After lover Krillin the android 18 brought by someone from the medical soldiers who takes a lover Krillin to their headquarters to be healed in total to be cured her and after that, Krillin and goku immediately leave the island and return to the airplane to continue the mission they went on and afterwards I immediately went back to see the map to see the next mission and see the other enemies and the enemies which next will fight with team goku. And when I go in and back into the folder and it turns out that my mission in "chapter 04 map 04" has been completed and this goes into the newest mission mission "Chapter 05 Map 05 | Piccolo Reviver! Find android 16 ". After I see the contents of this latest mission is more and more enemies that I will pass and I fought that where on this mission we will save my friend goku also where the goku friend is a "piccolo" where piccolo is saving friends "Android 16" which is where the current piccolo save "android 16" piccolo does not stand a chance against the big boss in mission "chapter 05" is that where in stranded in an area that is currently goku, Krillin and Yamcha are still confused and distress look for piccolo lost and stranded in areas that they have not known so here goku and his team must try to find it by searching their enemy first to be able to fight and if win they can ask the existence of piccolo. And for the next mission is we have to fight first enemies - goku enemies where his mission is "Tutorial Battle" the same as before but here we will oppose balanced with team goku in which the enemy team has 3 members of their team and team same goku have 3 team members too and very different here is the enemy team with very high level where their level is level 3 and the team goku only level 2 and krillin still level 1, here is what will happen whether team goku can win or not against enemy team that not yet known their name who and without fear I just fight it. And before starting to compete in tomorrow's her, in the evening near the coast of Krillin and Yamcha, who was sitting on the coast with breathtaking sea view around her and then they turn out are chatting both in coastal areas are and then Yamcha the first talk to krillin with their chat is "hey krillin, what's up with the saved head buddy? "And Yamcha just ask the health of Krillin if he was - either alone or sick, because Yamcha saw Krillin like a confused and agitated while returning home from an island yesterday where today they are against the" cell "and then Yamcha did not go down to the island he was just in the plane with bulma because yamcha conditions have not healed completely so he wanted to know the events there and he began to suspect because krillin is very agitated when finished from the island. And when yamcha talked to the krillin earlier, and krillin also immediately answered the chats given by yamcha to her casually and did not make the panic krillin speak "I, uh think it would help me ge into more of a fighting mentality, is that weird? "And krillin tactically responds to the krillin speaker by telling you if you want to know all about what's going on there and when krillin asks like that yamcha immediately says" no it's not weird at all, you've not changed very much much over the years and uh, looking at your head reminds me of our training days ya know "and when yamcha talked earlier and krillin straight away and holds his head and a little embarrassed because what he said yamcha was very true and he was a little embarrassed. After yamcha finished talking earlier krillin also immediately reply to chat from yamcha by saying "I know, right? It's kinda like, uh .. well it feels like I'm starting out again "and after before krillin speaks because yamcha gives an innovation to krillin for he eager to undergo the next mission and krillin instantly happy because it has been given innovation and suggestion to self and after the yamcha saw the krillin get excited again and at that yamcha immediately told the krillin "well, they do say the less hair you have, the older you look and but I'm actually kind of jealous of how young you look man" and krillin look directly at yamcha with while looking towards yamcha krillin directly said to yamcha "oh yeah? Well if that's the case, why do not you shave your head too? Ya know, you might look younger if you do! " And when krillin spoke earlier and krillin immediately asked back to yamcha about what he was talking to kriilin and after krillin ask back to yamcha, yamcha became strange and he said "N - No way! You head me, right? Having less hair usually makes you look older, plus, uh, if I did not have a hit with the ladies "and yamcha got annoyed when krillin spoke earlier and he immediately closed his eyes and immediately looked into the left and krillin also immediately lethargic and lazy talking again with yamcha, but while krillin languid he replied to the chat earlier by saying "oh yamcha, still looking for love, huh? " And suddenly krillin immediately asks yamcha about love, because krillin always see yamcha never close to anybody and krillin fear he does not like women so krillin ask like that and yamcha also say "obviously! I ... You know, I want to get married someday! "And yamcha is a bit annoyed when krillin asks such a thing to him and he says that he used to be married, and when yamcha says like that krillin immediately ask again to yamcha" ... you may be older, but you have not changed a bit, have you, yamcha? Always focusing on women rather than the enemy at hand ... " And yamcha smiled back and looked back at the krillin as she looked toward the krillin she immediately said "well, uhh .... That's just one of the many reasons we need to do our best to bring back peace, but enough about me okey? Let's just ... let's focus on the fight! "And at that time yamcha immediately divert the conversation about him whether he ever likes women or not and he immediately divert to focus on the fight and krillin laugh straight away when yamcha divert his conversation and krillin immediately told yamcha" oh ho ho, man, same ol 'yamcha ! "And it turns out that krillin immediately forgot the discussion and he immediately pleased and he immediately wanted to finish the fight immediately. And to the next day that night they had a long chat on the coast and on its sunny day to the next day the team from goku went straight to the enemy headquarters near the coast where the area is so scary and horrible that where the enemy team is "clone captain ginya, clone cell and clone yamcha" which is where I talked at the beginning before their level fight is very high and we are a little less level here, and without doubt and optimistic team from goku they can beat team of the enemy and when it has started a fight against those who where as usual we get a command in the game is "You're strong enough to handle this | the importance of recovery | perform a mid - air recovery (Box), (triangle), (round) or while talking damage in mid - air " And the first to fight here is the goku which in this fight we are still using goku because goku is the main character in this game so every fight wherever we are we keep goku at the beginning of the fight and after the middle of the fight we can ask for help from team goku, and goku straight forward and fight with them goku immediately took out kamekameha stance and took out his super saiyan stance to defeat their enemies and the end of them they lost the blood goku not touched a bit of them and the blood goku not reduced and the first match in chapter this team goku, krillin and yamcha won it. And at the end of this match which is where the fight is won by the goku team and we can see the result of "result" of this match and read the description of the result: 1. Zeni Earned: 195 2. Fight Exp: 2289 3. Victory Exp: 9340 4. Total Exp: 11824 5. Info: Victory Player team [IND] Setelah kekasih krillin si android 18 di bawa oleh seseorang dari kedokteran tentara yang akan membawa kekasih krillin ke markas mereka untuk di sembuhkan secara total untuk di sembuhkan nya dan setelah itu , krillin dan goku langsung meninggalkan sebuah pulau tersebut dan kembali ke dalam pesawat untuk melanjutkan mission mereka selanjutnya dan setelah itu saya langsung kembali melihat map untuk melihat mission selanjutnya dan melihat musuh yang lain dan musuh yang mana selanjutnya yang akan bertarung dengan team goku. Dan saat saya masuk dan kembali ke dalam map dan ternyata mission saya yang di “ chapter 04 map 04 “ telah saya selesaikan dan ini masuk ke dalam mission yang terbaru yaitu mission “ Chapter 05 Map 05 | Piccolo Reviver! Find android 16 “. Setelah saya melihat isi dari mission terbaru ini ternyata semakin banyak musuh yang akan saya lalui dan saya pertarungkan yang di mana pada mission ini kita akan menyelamatkan teman goku juga yang di mana teman goku tersebut adalah “ piccolo “ yang di mana piccolo sedang menyelamatkan teman juga yang bernama” Android 16 “ yang di mana saat piccolo menyelamatkan “ android 16 “ piccolo tidak sanggup melawan bos besar yang ada di mission “ chapter 05 “ ini yang di mana di terdampar di suatu daerah yang saat ini goku , krillin dan yamcha masih bingung dan kesusahan mencari piccolo yang hilang dan terdampar di daerah yang belum mereka ketahui jadi di sini goku dan team nya harus berusaha mencari nya dengan mencari musuh mereka terlebih dahulu untuk bisa bertarung dan jika menang mereka bisa menanyakan keberadaan piccolo. Dan untuk mission selanjutnya adalah kita harus melawan terlebih dahulu musuh – musuh goku yang di mana mission nya adalah “ Tutorial Battle “ sama seperti sebelumnya tetapi di sini yang akan kita lawan seimbang dengan team goku yang di mana team musuh memiliki 3 anggota team mereka dan team goku juga sama memiliki 3 anggota team juga dan yang sangat berbeda di sini adalah team musuh dengan level yang sangat tinggi yang di mana level mereka sudah level 3 dan pada team goku hanya level 2 dan krillin masih level 1 , di sini lah yang akan terjadi apakah team goku bisa menang atau tidak melawan team musuh yang belum di ketahui nama mereka siapa dan tanpa takut saya langsung saja melawan nya. Dan sebelum mulai bertanding ke esok hari nya , pada malam hari dekat pesisir pantai krillin dan yamcha yang sedang duduk di pesisir pantai tersebut dengan melihat pemandangan laut di sekitar nya dan saat itu mereka ternyata sedang ngobrol berdua di pesisir pantai tersebut dan saat itu yamcha yang duluan berbicara kepada krillin dengan obrolan mereka adalah “ hey krillin , what’s up with the saved head buddy? “ dan yamcha hanya bertanya kesehatan dari krillin apakah dia baik – baik saja atau sedang sakit , karena yamcha melihat krillin seperti orang bingung dan gelisah saat pulang dari sebuah pulau kemarin yang di mana saat mereka melawan “ cell “ dan saat itu yamcha tidak ikut turun ke pulau tersebut dia hanya di dalam pesawat dengan bulma karena kondisi yamcha belum sembuh total jadi dia ingin tau kejadian yang di sana dan dia mulai curiga karena krillin sangat gelisah saat selesai dari pulau tersebut. Dan saat yamcha berbicara dengan krillin tadi , dan krillin juga langsung menjawab obrolan yang di berikan oleh yamcha kepada nya dengan santai dan tidak membuat panik krillin berbicara “ I ,uh thought it would help me ge into more of a fighting mentality , is that weird? “ dan krillin tenyata membalas pembicara krillin dengan mengatakan apakah kamu ingin mengetahui semua nya tentang apa yang terjadi disana dan saat krillin menanyakan seperti itu yamcha langsung mengatakan “ no It’s not weird at all , kinda takes me back , actually… you haven’t changed very much over the years and uh , looking at your head reminds me of our training days ya know “ dan saat yamcha berbicara tadi dan krillin langsung tersebut dan memegang kepala nya dan sedikit malu karena apa yang di katakana yamcha tadi sangat benar dan dia sedikit malu. Setelah yamcha selesai berbicara tadi krillin juga langsung membalas obrolan dari yamcha dengan berkata” I know , right? It’s kinda like , uh.. well it feels like I’m starting out again “ dan setelah sebelum krillin berbicara karena yamcha memberikan sebuah inovasi kepada krillin untuk dia bersemangat untuk menjalani mission selanjutnya dan krillin langsung gembira karena telah di berikan inovasi dan saran kepada diri nya dan setelah yamcha melihat krillin sudah bersemangat kembali dan di saat itu yamcha langsung mengatakan kepada krillin “ well , they do say the less hair you have , the older you look and but I’m actually kind of jealous of how young you look man “ dan krillin langsung melihat ke arah yamcha dengan sambil melihat ke arah yamcha krillin langsung berkata kepada yamcha “ oh yeah? Well if that’s the case , why don’t you shave your head too? Ya know , you might look younger if you do! “ Dan saat krillin berbicara tadi dan krillin langsung menanyakan kembali kepada yamcha tentang yang tadi dia bicarakan kepada kriilin dan setelah krillin menanyakan kembali kepada yamcha , yamcha langsung menjadi aneh dan dia mengatakan “ N – No way! You head me , right? Having less hair usually makes you look older , plus , eh , if I didn’t have any hair , I wouldn’t be a hit with the ladies “ dan yamcha langsung kesal saat krillin berbicara tadi dan dia langsung menutup mata dan langsung melihat ke arah kiri dan krillin juga langsung lesu dan malas berbicara lagi dengan yamcha , tetapi sambil krillin lesu dia membalas obrolan tadi dengan berkata” oh yamcha, still looking for love, huh? “ Dan tiba – tiba krillin langsung menanyakan kepada yamcha tentang cinta , karena krillin selalu melihat yamcha tidak pernah dekat sama siapa pun dan krillin takut dia tidak menyukai wanita jadi krillin bertanya seperti itu dan yamcha pun mengatakan “ obviously! I …. You know , I wanna get married someday! “ dan yamcha sedikit kesal saat krillin menanyakan hal seperti itu kepada nya dan dia mengatakan bahwa dia dulu pernah married , dan saat yamcha mengatakan seperti itu krillin langsung bertanya lagi kepada yamcha “ … you may be older , but you haven’t changed a bit , have you , yamcha? Always focusing on women rather than the enemy at hand… “ Dan yamcha langsung tersenyum kembali dan melihat kembali ke arah krillin sambil dia melihat ke arah krillin dia langsung mengatakan “ well , uhh…. That’s just one of the many reasons we need to do our best to bring back peace , but enough about me okey? Let’s just… let’s focus on the fight! “ dan saat itu yamcha langsung mengalihkan pembicaraan tentang dia apakah pernah menyukai wanita atau tidak dan dia langsung mengalihkan untuk focus pada pertarungan dan krillin langsung tertawa saat yamcha mengalihkan pembicaraan nya dan krillin langsung mengatakan kepada yamcha “ oh ho ho , man , same ol’ yamcha! “ dan ternyata krillin langsung melupakan pembahasaan tersebut dan dia langsung senang dan dia langsung ingin menyelesaikan langsung pertarungan tersebut. Dan ke esok hari nya saat malam itu mereka sudah ngobrol panjang di pesisir pantai dan pada hari yang cerah nya ke esok hari nya team dari goku langsung mendatangin ke markas musuh tersebut di dekat pesisir pantai yang di mana daerah tersebut sangat seram dan mengerikan yang di mana team musuh tersebut adalah “ clone captain ginya , clone cell dan clone yamcha “ yang di mana yang sudah saya bicarakan di awal sebelum pertarungan level mereka sangat tinggi dan kita sedikit kalah level disini , dan tanpa ragu dan optimis team dari goku mereka pasti bisa mengalahkan team dari musuh tersebut dan saat sudah mulai pertarungan melawan mereka yang di mana seperti biasa kita mendapatkan sebuah perintah di dalam games ini yaitu “ You’re strong enough to handle this | the importance of recovery | perform a mid – air recovery ( Kotak ) , ( segitiga ) , ( Bulat ) or while talking damage in mid – air “ Dan yang pertama bertarung di sini adalah goku yang di mana pada pertarungan ini kita masih menggunakan goku karena goku adalah pemeran utama di games ini jadi setiap pertarungan di mana pun berada kita tetap menggunaka goku di awal pertarungan dan setelah di pertengahan pertarungan kita bisa meminta bantuan dari team goku , dan goku langsung maju dan bertarung dengan mereka goku langsung mengeluarkan jurus kamekameha nya dan mengeluarkan jurus super saiyan nya untuk mengalahkan musuh mereka dan akhir nya mereka kalah dengan darah goku tidak tersentuh sedikitpun dari mereka dan darah goku tidak berkurang dan pertandingan pertama di chapter ini team goku , krillin dan yamcha memenangkan nya. Dan di akhir pertandingan ini yang di mana pertarungan tersebut di menangkan oleh team goku dan kita bisa melihat hasil “ result “ pertandingan ini dan membaca info keterangan result tersebut : 1.Zeni Earned : 195 2.Fight Exp : 2289 3.Victory Exp : 9340 4.Total Exp : 11824 5.Info : Victory Player team For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : This is the article of games "DragonBalls Fighter Z " : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :