#gaming : nextfest on steam , YAY ! : white shadows demo

in gaming •  4 years ago  (edited)

in short , without the sarcasm since we spilled that already :

"colour me" impressed ... this is like "why 4K uhdr is a good idea" even if N-vidia stands for N-available (but will take your money) in 2021

okay maybe just a little sarcasm, its our native language after all, fluent too, even better than english, which seems to come easier than to a lot of english natives but is far from our native language, actually we find ourselves sometimes having to "think for a word" in our original language since we dont converse much with humans, only their semblance online which , as you know (we hope you know that), is rarely who they really are ...

also : most girls online who dont show their face ? that's not just a meme , dude ..

does art imitate games ?

official trailer :

check out the game on steam : we are not sponsored so you can take our opinion as ours

and THAT remark again ... in a day and age where the EU holds meetings on wether Crotter Inc is allowed to buy Zenimax for seven billion which makes it their third biggest acquisition after skype and linkedin since Bill Gates had acne for a chairman ? When Amazon pays half a billion for "just the licensing rights" to middle earth to get their mmo started ?

"games" ?

what year are you from ?

WHAT ? thats 20 years younger than me, you talk like my old man ... GODS DAYOM

... (maybe a little sarcasm okay ...)

Yea this is the kind of stuff you dont get from AAAAAAA++++ studios

allright then , two posts in a day OMG my sbi shares now what !

dude ..

the original idea was euh "5 euros a day from steemit" ... almost five years ago, it would have worked , easily after a short while but the philly connection, misterdelegation and that mark troll combined with their pack of hyena groupies thought the way to go was terrorize people into "THIS IS CONTENT"

it was, apparently NOT the way to go

heh, i suppose the pc will crash now since we have spoken on matters that need remembering lest they repeat itself


gud ?

no gud ?

thats too baaaaad

huuh ? "not how its done huh?" is that so, thats how einstein got a nobel prize so we'll stick to the royal plural, thanks

(he promised his wife the money WAY before btw, if she would only divorce him, the guy was a bit of a dog after hours)

"that sarcasm will get you in trouble"

i grew up in a place where ogres break your nose for not getting it if they think you're making fun of them ...

your point ?

threats only make it worse man, they drilled that flight reaction out, its ALWAYS trouble since it never flees lol

i see

"you do not understand"

well, try being born in gravelpits flanders belgium next life

you will

nhhh, second-nappy time

see, maybe its a warning sign, half-on purpose yet subconscious that "the abnormal act is not an act" and unlike the chosen one, who has 150 billion in his pockets and still risks it, living in a country where someone takes a broken heart moji for financial advice and his 14 year old daughter might steal an AK from the neighbours to shoot him over that, we dont have that luxury but still subconsciously take on the colour of red berries which are hard to digest, even if what it says makes a lot of sense a lot of the time ,

just as an auto-defense mechanism against

normal people :)



yah, Senua from "Senua" .... (duh ...) just like Parvati from "parvati, duh"

cant encase a gif with a href ?
shame ?

if a nutballs can be the richest guy on the planet ?

but even before ?.....

nnaah ...

we was born abnormal, its not weird to us, .. YOU ARE ! and looking at your world ...

well, YOU ARE , lol

WE find , in most and a lot of cases, YOU take yourself too seriously

as if you invented sliced bread or something, like Vitalsky acting like "i invented ETH" .. lets not mention Satoshi, like EVER

and Satoshi like "thats fine, thats exactly what i wanted"

L O L, see ?


its YOU

seriously, focus on the point : check out the games, they're check-outable

... life is strange remastered looking yumzer too (for the fans ofcourse ... teenage lesbian drama as seen in real life with a dash of magic realism, whats not to like?)

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