan clone krillin dan , krillin langsung maju dan berhadapan dengan clone krillin dan ternyata saat itu juga sebelum pertarungan di mulai goku menghalangi si krillin untuk bertarung karena clone krillin tidak berani melawan krillin jadi , clone krillin hanya menyuruh “ clone trunks “ untuk melawan nya dan di sini lah goku langsung mengambil alih biar goku saja yang ingin bertarung dengan “ clone trunks “ tidak butuh waktu lama goku langsung melawan clone trunks dan tenyata clone trunks sangat lemah dan dia tidak sanggup melawan goku karena kehebatan goku yang sangat kuat dan akhir nya team dari clone krillin dan clone trunks langsung kalah di pertarungan ini dan team goku dan krillin lah yang memenangkan pertarungan ini. Di akhir pertandingan saat melawan team dari clone krillin dan clone trunks kita bisa melihat “ result “ yang kita dapatkan yaitu : 1.Zeni earned : 210 2.Fight EXP : 960 3.Victory EXP : 3850 4.Total EXP : 5020 For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :