gaming it said : STEAM NEXTFEST !!!! yee-haw

in gaming •  3 years ago  (edited)

yea well


you know those people with a -for life tattoo ?

i should have gotten one as a toddler on that atari 2600 playing yars revenge

and here the Gabe goes wild again (they dont call him the lord of sales for nothing, the dude must be the least stressed american money-maker i ever seen in action)

I appreciate epicTim and his efforts but i think he's somewhat harmful in his ways, i see what he's doing and i REALLY like the free ex-AAA games but in the end it hurts the indies

if he would be like "im gonna buy UNITY and THAT is what im gonna do" i would be like standing ovation --- if he would be like "im gonna merge unigine and unreal" into the ultimate unbeatable package ?

i would send him your little sisters cheerleading squad (dont have my own)

but this is more like "we all want a hold in the gaming mark just cuz"

and in the 10+ years i know it a little on pc (the bought games market)

no one does it like Gabe

so , if i respect epicTim for bringing Potomac computer systems to a 17 billion dollar (last year ... -ish) company on a game engine and one multiplay fragger ?

i DO

even uncle Vlad thinks its the excrement

but that epic gamestore thing ?

i TAKE IT , because im a poor sod and free games are the


but i think its a way of doing business that hurts the indies in a way

its way too much running after Crotter inc. and for the only guy on the planet brave enough to sue crApple for its


("crap" is a good word ? ah okay ... (not a native speaker) ...)

Tim ....

you can do

just a little

better than that

lets talk again next month, shall we ? im kinda busy

(as in : get a support job like the rest of us had to endure before we were hauled off in a straight jacket and now no one dares come close enough because the tiger has the key to the guilded cage)

this is what we call : going #offtopic

as it so happens, one of us made a clear dice roll on achieving a milestone and now at the door there was

12 bottles of gekkeikan

(some like whiskey, some like rhye ...)

so something's gotta give

but not today im afraid)

offtopic is just our thing (one of them)

so today its


first demo ?

only 10 gigabytes


(echo ...) ...


can you imagine places in the world where they be like "o you have a data limit" ... ?



this is totally within category :

#creativecoding #design (graphic) #art (visual probably) #demoscene and #gaming

steam nextfest : load it NOW

we have un-sponsored opinion

part of the reason why we're so poor

also , living in belgium doesnt really help with the entrepreneurial spirit but thats


okay then ...

its only 3 more days we got some gaming to do

i know theres lots of you who have bad excrement going on

if i had a billion maybe i could help

but i dont

all i can do is

well my grandpa used to say on rare occasions

"if you quit working"
"they left you by the railroad"

on his 3 years of "voluntary" labour in a nazi labour camp in ww2

we can choose to

get on or

jump off a cliff

it sounds a bit harsh but life really is like that

edit (the subsequent result calls for it)

several 10seconds in this case later

the system hangs

i said "american" again

it HAS to be something with "american"

i live by the pattern not by the regurgitated spreadsheet they taught you in school

i always have its how i was born and the pattern says THAT

but since there was nothing on anything but positive on EVERYTHING but crotter

it looks like its crotter






o yea dorsey ?

yea he would love to but he's more like a political TOOL

thats english too right ?


im not a native speaker so i might make mistakes although sometimes i wonder what they teach the natives in english class

so WE HAD TO edit this

gekkeikan btw is our all-time favourite (legal) poison ... i cant just go like YO, mail me 10 ferraris (that would be suicide anyway)

its not sponsored

although we would consider , if it applied, as long as it doesnt want tracking or intrusive banners (see, thats why we are poor we don't have any male reproductive organ sticking out of our euhm

it just happened and we fell in love with it

two ice-shot glasses at 30 seconds in the microwave

wait another 30 seconds

its perfect

its non aggressive itss ....

well its at the door, thats all

#offtopic since someone wanted to try talking about jihad again ?


unless they blow up brussels again ?

kinda hoping you're not the kind who would get them that far just to get me to say something

abrahamic shit

all of them are waiting

(for the end)

its just the christians are waiting "for the second" time

include the book of enoch and you get a lifetime of youtube options

trust us


we wont lie

b/c lies are constructs

and you have to keep them up so

its better to just





the rest is dis-infecting

its what they told us

"alcohol disinfects"

i find 12 bottles at my door while im sick

i have to dis-infect myself now

ah ...



i think YOU are why alice left us

she cant exist here

i see slices of drill

but never alice

though time timeline is not hard to see

the whole tree is impossible , even a branch


do demos

de demos !



do demoz

code them
play them

demonstrate them

we fear for the life of your little sister btw

these copulators ? they copulate around even less than the islamic state

she might be in danger

no way

just an old cat

sitting on the roof

forever servant of my lady

some of the modern monotheists take offense

the girl might be in actual danger

you totally ruined the mood, man

you did


its like "mcAffee killed himself" in his cell (right ?)

so here's hoping they dont extradite assange

first amendment

we personally think the old fox is showing his true face

but the televangelist wanted to shoot him backstage

small issues

.. not suited for this feed


but they'll always be europe to me

we got a long history of


together now

all of it

the Irish just were

the first ones before the Taliban to actually get it done by keeping it up


the irish are more like "mind your own business"

while the others are like

(thats okay this deep down no one reads)

"WE are YOUR business now"

there's a distinct difference so we hope

at streetlevel

its still the europe it used to be

even if the morcos get replaced by the colombians

luke's gotta eat

and no one likes a raped little sister

values apply

"they" are just on top scrounging

as it should be

if YOU want to be there you should give it a try

you never did, did you

...see ?

how why i dont wanna post turns into

you can not not


catzlawick is always right


all across

thou shalt nor raepe

not even if its a 13 year old you can accuse of pre-marital sex

thou shalt not steal

unless you're really hungry otherwise its really not cool

you know

"the old ways"

cosa nostra is what the italians would call it

i loathe that


this is the age

of the equinox

just an old cat

sitting on the roof

forever servant of my lady

even with the burn marks


try turning this into a

i just wanted to aware copulators on the demofest

i could actually write a script to do that for you

no one ever asks

i probably dont sell myself right

maybe thats because i think

im not a prostitute

you know ?

i respect the girls

its hard work

but it pays well without a pimp

(this is belgium, its like "CENTRAL" europe )

cant get any swamper than that


we gotta go home now

we were gonna demo

just euhm

here's hoping the monotheists in afghanistan can prove it right

compared to the islamic state, bin laden looks like a social worker

... "no comment"

(should be safe i didnt mention the taboo , but dont try this at home , kids )


but as long as we have the Irish to die for us

and the flemish to be the pavement

europe might work out

its just a matter of

scrubbing the up-side


"yea, the scots ?"

i was doing a post here on peace and gaming

and you come up with something about the european socio-scape

the scots have seen shyte

everyone in europe has seen shyte

except the upper wards

we are 1000

not 100 hundred like the mericans

not 3000 like the chinese

so we are unique

but only if WE are WE

see ?

you totally FUCKED UP MY POST

i even forgot the censor marks

i WAS gonna do gaming and i stil intedn to when im not spouting my own excrement

people here wont stand for that islamic state

EVEN if its in brussels

half of brussels moved out to HERE

thats whats causing most of the stress right now

we are like the irish

not the flemish

the flemish are like

de winter on twitter

all geopolitical

we are about


you totally fucked up my post


i do hope Europe stays united

the way it has always been

don't let the copulating (sorry , americans reading) nationalists copulate (sorry, americans reading) up that excrement (sorry, americans reading - reminds you of something, right ... so its only US

down HERE ... we decide what happens HERE )

its a great responsibility

(can i go now ? i got like 10.5 bottles left ? i dont wanna put it to sham)

yea im sure you do

i would too

greta might be in real danger

i'll delete most of this soon enough and i know unsavoury people are watching too but freedom is the only way

if everyone can choose

the universe decides

such is our conviction


we have an intermezzo

please feel free to find out

but no refunds

we dont have time for that though

like i said



if that is q

watashi-wa X

you got a long way to go


( we personally never hope we must be from a different time )

you never reached the bottom of this post

since this is the future of europe

ill give you one



then i'll go home

after THAT


this is the world you live in

im sure uncle vlad approves

(and he usually doesnt ... you people always ruin the joke)

no problem

until you think you're in control

i was gonna do "demo"

am i not allowed ONE MOMENT

of nothing ?

apparently not


the thing is

bakkes jimmy

the thing is

people need to know

you did NOT come here

you came here because you do not want THAT

thats why you came here

thats what they'd like to know


essentially all there is to it

practicality not included

i take fees for practicality

dont be a fffffffff

copulating ?

americans are so difficult




why would i need any other reason

this is the age of the equinox

what do you see ?

no islamic state here

no nazis either

just gutter trash

speak to me first



you wanna talk to them first ?

i told you not to do this

but you go and do it

yea i can fix this

"Greta Thunberg is in danger"

but she is

she's not right now

a bit like

giving afghanistan to the jihad wont explode europe in 2021

thanks Joe


thats okay

im sure you can see the divide after several years

thats okay

its the divide

its not

i wonder

i do

i do

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