lots of crashing going on ...
firefox ... delta rising, life returns to normal, its SO dry cold beer prevails, the westcoast of the mericas is crumbling, life is GREAT !
it reminds me (a lot) of some Donghua, of wich i cant recall the name since i can never remember since i cant ever pronounce any of them ... guys making a living playing other players for money on a similar mmo/online game where pvp is a national sport (a bit like dota in Korea)
These things get a bit harder to pick with each day that passes, supposedly b/c an ancient being gaming since yars revenge and pong-on-a-paddle (anyone remembers paddles?) is just a bit hard to impress ...
Upside ?
Lots of people cross the globe showing that codings not dead, not using one of the big engines , no lumberjacks, no "xclusives" ...
downside ?
"the prototypes peeps put up for demoez ?" i sometimes think its by accident but then i think
today "early access" is a norm, not an exception ...
i even filtered it out on steam, it doesnt show early access titles in the presented lists or search lists ... i just got tired of it .. i understand the need for money but i dont understand "early access for €70" and even less so if its a game by SEGA who certainly doesnt NEED the early money ... and then it says "get involved with the development" which basically means (no offense intended) that you will get something that addresses the middle of the bell curve as the common denominator of all requests will certainly prevail the marketing department ...
quality ? tends to be eccentric so to speak ...
i keep invoking the name of Miyazaki (in vain lol) ... but to no avail ... BUT ITS NOT ALL DEAD, even with early access turned off i get lists bigger than the whole epic store has had in its lifetime ...
i get the feeling epic tries to stay familyfriendly too more and i really dont like the "exclusive" things ... thats for example why i dont get to play demon souls
im expected to buy a console ?
i bought a gpu and they dont deliver ... so im expected to buy a console STILL ? (while waiting?)
i'm not down with the business models of today but thats probably b/c im too old and i got this halfway scene mentality going on where i call people wankers for trying to rip me off and what not
So ... well never get a job in town, cant have sponsors dictating and it doesnt look like crypto is gonna fund the game in this lifetime , not since the billionnaire club got hold of it
yea this one :
id say "i can feel a promise in the force" ... no big engines either, and classic ES/thievish ..
but ofcourse :
insert vid here which for some reason need to upload thrice
its like you can almost not go wrong with the warhammer franchise , xept for the pricing sometimes ...
turnbased xcom meets starcraft ... its just what the doctor prescribed ...
ah, its here ... the first 3 times it probably got sent to proxima centauri .... good thing theres no datacap or id be done for til 2030 after the last 3 days
AND SO ...
barring the 200 million our own game will be delayed til 2150, the nftyr site is tinkered on until it looks like the death star im sure, its says "this is NOT AN NFT SITE everywhere btw so save us the complaints on fake and whatnot" its a hobby project and you dont have to if you dont wanna . Its a gesture on our behalf where you can get a steem if you do something you're already doing, thats about what it is. Wishful thinking about maecenas-ism will ahve to wait and
i dont think life's gonna go forward much in the coming years since the world will most likely move backward ... hope that GPU arrives before the neo-cold war really hits off, then we can bunker and rot in hell but at least at 4K
what's not to like ?
the realism ?
nnnyah ... next life YOU be born in belgium and YOU see what its like then
ooohm ....
mind you , installing steam gets you like THOUSANDS of free and free to play games by default for all -ends of specs pc's ... its just not really mobile oriented but again
i wonder how the hell you can "game" on a screen thats not even 10 inch
im probably too old again
... methusalem aHA (sid meyer is older lo o o o o o l ... i think buffet maybe too by a few years ... doesnt seem to stop them)
so ?
did you do your homework ?
funny you should say that, the folks used to ask that every day
i'm up to speed on all the latest ... from alpha over delta to omega , nft's, bitcoin changes the world and
america's back, europes gonna save the planet from itself and the russians
seem to be pragmatic as always while the chinese ?
do their thing !
we prefer not to be stuck in the middle while prices rise to 500% of last year
who's gonna cover for that ?
it think you're getting offtopic again, cat
yes, preicous it woke me up at 11, my eyes are burning and i can feel all the muscles in my neck playing pincushion again
it cuts off the blood to my brain .. start to see pink rabbits
and dead people on the ceiling
the usual
that warhammer vid still aint up ?
sabotage !
(no one reads it anyway, it doesnt say : GET RICH WHILE SLEEPING FOR FIVE MINUTES, its okay ...)
we can be funny about it all we want , in the end
Miyazaki sits at the table with Martin in gedanken causing a rift in spacetime brainstorming , From Software says thank you , sirs , we WILL make it happen and blamco is like "PLEASE LET US PAY THE BILLS, YOU WANNA COFFEE WITH THAT? an expensive callgirl perhaps ? a kilo of ... soybeans? you name it !"
Sid Meyer prototypes the new games on his 20+ year old engine that gets custom tinkered by pretty-please-let-us-do-that-for-you-sir devs and 2K makes it happen
THATS where its at
not "what YOU want" ...
you know what id REALLY like to see, other than "more miyazaki" and "Final Fantasy : the return of Nomura?"
panzer general VI ? (... maybe ..) nah,
Dragons Dogma, the head on pc-first no holds barred next-gen all limiters released sequel ... i lurrrrved that game .. so what happened ?