And after the frieza left the cell alone and he just left for a while and he came back again to meet the cell and after that frieza talked to the cell "does this not entice you? My precious intel, that is what say you to a deal? Tell me what you know .. and after they talk to manage it all and after that they both instantly die the place and when they go do not know where they go that should be on be aware of the goku team is when frieza has met the cell where the frieza once defeated goku and now he has come back again and wants to help his old friend to beat the team from goku. And after the goku team finished fighting yesterday and they returned to the bulm plane and they rested in the plane and when it was goku that did not rest he immediately walked to where the bulma is riding his plane and goku directly to the place of bulma and in when goku have arrived, goku directly talk from behind for fear of disturbing bulma and he immediately chatted with bulma "hey ummm ... hello? Who's that inside my head right now? "And goku wanted to ask his bulma head he was very sick and what happened to my head he asked the bulma. After that suddenly the goku instantly pinched his eyes and as he goku his eyes suddenly he heard something that talked to him by saying "goku! Goku! "And it turns out that after someone who calls his goku instantly knows from his voice calling him and it turns out he is a" piccolo "and goku instantly reply" piccolo? "And after that it turns out piccolo talks with goku in a way with the inner eye and then the piccolo immediately talks with goku by saying" come, quick! They're too strong! " And goku immediately confused and want to know the existence of piccolo and goku directly told piccolo "who is? And where ?! I'm sensing a small energy distortion ... that way! "And after finishing the goku and piccolo talk by communicating from the eye of the merekan and the end of his goku want to immediately look for the existence of piccolo and I immediately go back into the new folder" chapter 05 map 06 "which where yesterday's folder is finished and the previous folder is "Map 05" and is finished and when it is finished there are still more folders but in the same mission. After being on map 06 I am still looking for a mission that is not difficult and easy to finish and finally I found a mission that I personally think is very good and easy to finish and I just press "YES" in mission "battle" to go inside that mission where I have not yet know who I am going to fight and but our enemy is still above our level that is level 5 again and in this new map goku team is already in level 3 where level 3 is in have by goku and yamcha while krillin still in level 2. And after the yamcha is fully healed and he is ready to fight again and when they go to an area where there are some people in the area where they just got there in the yamcha clone where yamcha directly go ahead and meet yamcha clone right away and when you meet him yamcha directly speak "whoa, I'm uh, kinda surprised they made a clone of me .. I guess uh the red ribbon army views me and my power as a valuable asset! ... wait, this is not good! I should not be happy about this! I have not been training lately, so I'm gonna be in trouble if I do not take this seriously I mean, it'd be really uncool if I lost to my clone. " And after that yamcha continued again the conversation with a very angry he wanted to kill the clone yamcha himself and he immediately said "but since it's my clone, I should be able to go all out! I will beat this clone and show everybody that yamcha can beat .. himself "and after they talk and clone yamcha just shut up and do not want to talk much when the real yamcha talks at length in front of him and calmly clone yamcha just become the listener in the moment yamcha speaks very long and yamcha immediately invites clone yamcha fight now. And tenyata on mission "battle" this we will fight is team of enemy that is: 1. Clone Vegeta Level 5 2. Yamcha Level 5 Clone 3. Clone Tien level 5 And while the Player team from goku who participated in the fight are: 1. Goku (Super Saiyan) level 3 2. Yamcha Level 3 3. Krillin Level 3 Without the slightest fear of the goku team in which goku, yamcha and krillin can not wait to fight them and I just fight with their team and the first fight that will be done by goku against vegeta clone. And without seeing the clone power of vegeta goku directly ahead of him and the first one to hit goku is a vegeta clone when he wants to hit goku and goku directly withstand the blow of the clan vegeta and goku directly slammed slightly back and when it is a little far away with clone vegeta goku instantly pulls out his kamekameha stance from a distance and takes out his kamekameha bit by bit and regarding the body of the clergy vegeta and goku instantly pissed off and pulls out his super saiyan stance again and he immediately flies forward towards vegeta and hits him with great the direct blow of the vegeta clone hit the air and as he slammed into the air goku immediately took out his greatest moment by pulling out his super kamekameha and the vegeta clone instantly dead and helpless. After the clone vegeta lost against goku and came his friend again named yamcha which where he immediately slid from top to beat goku and quickly goku lansgung holding back punches from yamcha clone which where they had once fought and but clone yamcha that was still his level 1 and now is level 5 and there is little change and stronger but goku still dominate with its very strong strength and goku directly hit clone yamcha with help with team goku and then goku need help to help him because clone yamcha very strong and at the time aided by team goku and they immediately win the game and team goku still tough and hard to beat. And after every battle and team clone vegeta lose to goku team where they lose very painfully because they lose with all goku and goku team named krillin and yamcha just help a little and they do not come to fight and at the end of the game we can see and read a result games in the game that is: 1. Earned Zeni: 234 2. Fight EXP: 2640 3. Victory EXP: 10560 4. Total EXP: 13200 5. Fiight Description: Victory Player Team Goku [IND] Dan setelah frieza meninggalkan cell sendirian dan dia hanya pergi sebentar dan dia kembali lagi berjumpa dengan cell dan setelah itu frieza berbicara dengan cell “ does this not entice you? My precious intel , that is what say you to a deal? Tell me what you know.. and I’d be happy to tell you what I know “ dan setelah mereka berbicara dengan mengatur semua nya dan setelah itu mereka berdua langsung meninggal tempat tersebut dan di saat mereka pergi tidak tau kemana mereka pergi yang harus di waspadai team goku adalah saat frieza sudah berjumpa kembali dengan cell yang di mana frieza saat itu pernah mengalahkan goku dan sekarang dia telah kembali lagi dan ingin membantu teman lama nya tersebut untuk bisa mengalahkan team dari goku. Dan setelah team goku selesai bertarung kemarin dan mereka kembali ke dalam pesawat bulma dan mereka beristirahat di dalam pesawat tersebut dan saat itu goku yang tidak beristirahat dia langsung berjalan menuju ke tempat bulma yang sedang mengendarai pesawat nya tersebut dan goku langsung sampai di tempat bulma dan di saat goku sudah sampai , goku langsung berbicara dari belakang karena takut mengganggu bulma dan dia langsung mengobrol dengan bulma “ hey ummm… hello? Who’s that inside my head right now? “ dan goku ingin bertanya kepada bulma kepala dia sangat sakit dan apa yang terjadi dengan kepala saya dia menanyakan kepada bulma. Setelah itu tiba – tiba goku langsung memenjam kan mata nya dan saat goku memenjamkan mata nya tiba – tiba dia mendengar sesuatu yang berbicara dengan nya dengan mengatakan “ goku! Goku! “ dan ternyata saat setelah ada yang memanggil nya goku langsung mengetahui dari suara nya yang memanggil dia dan ternyata dia adalah “ piccolo “ dan goku langsung membalas “ piccolo? “ dan setelah itu ternyata piccolo berbicara dengan goku dengan cara dengan mata batin dan saat itu piccolo langsung berbicara dengan goku dengan berkata “ come , quick! They’re too strong! “ Dan goku langsung bingung dan ingin mengetahui keberadaan piccolo dan goku langsung mengatakan kepada piccolo “ who is? And where?! I’m sensing a small energy distortion… that way! “ dan setelah selesai goku dan piccolo berbicara dengan berkomunikasi dari mata batin merekan dan akhir nya goku ingin langsung mencari keberadaan piccolo dan saya langsung masuk lagi ke dalam map baru yaitu “ chapter 05 map 06 “ yang di mana map kemarin sudah selesai dan map sebelumnya yaitu “ map 05 “ dan sudah selesai dan di saat sudah selesai ternyata masih ada lagi map selanjutnya tetapi di mission yang sama. Setelah berada di map 06 saya masih mencari mission yang tidak sulit dan gampang di selesaikan dan akhir nya saya menemukan sebuah mission yang menurut pribadi saya sangat bagus dan gampang untuk di selesaikan dan langsung saja saya menekan “ YES “ di mission “ battle “ untuk masuk kedalam mission tersebut yang di mana saya belum mengetahui siapa yang saya akan lawan dan tetapi musuh yang kita lawan nanti nya masih berada di atas level kita yaitu level 5 lagi dan di map baru ini team goku sudah berada di level 3 yang di mana level 3 tersebut di punyai oleh goku dan yamcha sedangkan krillin masih di level 2. Dan setelah yamcha sudah sembuh total dan dia sudah siap untuk bertarung lagi dan di saat mereka pergi ketempat suatu daerah yang di mana di sana terdapat beberapa orang di daerah tersebut yang di mana baru mereka sampai ternyata masih di hadang oleh clone yamcha yang di mana yamcha langsung maju kedepan dan langsung berjumpa dengan clone yamcha dan di saat sudah berjumpa dengan dia yamcha langsung berbicara “ whoa, I’m uh, kinda surprised they made a clone of me.. I guess uh the red ribbon army views me and my power as a valuable asset!... wait , this isn’t good! I shouldn’t be happy about this! I haven’t been training lately , so I’m gonna be in trouble if I don’t take this seriously I mean , it’d be really uncool if I lost to my clone.” Dan setelah itu yamcha sambung lagi pembicaraan tersebut dengan sangat marah dia ingin membunuh sendiri si clone yamcha tersebut dan dia langsung berkata “ but since it’s my clone , I should be able to go all out! I will beat this clone and show everybody that yamcha can beat.. himself “ dan setelah mereka berbicara dan clone yamcha hanya diam dan tidak ingin banyak bicara saat yamcha yang asli berbicara panjang lebar di hadapan nya dan dengan tenang clone yamcha hanya menjadi pendengar di saat yamcha berbicara sangat panjang dan yamcha langsung mengajak clone yamcha bertarung sekarang. Dan tenyata pada mission “ battle “ ini yang akan kita lawan adalah team dari enemy yaitu : 1.Clone Vegeta Level 5 2.Clone Yamcha Level 5 3.Clone Tien level 5 Dan sedangkan Player team dari goku yang ikut dalam pertarungan yaitu : 1.Goku ( Super Saiyan ) level 3 2.Yamcha Level 3 3.Krillin Level 3 Tanpa ketakutan sedikitpun dari pihak team goku yang di mana goku , yamcha dan krillin sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk bisa melawan mereka dan langsung saja saya bertarung dengan team mereka dan pertarungan pertama yang akan di lakukan oleh goku melawan clone vegeta. Dan tanpa melihat kekuatan clone vegeta goku langsung maju berhadapan dengan dia dan yang pertama memukul goku adalah clone vegeta di saat dia ingin memukul goku dan goku langsung menahan pukulan dari si clone vegeta tersebut dan goku langsung terhempas sedikit ke belakang dan saat sudah sedikit jauh dengan clone vegeta goku langsung mengeluarkan jurus kamekameha nya dia dari jarak jauh dan mengeluarkan sedikit demi sedikit kamekameha nya dan mengenai badan si clone vegeta dan goku langsung marah dan mengeluarkan nya lagi jurus super saiyan nya dan dia langsung terbang ke depan ke arah vegeta dan memukul nya dengan sangat cepat pukulan goku langsung si clone vegeta terhempas ke udara dan saat dia terhempas ke udara goku langsung mengeluarkan jurus terbesarnya dengan mengeluarkan kamekameha super dia dan clone vegeta langsung mati dan tak berdaya. Setelah clone vegeta kalah melawan goku dan datang temannya lagi yang bernama yamcha yang di mana dia langsung meluncur dari ketinggian atas untuk memukul goku dan dengan cepat goku lansgung menahan pukulan dari clone yamcha yang di mana mereka dulu pernah bertarung dan tetapi clone yamcha yang dulu nya masih level 1 dan sekarang sudah level 5 dan sudah sedikit ada perubahan dan lebih kuat tetapi goku masih mendominasi dengan kekuatan nya yang sangat kuat dan goku langsung memukul clone yamcha dengan di bantu dengan team goku dan saat itu goku perlu bantuan untuk membantu nya karena clone yamcha sangat kuat dan di saat di bantu oleh team goku dan mereka langsung memenangkan pertandingan tersebut dan team goku masih tangguh dan susah untuk di kalahkan. Dan setiap selesai pertarungan dan team clone vegeta kalah dengan team goku yang di mana mereka kalah dengan sangat menyakitkan karena mereka kalah dengan goku semua dan team goku yang bernama krillin dan yamcha hanya membantu sedikit dan mereka tidak ikut bertarung dan di akhir pertandingan kita bisa melihat dan membaca sebuah result games pada pertandingan tersebut yaitu : 1.Zeni Earned : 234 2.Fight EXP : 2640 3.Victory EXP : 10560 4.Total EXP : 13200 5.Keterangan Fiight : Victory Player Team Goku For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : This is the article of games "DragonBalls Fighter Z " : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :
I used to play DragonBall Z, not sure which one but on the Nintendo Wii, and dude, that is crazy on there. Feels like you are fighting for real ;)
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