My Thoughts on Chrono Trigger

in gaming •  9 years ago 

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What is Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is a Japanese role playing game, and was developed by Squaresoft. It first released on March 11 1995.


Crono and his friends are on a quest to stop a being known as Lavos from destroying the world. The game takes you to various time periods, from 65 million B.C to the end of time.

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This is Crono the main protagonist.


Chrono Trigger has a turn based battle system. You can also explore the various time periods, and participate in side activities and later on even side quests.

this is the first battle in the game, and many more to come. Also I lost the screenshot that I took so I had to get this from bing.

Music; Sound, and Visuals

Whenever I play this game I catch myself trying to mimic the music. Also there are memorable sounds in the game as well. The visuals are reminiscent of Dragon Ball Z on account that Akira Toriyama (the creator of the Dragon Ball series) did the artwork for the game.

Final Thoughts

I love Chrono Trigger, if it wasn't for this game I might of never got into turned based RPG's. I cannot recommend this game enough. If you want to play this game, but you do not want to spend a few hundred dollars on the original SNES copy. You can get for $10 on the PS3 Playstation store, or you can get it for DS aswell.

Coming up

Today I will be doing two posts because I might not have internet access tomorrow. So next up will be Persona 3 FEZ.

Side Note

The steem that I receive from my posts allows me to purchase new games, and it helps keep my posts consistent.


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I would've liked to read more of your thoughts about the game... though frankly I know too well about Chrono Trigger, but you should think about that for any future reviews you may be doing.