Nice Surprise in the Latest SCRUBG Update

in gaming •  7 years ago 

So after not playing any PUBG for the last 2 weeks I thought I would fire it up and have a shoot.

When I first loaded the game, I got a message saying I had 13000 battle points. Hell yeah i'll take that thanks.
Next I went to open a couple of crates and the first one I open was a new desperado crate, so I got excited that there are new crates. When I check the price on steam marcket they were going for $4.60. So I used some more battle points and picked up 2 more desperado crates, a biker crate and a survivor crate.

Hell yeah just made 14 bucks, sold that shit before I could even think about opening them.
I still have another 20000 battle points so hopefully I will pick up a few more of them :D

The desperado crate.


The biker crate.




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It was a nice little surprise to get yesterday. Being a sucker I opened all my cases and got garbage but hey that's pretty standard.

The game seems more stable now compared to the 1.0 launch as well.

Yeah I usually get shit stuff when I open crates, so I just sell them now :)

Yeah game is running better too

For sure more stable! It was pretty bad at launch when I think back to it.

I picked up and sold two myself. At least I am getting some enjoyment out of the game lately haha. :D

Yeah looks like my next game is for free :D

Yeah dude I'm with you on this one! I don't understand why people would pay that for those boxes! It's not even like you get new weapons or anything!

Yeah I usually open two crates each week and sell the rest, but now I just sell them all $$$

I got 12000 bp in compensation and promptly bought then sold $13 worth of crates

yeah was a nice surprise the extra bp points :D