#gaming : nextfest on steam , YAY ! : wartales demo

in gaming •  4 years ago 

to the north we have the home of the real crackers ... which must sound weird in america

here we have the home of the NEET-slackers ... Janes Onderground, mentally wrecked by people with a horse and seven businesses on facebook since 2006 ... (while taking care of their family ofcourse and 24 hours on twitter - we are always amazed at the extreme skill in time management succesful people on facebook keep displaying. Something that would be totally unattainable for gravelpit-born slackers like ourselves ... on top of that we're stupid since we dont even have a high school degree but thats probably what kept us alive, after all, if we showed brain

the zombies would eat us !

without further ado :

we are #gaming after all, not #savingtheplanet, thats for Bill Gates and other untouchables (when they're not in the middle of a scandalous divorce bringing out all the hidden goodies from the past 40 years) or Warren Buffet (when he's not in a nostalgic mood trying to up cola even upper ... if you dont know why big W like cola so much then you havent done your homework probably but hey, thats okay, thats probably because you're not a slacker and you dont have time for homework)


nooooo - people without a hi school degree are too stupid for that, besides its too much hassle and in this place probably gets your face broken since the ogres dont get it ..


first discovery right off the bat, sadly the drive says "4GB free" so that means even indie games are out of the question for most demos (i still wonder if some places in the world still have these "data limits" like they did in the mesolithicum, that must sencored~ acensored~~s

we seem to have a world premiere !


top google search on youtube W O M G !!!


its a demo but wishlistable, this is the stuff that makes steam steam and not prime netflix or epic

trailer :

we personall call this "amiga-style" but our lack of formal education and the fact that we are total slackers leads to a total lack of corporate garbage language

which makes us sound very un-professional and not at all like we're so rich that we have seven businesses juggling while bonking that prizewife with five kids in beverly mansion and STILL have time to be on facebook, twitter and most of all STEEMIT and explain to slackers how its done ..

you see ?

if you can't get past that i fear this place would be very dangerous for you ... if you cant come with an escort of 50 eco-friendly choppers like the Joe ... DONT COME TO BELGIUM ! lol


if we find anything else worth mentioning within the confines of our hard drive we'll let you know

its not like we got anything better to do after all

and slackers we shall be


days dawning, gotta do some weeding and back to bed

too old after all

too weird

not left enough

not right enough

doesnt lie enough


no degree

it must be

lazy , not "our fault" for wrecking the kid since birth

"JoG, home of the n33t sl4ck3rs" by JoG (Syntax Error, ZeroDesign, MrMalice), v0.00, remix of 'woodo intro' by FLT (home of the REAL crackers :p)

check the demo its pretty cool (if you got a small 8gb to spare , so i dont think its "mobile first")

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